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You will reap as you sow

The Best Short Story

By Abdul QayyumPublished about a month ago 3 min read
You will reap as you sow
Photo by Amin Moshrefi on Unsplash

You will reap as you sow.

When I was a 21-year-old female five years ago, I completed and passed my matriculation. I informed my mother that I would like to spend a few days with my aunt Noreen now that summer vacation was started. Yes, I do have a single aunt who resides in a Hasilpur village. I was born a few years ago, right before she got married. My aunt now has a 16-year-old son as well. My mother finally gave in to my stubbornness, so my brother went to drop me off to my aunt, who returned the same day after leaving me there. Upon seeing me at her house, my aunt was ecstatic.

"Now I won't let you go back before one month, just stay here peacefully," she remarked. My aunt's son immediately won my affection. Despite being much younger than me, he had a very good appearance. However, I become scared by my uncle's face a lot. I don't know why, but I used to get scared sometimes when I saw him. My mother, who arranged their marriage, had told me that your aunt had done some bad work in the village that prevented us from living in society with respect. My aunt was very beautiful, and she married such an ugly man. Bad job meant that nobody was prepared to wed your aunt.

Only your uncle—who didn't have the best reputation—was ready to wed your aunt out of need. Salman and I used to run the fan in the courtyard below while my aunt and uncle slept on the roof at night while I spent the summer at my aunt's house. I slept on the cot once. I had grown very accustomed to Salman. When I woke up one night, I was unable to go asleep.I was going to go on Rouf, but I was hesitant because I thought they could think I was doing something strange since it was late at night. Although I knew my aunt was terrified of my uncle, she used to smile and hardly spoke in front of him. Nevertheless, aunt had all the amenities any woman would have in the house thanks to uncle. Now, as I was beginning to climb on the roof with my feet, I had the idea to go to the roof with them. I became concerned about what might be going on the roof when I heard some weird noises in my ears, like someone rubbing something hard on the ground or someone moaning in agony. Yes, I was terrified.

I then considered climbing to the roof in my bare feet and began to walk barefoot on the roof. I heard some odd sounds in my ears as I drew nearer to the roof; it sounded like someone was rubbing something hard on the ground or that someone was moaning in agony. I was concerned about potential mishaps on the roof. Well, well, I looked up in terror to see, in the moonlight, a bizarre spectacle. While Uncle lay on the bed, someone began massaging his head with mustard oil.

Uncle would make weird noises out of her mouth and then go silent. I was so terrified that I fled to the side and hurriedly sat down on the bed. I was considering the nature of this adventure. I fell asleep that night because I was so engrossed in these thoughts, and when I woke up the next morning, my aunt was still in the kitchen. They weren't in their house. After washing my hands, I walked to her and she began preparing breakfast for me. Suddenly, I remembered the scenario from the previous night.

They tell me they have an odd pain in their heads, which is why I massage and apply oil to their heads. When I heard this, I began to cry because of what men do and because I felt helpless because a guy can realize when he hurts someone. The reason for this is that he never submits to a superior's ego grasp, and when he does, he claims to have been tested without considering the possibility that his actions have also contributed to the test. Khaloo was likewise sympathetic to him, but I was wary of him should he turn his lust onto me. Thankfully, I was not the object of lust.

Short Story

About the Creator

Abdul Qayyum

I am retired professor of English Language. I am fond of writing articles and short stories . I also wrote books on amazon kdp. My first Language is Urdu and I tried my best to teach my students english language ,

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