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The Sunset Picture

Adventure Funny

By Arshad MecciPublished about a month ago 3 min read

I woke up with the first light of dawn, driven by the desire to capture the perfect photograph. Swiftly, I dressed in a pair of worn, brown trousers, a loose-fitting shirt, and sturdy hiking boots. Pulling my coffee-brown hair back into a messy ponytail and adjusting my glasses, I grabbed my bag and felt the rush of excitement course through me.

Stepping out of my cozy camping caravan, I took a deep breath of the crisp morning air. The sky was still a deep shade of night, but a glance at my watch assured me that dawn was imminent. As I wandered through the desert landscape, I spotted tiny lizards darting into their hiding places and harmless snakes slithering away. The Grand Canyon loomed as a dark silhouette against the night sky, soon to be bathed in a palette of pastel hues.

Reaching the edge of the canyon, I settled down on a flat-topped boulder, legs curled beneath me, facing east in anticipation of the sunrise. This, I was certain, would be the shot I had been dreaming of.

As the sky began to lighten, golden rays of sunlight peeked through, casting a soft glow on the fluffy clouds tinged with pink. I snapped a quick shot, but I knew I needed a different perspective to truly capture the essence of this moment. The perfect angle was across a large gap in the rocks, a distance of about two to three meters.

With a shaky breath, I rose to my feet, convincing myself that the risk would be worth it. Spotting a sturdy-looking rock that would serve as a better jumping-off point, I moved towards it. To my horror, the rock shifted beneath me, emitting a loud, echoing scream as it moved. Rubble and debris tumbled down into the canyon below, lost to my ears before they could reach the bottom.

Gathering my composure, I managed to find my balance on the precarious rock, eyes fixed on the ledge I aimed to reach with my leap. Taking a few deep breaths, I squatted down and launched myself across the chasm. For a few heart-stopping moments, I was airborne, soaring above the Grand Canyon. Just in time, my fingertips brushed the edge of the rock, and with a sigh of relief, I pulled myself up.

Determined to capture the perfect shot, I jumped away from the edge, narrowly avoiding a collapse of the rock beneath me. Realizing that I was now cut off from my original path, I shrugged off the setback, confident that I would find another way.

The sky was now ablaze with shades of pink and blue, the sun casting its first rays over the canyon. As I carefully navigated the rocky terrain, I was interrupted by a loud hiss. Looking up, I found myself face to face with a massive rattlesnake, its rattle shaking menacingly.

Undeterred, I moved cautiously around the snake, determined not to let anything stand in the way of my perfect shot. With a final hiss of defeat, the snake slithered away, leaving me to focus on the unfolding spectacle above.

As the sun continued its ascent, casting golden light on the canyon walls and painting the sky in hues of blue and pink, I snapped away, adrenaline still coursing through my veins. But then, I noticed a vantage point below that promised an even more stunning view.

Without hesitation—or perhaps with just a hint of reluctance—I jumped down, only to find myself plummeting further than I had anticipated. With a scream, I narrowly missed the rocks below, my fingers scraping against the edge of the cliff to halt my fall.

Panting and exhilarated, I pulled myself up, feeling like the hero of an action movie. But as I sat on the edge of the cliff, reviewing my shots and soaking in the beauty around me, reality set in. It was 9:00am, and I was stranded in the Grand Canyon.

In my excitement to capture the moment, I fumbled and watched in horror as my camera, along with all my precious photos, tumbled down into the canyon. Despair washed over me, but then an idea sparked.

What if I became an animal photographer? With renewed determination, I laced up my boots, grabbed my emergency camera, and headed back into the wilderness, ready to embrace the challenges and rewards of wildlife photography.


About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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