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The game that WERE on my wishlist: Review

I played them...did i like them?

By Charna SansonPublished 11 months ago 7 min read
Made on Canva

Back in June 2022, i made an article about the games that were on my wishlist and why they were there. Now that the last game has finally been bought and played, it is time to revisit these games and review them.

For those who don't know, these were the games on my wishlist:

  • Stray
  • The Callisto Protocol
  • Gotham Knights
  • The Last of us Part 1 PC
  • Resident Evil 4 Remake
  • Dead Space Remake

Now, there were those that i couldn't wait to play and those that i wanted to play out of curiosity. Each one delivered its own personality and challenges. Having endured these challenges and finished the games, it's time for my review on each game.


Now, it has been a loooong time since i last played this game, more than a year if im being honest and i can tell you now, this game has made a lasting impression!

From the puzzles, environments, story and loveable characters to the adorable ginger cat, this game exceeded all of my expectations.

The puzzles provided a challenge, but not too much of one, so you can still play the game with a nice flow. Even though there was a lack of dialogue the story was easy to follow and the way the characters moved and acted showed you that each one had their own personality, which you fell in love with!

The environments were beautifully designed, each one coming with their own secrets to discover and sofas to scratch. You can leap from roof to roof and still have loads more to explore. The underground nightlife gives the game relaxing vibes even when amongst the bustling streets.

The realistic movements of a cat bring the game together in a nicely presented box.

I rated this game 9/10 last year and i still rate it 9/10 now! The only con is that it is short. Being able to complete the game in 8 hours is not enough! i need more kitty cat!

The Callisto Protocol

Now this game...Nope. Just no!

I was really excited for this game as it was created by the same team who developed Dead Space, but that's all i got...a Dead Space rip off.

Despite having amazing graphics and good combat, there's nothing else to get excited about.

The story made no sense and wasn't gripping enough, by the time i got to the end, i had no idea why i was there and just found myself defeating the final boss just because i had to, also the final boss happened to be the easiest enemy in the game.

The character had the personality of a wet moldy mop. I forgot the character's name an hour after finishing the game...let me google it real quick: JACOB! that's it.

I'm all for challenges, but my god! this game was rageful. With enemies that do mass amounts of damage and hardly any heals, you will be lucky if you make it through the first chapter without dying 20+ times.

With a lack in variety of enemies and repetitive fighting patterns, it got old and boring fast.

I gave this game a 2/10. Nothing else needs to be said.

Gotham Knights

The ability to switch between characters and experience different fighting patterns and dialogue makes this game fun, but it lacks the luster from previous Batman games.


After the death of Batman; Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing and the Red Hood are now Gotham's city's newest heroes. Despite this, the exploration of Gotham feels limited, the enemies are easier than ever to defeat and again, the story is hard to follow as it has a tendency to branch off creating a side quests, resulting in you having to come back and rejog your memory for the main storyline.

Each character has their own fighting style, own dialogue and different interactions with enemies and bosses. The levelling up system is easy enough to follow, but it feels like you're maxing out the same 5 perks repeatedly.

The final boss itself is fun and challenging, but that's the only fun part of the game. The introduction scene is looooong and it takes a while for the game to kick off.

I rated this game a 4/10. It's a good game to relax to and release a little bit of anger but other than that, it feels like a filler game, something to keep the players happy while we wait for the bigger project.

The Last of Us Part 1 PC

Truth be told...i didn't play this.

I chose not to purchase this game because i had already purchased it on PS3 and PS4. Having already played a remastered version, i felt like i would just be buying this game for the hell of it. I wasn't spending £70 on a game just for updated graphics...which by the way, we had already achieved on the PS3 remaster version and the transfer to PS4.

I have watched gameplay online and the one thing i noticed was that it crashed....a lot. So i'm glad i stuck with the older versions.

I'm gonna give the game an 8/10 anyway.

Resident Evil 4 Remake

Now, this is my ultimate favourite game series. I have been waiting for this remake for years! My hopes were high, but where they dashed? NOPE! THIS GAME DELIEVERED!

This might be a biased review, but i dont care. This much loved game of the series has been blessed with a new face lift and it is beautiful.

The atmosphere retains it's creepy and tense feeling while still achieving bringing new areas to explore and new ways to defeat enemies. The much loved environments are still here, they have been revamped to spice up the story and also provide more of an open world feeling. Capcom have managed to create a brand new game while also keeping the nostalgia alive. The story has been updated, to provide more depth to the village and the castle, as well as the RE Universe. The replay-ability of is game is unreal, with new achievements and unlockables, it's no wonder players have invested more than 100+ hours into this game.

Leon Kennedy is more relatable, his personality is new and refreshing, and his determination is higher than ever.

Ada Wong is back and still mysterious but her outfit is now more appropriate.

Ashley has also been given a lesson in fashion and has dropped those horrible leather boots for a lovely orange blazer. Plus...she doesn't scream as much and she ACTUALLY helps during fights. She also has her own level just like the OG RE4, but its more creepy and has been seen as a win with the fans.

Luis Serra is also back and his friendship with Leon is blossoming more than ever. Having more screen time, his character has won over the fans and tugged at the heart strings.

The merchant has also received an upgrade and now provides extras in his shop as well as extra side missions for the player to complete in order to receive special treasures and upgrades.

I give this game a 10/10!

Dead Space Remake

Another favourite of mine. I remember playing this game when i was 10 years old and being so scared that i had to take a break halfway through the game to calm down.

Having played all 3 of the main games, i was hungry for more and my hunger was fulfilled.

Isaac is back and better than ever. With his plasma cutter equipped and space suit polished, the necromorphs don't stand a chance.

With new areas to explore, side missions to complete and more necromorphs to destroy, this game very quickly became addictive. The story has been updated, so we now have more information on Isaac and Nicole due their interactions and the fact that Isaac has finally found his voice and now has dialogue. The Marker is more deadlier than ever, and we also get to explore areas of the ship that we never got the chance to explore before. New bosses and enemies provide a more challenging gameplay and combat has been revamped.

The graphics and audio have received the biggest upgrades by far and they look and sound beautiful. Gone are the days of a simple space looking corridor and a few shadows, now we have mist, blood splatter, lighting and the scratching of necromorph hands on the newly polished space floor.

More puzzles have been introduced and these add a nice touch to the tension and horrifying atmosphere. They are challenging and do require brain power...or a Google search, let's face it, we all googled the satellite puzzle.

On PC it is easy enough to run, but does have the tendency to crash, even with the required specs, so having it on console is a must for those who want a flawless gameplay.

I am now dying for a Dead Space 2 remake, but so far the developers have been radio silent on that end. Let's just hope that Dead Space 3 never happens again...we don't need to talk about that game.

I rate this game a 9/10.

Well, that is the review of the games that were on my wish list. Now i must go and find something else to wish for...hopefully a Simpsons Hit and Run remake.

Until next time...stay vibin' and survin'

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About the Creator

Charna Sanson

Hello! Charna Sanson

I write video game reviews. I love all genre of games!

Been a gamer since my father handed me a controller and have been avoiding responsibility ever since!


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