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My Top 10 FAVORITE Things Viewers Have Asked Me to do- As a "Cam Girl" / Virtual Adult Entertainment Worker

The Content I Most Enjoy Creating!

By Britts & PiecesPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

Last month, I shared with you this article and list:

revealing the most horrifying requests viewers have asked me to record for them, as a "Cam Girl" and virtual adult entertainment worker. Now, in contrast, please enjoy my top 10 *favorite* viewer-made requests :)

(All, of course, anonymous!)

By the way:

If you were considering going into this line of work, and my previous article made you second guess or take more time to contemplate that decision- that's exactly what you should do! This industry provides unmatched earning opportunities as well as other benefits; but it is also very heavy and tasking on a gal's emotions, if she doesn't know what she is in for... 

I am 3 years in, and have only recently come to terms with my feelings and their needed adjustments... Honestly, I'll tell you right now what it took me this long to accept: I have a family and a lot of responsibilities, as is- which I keep separate from my filming persona... I was constantly dumping my entirety into both of these "me's"- not even realizing that I was living a double-life... As if LIFE isn't hard enough already, obviously doubling-up isn't gonna make anything any easier- IF you've not taken the time to mentally accept and prepare. So, that's all I'm asking, or suggesting- is that you provide your brain, heart and future viewers the courtesy of mental preparation, before diving into this work- aaaaand, since this is actually not even the topic of this article, I'm gonna leave it at that and return to the point :)

Listed below are all requests which I accepted, performed and enjoyed delivering. These are the types of requests that keep me engaged and encouraged...


One viewer who has also become a friend to me and a recurring customer likes to listen to the sound of my heartbeat. I usually record these videos in the nude, but that's not the aspect which he most looks forward to. I couldn't figure out how to capture the sound- so he suggested that I use a wireless headset and place the microphone under a shot glass, holding it tightly against my chest, over my heart. Works like a charm! There are different things/activities I will do, while he listens to the beat and rate of my heart. This simple, powerful action provides a very intriguing result, which I never before thought to capture on my own. He and I now both share in the enjoyment of the playback of these videos I create for him. 


Another request that I really, really enjoy involves the use of a chainsaw. This is not a single individual's request; this one is actually common enough that I receive a few related requests per year.  We have a big workshop at my house, and I am the one who cuts the firewood which we heat it with- so it is never inconvenient to record what I am already doing in the first place. The kicker, however, is that I usually have to seclude myself when I am recording myself with my chainsaw- as it is usually requested that I chainsaw in the nude, in lingerie, or in a bikini! Naturally, this makes for some pretty badass footage!


You may or may not be aware that there exists a fetish surrounding the idea of "giant women.".. I don't just mean "large" women... I am referring to actual giants, like "Goliath," or the giant from "Jack and the Beanstalk.".. I love when a viewer contacts me to create custom content to satisfy their "Giantess Fetish," because I have to get pretty creative I once used a couple disposable solid-colored party table-cloths, poster-board, paint and Hotwheels toy cars to turn my closet into a tiny town for me to stomp around in and upon as a giantess. The resulting videos came out just awesomely and my "Giantess Fetishists" seemed to enjoy it! Which I was sure glad to learn, considering I spent an entire day creating the set!


In creating adult fetish content, I have had the opportunity to learn of so many fetishes that I never even knew existed! One of the more intriguing is that of the fetish of crushing. Some people like to watch and hear objects being crushed beneath car tires, and others prefer to see objects crushed by being stomped on. There are so many different subcategories and different preferences when it comes to "crush content." One doesn't just simply possess a "fetish for crushing," two people who possess this captivation may not even prefer to see the same type of content. When creating custom videos for this type of viewer, you have to be certain of what type of shoes the viewer prefers to see the crushing done in, as well as what type of objects they want crushed. The result is usually pretty interesting, hearing and seeing the different ways things crunch and pop; something I never wondered about before, but now that it has been brought to my attention, I actually find it pretty interesting. 


Next, I'll tell you about a type of custom content I'd be a fool not to love! In fact, I really wish I received this type of request far more often!! It's pretty rare, but once in a blue moon I will get a request from a viewer who basically wants to send me on a documented shopping spree. It's every bit as wonderful and as simple as it sounds! They will send me a few hundred bucks to shop with, on the pretense that I record my clothing and shoe shopping experience. Focus is mainly on the dressing-room aspect of the shopping trip, but hey- I'm down with it! Any day of the week, sign me up!!!


I also enjoy creating content for viewers who like to see "public reactions." This is another concept which I hadn't ever considered, but now that it's been brought to my attention, I get a kick out of it. A common task that will be asked of me to get a public reaction is smoking two cigarettes at the same time, while going through a fast food drive-thru. It seems silly, but as long as the workers actually notice what I am doing, it always gets a pretty hilarious response. In fact, one day I was recording a video of exactly this kind, and I had been in a crappy mood all day, but the reaction I got at the drive-thru window was such a hoot that I was completely uplifted out of my mood and forgot I was even having a bad day! That's pretty powerful. 


Who doesn't love eating?! There is actually a fetish that exists, in which the concept is to watch pretty girls stuffing their faces with food, or "over-indulging." Sometimes these are recorded in the nude, sometimes in lingerie, and even sometimes fully clothed. There are those serious fetishists, you know, who don't wish the presence of nudity to distract them from the point. "Over-indulging" is my middle name, so I am always down to record this type of content.


I like to consider myself a pretty handy female. I have my own personal collection of tools, including a really nice power tool set. I am very hands-on and crafty, and am always making or building something, so my tools are an absolute necessity as far as I'm concerned. I love my 5-piece DeWalt power tool set; including my drill, impact, sawzall, grinder, and circle saw. I absolutely LOVE recording videos using my power tools, and probably for no other reason than that I just feel like a badass. Plain and simple, 


I love receiving requests from viewers who want to watch me do my makeup or style my hair. The "girl" in me just can't get enough of it! Recently. I was even lucky enough to be contacted by a viewer who noticed my roots were coming in a little heavy and he asked if I do my hair myself or if I go to someone. I told him I do it myself, but the bill is still pretty high because I have really thick hair plus since I bleach it, I have to buy costly pre and post treatments to keep my hair from burning up and falling out. He was interested in watching the process of me coloring and cutting my hair (topless- which is actually how I do it anyway) - AND he wanted to pay for everything, too! So that was awesome! 


This one, I was hesitant about at first- but only because I had always felt like I had ugly feet! The reason foot fetish content makes this list is because, if not for receiving so many requests to make custom content of this nature, I would still be self conscious of these hooves of mine! I guess they're not so ugly, after-all... :)

...and honestly, number 10 is a perfect example of the good that comes out of this work... Because it's NOT just the money.... Even though we are supposed to be able to supplement our own self-confidence, it's just not always that simple. Me, personally- I have found a lot of reassurance and physical self-confidence in the opinions of the public. Some might shame for saying this, but that doesn't matter to me. 

I have always been confident in my thoughts, ideas, my opinions, my creativity,  self-expression- however I can't say the same was always so when it comes to my physical form. But these days, I am very comfortable in my own skin. I have learned that everyone has their own taste and style that they are into; everyone has a "type.".. I have also come to understand and appreciate this fact: not everyone is going to look at me and see my skin-deep "beauty," - and am very-much okay with that.

Working in this industry is an eye-opener in many ways; but it is this which has left such an impact on me:

 "No one can't be everyone's type... But EVERYONE is SOMEONE's type!" I'm just really grateful for all the "someone's" I have met and formed virtual relationships with through this journey- those who have allowed me to know that I am, indeed, their "type." It's been a wild experience, and y'all aren't gettin' rid of me anytime soon! My naked ass will be gracing screens of phones and computers for years to come- so keep those requests a'comin'! 


About the Creator

Britts & Pieces

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” -A.L.


Passionate artist, published illustrator, open-minded and uncensored.

Mom of 1 & married to my best friend.

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