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Adventure SciFi Thriller

By Arshad MecciPublished about a month ago 3 min read

In the dimly lit city streets, Owen’s heart pounded in his chest as he navigated the maze of alleys and side streets. The oppressive heat of the night was intensified by the residual warmth from the ever-present sun, now grown into a menacing gas giant in the sky. Without his protective UV suit, Owen's skin would have been instantly seared by the deadly radiation.

The whirring of drones grew louder, the red and blue lights of their search beams slicing through the night. Owen’s eyes darted around, looking for an escape, but he found himself trapped in a dead-end alley. His breaths came in ragged gasps as he heard the footsteps of Authority enforcers closing in.

A door creaked open, and a figure emerged from the darkness. The man’s hair was an electric green, standing in stark contrast to his skin adorned with colorful tattoos. "Are you coming or not?" he called out, urgency in his voice. There was not a moment to lose.

Without a second thought, Owen bolted towards the door. Just as he reached it, a bullet whizzed past him, missing by inches. Inside, the man quickly closed the heavy metal door, motioning for Owen to help him barricade it with a massive couch.

"Thanks," Owen panted, wiping sweat from his brow.

"We're not safe yet," the man, introducing himself as Techno, replied tersely. He led Owen through a labyrinthine network of hallways and staircases, finally stopping in a dimly lit room filled with the hum of machinery.

"I'm Techno," he said, turning on a flashlight. "And you're Owen, aren't you?"

Owen blinked in surprise. "How do you know my name?"

"It's all over the news," Techno replied, gesturing to a screen displaying Owen's image. "You're wanted. They've already taken your wife."

Owen's grip tightened around Techno's throat. "What do you mean they've taken her?"

"Listen," Techno gasped, "the Authority has her. You have to trust me if you want to get her back."

Reluctantly, Owen released Techno. The man plugged a device into a computer and handed Owen a wristband. "This is your ticket to get her back," he said. "Focus on the screen, and you'll be taken to her."

Owen hesitated for a moment before putting on the wristband. Instantly, he felt a prick on his wrist. "What was that?" he asked.

"No time," Techno replied. "Just focus."

With a flash of light, Owen found himself in a room with his wife, Anna, and several Authority guards. Reacting quickly, Owen fired his gun, incapacitating the guards and freeing Anna. Just as they were about to be overwhelmed, Owen pushed the button on the wristband multiple times, and they were enveloped in a protective bubble.

The next moment, they found themselves on a beautiful beach, surrounded by Techno and a group of people. Owen and Anna were offered fresh water and food, their immediate needs taken care of by their newfound friends.

As night fell, Owen and Anna settled into a woven hammock, reflecting on their miraculous escape and the strange turn of events that led them to this paradise. But as Owen felt something poking his back, he found a photo of the city they had escaped from. Suddenly, he was back in the alley, facing Techno, who smiled menacingly.

"You almost got away," Techno said, taking the wristband from Owen's wrist. "But you're home now."

With those chilling words, Owen's world faded to black, leaving him to wonder whether the paradise he had found was real or just another cruel illusion.

thrillerSci FiAdventure

About the Creator

Arshad Mecci

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