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Fortnite Chapter 4: Season 4

Last Resort

By Charna SansonPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 5 min read

It's that time of year again...another season of Fortnite has graced our platforms and it is shaping up to be a good one! After a boring few seasons, this season is a breath of fresh air. Let's begin.

Theme: Heist

This season's theme is giving us Chapter 2 Season 2 vibes! It appears that Epic is having us dodge AI, lasers and raid vaults like the looters we really are. Not only is the theme found in the Battle Pass, but it's also seen in the buildings, audio and weapons.

I've always loved this type of theme and honestly i got so excited just from the trailer alone; it was the first time in ages i was amazed by the first few seconds.

Rating: 10/10

Battle Pass

This Battle Pass is definitely passing the vibe check! Fortnite is bringing back originality with emotes and skins...FINALLY! For once, no skins resemble previous skins or feel like a reskin. Emotes are funny and brand new. Here is the list of new skins:

  • Nolan Chance - This season's golden boy.
  • Piper Pace - She will deliver grade A results
  • Fish Thicc - Excuse me ma'am, my fish appears to be on steroids
  • Mae - Small girl with massive explosions
  • Antonia - Honestly, my new female crush
  • Khaby Lame - Finally, a nice and SIMPLE skin
  • Kado Thorne - Erm, I think you may be in the wrong game
  • Ahsoka - Another Star Wars skin! ( wont be released until late September)

Each skin comes with alternative design for you to unlock. Each skin is unique and beautiful to look at. The Battle Pass is really good this season...only one problem; NOT ENOUGH CONTRAILS!

Rating: 9.5/10


As usual each season brings new map updates, this season we see 3 new POIs; each one follows the Heist theme.

The new POIs are:

  • Sanguine Suites - This has replaced the Lonely Labs POI and is beautifully decorated with luxury suites and is full of hidden gems.
  • Eclipsed Estate - This is the new main location that has taken over The Citadel. This is where the main Boss; Kado Thorne resides, surrounded by AIs
  • Relentless Retreat - This POI resembles that of Chapter 2's Sweaty Sands and has taken over the South West portion of the map.

Other than three new POIs, the map has had a bit of a touch up, making the areas look more pleasing and more defined.

When the servers went back online, Epic saw 2.1 million people lining up to play their first solo match of the season, so each of these areas were heavily populated.

Overall Rating: 8/10


Following in the path of Chapter 2 Season 2, each of the new POIs has Vaults. Each vault is guarded by a boss and multiple AI, as well as lasers and alarms. If you manage to defeat the boss and pickup his keycard, you will be greeted by not only loads of loot, but a choice of Mythic weapons but there's a catch; You can only choose ONE mythic weapon. Once you've made your selection, the others will be vaulted underground and more AI will spawn to prevent you from leaving.

The Mythic weapons that are available are:

  • Midas' Drum Gun
  • TNT-Tina's Ka-Boom Bow
  • Ocean's Bottomless Chug Jug
  • Kit's Charge Shotgun
  • Kit's Shockwave Launcher
  • Zyg and Choppy's Ray gun
  • The Foundation's MK -Seven Assault Rifle
  • Gunnar's Stinger SMG

As you can see, you have a large array of weaponry that you can use to your advantage.

Overall rating: 10/10


Epic have made a good choice in this season's loot pool, old classics have returned such as the Silenced Pistol and Silenced Bolt Action Sniper Rifle, but some new ones have also arrived on the scene.

  • Twin Mag Assault Rifle - The MK -Seven's big brother, this gun has accuracy and isn't afraid to show it.
  • Rocket Ram - This literally packs a punch! Being able to bash through multiple walls at once, as well as be used for mobility and also allowing you to slam into the ground and push back enemies, it's no wonder this is already a fan favourite.
  • Remote Explosive - Now, i know this isn't new per say, but it packs more power and look more realistic.
  • Business Turret - Who doesn't want one these in their pockets? With the ability to lock onto targets and also have a high fire rate, it is a good thing to have on you.
  • Scoped Burst SMG - This little thing is more powerful than it looks! With the ability to deal good amounts of damage at a distance, its a nifty thing to keep.
  • Infiltrator Pump Shotgun - This has become my new favourite gun. It has a lot of power and it even feels powerful! You can find an "Enhanced" version of the gun by claiming Loot Island.

So far i haven't found one gun i hate. I am always so excited to use each one, no doubt Epic will eventually nerf these, but until then i am going to enjoy every minute. One downside...the Havoc Suppressed AR is still trash.

Overall Rating: 9/10


As usual, Epic make changes to minor things and also add new things for players to fool around with.

Survival Cards

This is something that has kind of gone under the radar and hasn't really been explained. From what i can gather, you as a player have to complete a series of challenges, the more you complete the harder they get; such as "Get 5 eliminations before you reach the Top 80" which may sound easy enough, but with people shooting as soon as they land, within the first 10 seconds of a game, 30 people are already eliminated.

The more challenges you complete, the more your "Rep" will increase and you will gain more survival cards as well as special augments you can use in games. Only the top survivors can achieve the Mythic Survival card.

Heist Bags

These special bags spawn all over the island. Each bag can contain a Rocket Ram, Shields, Heals, Shockwave Grenades and Remote Explosives.

Forecast Towers

These are a neat new addition. Located in various locations on the map, these can be activated by eliminating the boss and using his keycard. If you manage to do this, you will now get constant updates on future storm circles allowing you to get ahead of other payers.

Overall Rating: 6/10

My Overall Rating: 9/10

I am very excited and happy with the first impressions of this season. It holds potential to be one of the best seasons yet and with Fortnitemares being around the corner, Epic has the opportunity to push this game further. The Battle Pass is more original, the weapons are powerful and those little extras bring something more to the game. I am one happy gamer.

Until next time stay Vibin' and Survin'

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About the Creator

Charna Sanson

Hello! Charna Sanson

I write video game reviews. I love all genre of games!

Been a gamer since my father handed me a controller and have been avoiding responsibility ever since!


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