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Funniest 'South Park' Randy Marsh Scenes 

Choosing the funniest 'South Park' Randy Marsh scenes is a tough job, but we have selected some of our favorites.

By Stephen HamiltonPublished 8 years ago 6 min read

We should all thank the divine forces that led Trey Parker and Matt Stone to decide to further develop some of the characters that weren’t so involved in first few seasons of South Park, because that decision brought us the funniest Randy Marsh scenes. Before this happened, Randy was just Stan’s dad and not much more, having only the occasional screen time without catching the attention of the viewers. Thankfully, the creators of South Park realized the potential in Randy’s character and he quickly became an integral part of this hilarious animated TV show. South Park is still airing, so even though we tried our best to choose some of the funniest South Park Randy Marsh scenes, there sure are many that we just couldn’t include since Randy is one of the funniest characters in the show.

Cock Magic

Performing magic tricks that involve your penis is probably never appropriate, but if you do it at a children’s party then inappropriate is just not a strong enough word to describe your behavior. This is exactly what Randy does in the eight episode of Season 18, which is rightfully named "Cock Magic." This name is derived from the cockfighting and Magic: The Gathering mockery that occurs in the show, but Parker and Stone saw a perfect chance here to give Randy his own act within the episode.

So, performing to the Barbie Girl song as “The Amazingly Randi,” Stan’s dad startles the guests at the party until they decide to call the police, but this doesn’t stop Randy Marsh from doing his bit he so eagerly prepared. He even uses one of the cops that arrived to help him with his final trick, which ends up with him breaking his cemented penis with a gunshot. Of course, his penis then magically appears in the cop’s mouth, so, don’t worry, it all ends well for Randy and his penis.

Celebrate Good Obama C’mon!

This is one of my favorite episodes and it features a lot of Randy Marsh, of course. About last night is the twelfth episode of the twelgth season and it is basically a compilation of funniest South Park Randy Marsh scenes on its own. It revolves around Obama vs. McCain elections as we watch Randy and other South Park citizens go berserk over this presidential race.

Since we had to choose just one scene from this gem of the episode, we have decided to go with Randy singing Barry Manilow’s “Mandy” featuring, of course, Obama instead of Mandy, done in a completely full emergency room. This is just one of the apocalyptic scenes that occur in South Park during these elections and in the end, Randy wakes up without his job (he told his boss to go fuck himself), his pants, his TV and he ends up regretting not voting for McCain.

A Spooky Ghost

The sixth episode of Season 12, "Over Logging," depicts the dystopian world without the Internet connection which leads our favorite South Park character to suffer from a severe case of “blue balls,” caused by the lack of pornography.

The entire Marsh family then goes to California in search of the Internet connection, but as they are placed in the “Internet refugee camp” that is too crowded with other people sharing the same fate, they only receive 40 seconds of the Internet per day. So, Randy decides to sneak into the camp’s locked computer during the night and he is rewarded with Japanese girls puking in each other’s mouths, bestiality, and Brazilian fart porn, probably the least disgusting choice between the three. Unfortunately for him, he is discovered right after the climax, so he tries to explain the semen around him as ectoplasm left by a spooky ghost. Pretty believable, I’d say.

Is This America?

Who doesn’t get at least a little bit crazy when watching his kid’s little league games? We all enjoy a nice baseball match, but it just isn’t enough if you don’t spice it up with a fight with an opposing team’s fan. Well, that’s a short and accurate description of "The Losing Edge," the 5th episode in the 9th season of South Park. Of course, the star of this show is Randy, who gets in a fight in every single time South Park wins. The fight is preceded by Randy trash talking and losing his shirt.

The favorite scene from this episode comes when Randy gets arrested and while he is taken to the police car, naked and dripping with blood, he asks the famous question—“Is this America? I’m sorry, I thought this was America.”

Lorde Vs Iggy

The entire eighteenth season is playing a constant spoof on Randy Marsh being Lorde, a famous pop singer. It begins with him explaining to Stan that he pulls his disguise off by using Autotune, then goes on to him performing as Lorde in a kids party, singing the instant evergreen “I am Lorde, ya ya ya,” until we finally come to our favorite scene featuring Lorde/Randy in the ninth episode of the season, called #REHASH.

In this scene, we see Lorde preparing to perform at the benefit concert along with some other pop stars, like Miley Cyrus and Iggy Azalea. That’s when the fight begins between him and Iggy and this scene is one of the funniest South Park Randy Marsh scenes ever. Of course, Lorde performing afterward is probably equally funny.

You Suck! 

We simply have to mention two hilarious scenes featuring Randy Marsh from the thirteenth episode of the eleventh season, "Guitar Queer-O."

In the first scene, we see Randy lying on his couch in his underwear playing Heroin Hero, in which he tries to catch the dragon by stabbing himself with heroin. This is already funny enough, but then Stan and his friends come in and they turn his game off because they want to play Guitar Hero. That causes Randy to go into a temper tantrum, shouting “No! Nooooo, I said! I am your father, put it back on!”

The other scene happens later, in the night, when Randy sneaks out to the living room, again in his underwear, and starts playing “Carry on my wayward son,” on the Guitar Hero himself, which ends in him being booed by the virtual audience for his poor performance.

No Finger Pointing

"Margaritaville," the third episode of the thirteenth season, is probably my single favorite episode of South Park. This is the episode that takes on the economy crisis and it spurred the creation of the Internet-famous “Aaaand, it’s gone” meme.

Among many great lines and funny scenes, one with Randy stands out. It’s when he is giving his economy speech, dressed in nothing but robe which represents his newly found respect for the economy. He proceeds to talk about the crisis, pointing out that no one is to blame and that we shouldn’t point fingers at anyone, Steve.

The Annoying Naggers

To be fair, Randy was pretty much set to fail in this particular scene of the first episode in the eleventh season, called "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson." I mean, here he is, playing the bonus round on the Wheel of Fortune, looking for the answer in the category that says “People Who Annoy You,” with 10 seconds left and just one letter missing. He already has N_GGERS and he is not the only one thinking it, of course. He even mutters “I know it but I don’t think I should say it” before he is rushed and he finally delivers his answer, the N-word, on national TV. That’s when all hell breaks loose and he is spending the entire episode trying to apologize for his actions.

Holy Crap!

What happens to Randy when he doesn’t defecate for three weeks? He breaks the record for the biggest crap.

In the episode "More Crap," episode 9 of Season 11, we follow Randy as he tries to reclaim the title he unfairly lost to Bono from U2. So, Randy trains hard and then goes to Zurich, Switzerland to try and deliver the biggest crap at the headquarters of the "European Fecal Standards and Measurements." He manages to do so since he produces a turd of 100 courics (a fictional measurement named after journalist Katie Couric), earning himself a place in American fecal history.

Buffalo Soldier

Trying to “just get a little bit of cancer” so he could get a prescription for medical marijuana is so Randy Marsh. This episode, "Medicinal Fried Chicken," is the third episode of Season 14 and it is filled with hilarious Randy scenes. However, my favorite is the one when he finally gets testicular cancer and so he goes to the medical marijuana dispensary with his humongous balls in a trolley while he sings “Buffalo Soldier.”

Had he been patient enough, he would have gotten his marijuana without having to go to the trouble of getting cancer first since Colorado passed the law legalizing recreational use in 2012, but then we would be deprived of one of the funniest South Park Randy Marsh scenes of the entire series.


About the Creator

Stephen Hamilton

Definitive movie buff. Quickly realized that it was more financially prudent to write about film than trying to beg for millions of dollars to make his own.

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