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The Dragging Death of James Byrd Jr

Three white supremacists dragged Byrd on the back of a pickup truck

By True Crime WriterPublished 3 years ago Updated about a month ago 4 min read

Jasper, a quiet small town in east Texas, rarely makes national news. In 1998, however, Jasper became the talk of the country as news of the murder of James Byrd Jr. came to light. This horrific tragedy was no ordinary murder. The killer(s) chained Byrd by the ankles to the back of their pickup truck and dragged him about three miles on isolated country roads before his head was decapitated and his mutilated, torn body dumped at a church. Further shocking, the men who killed Byrd were white supremacists associated with the Ku Klux Klan.

James Byrd, 49, was liked by everyone in the small town of Jasper. The father of three adult children, James enjoyed drinking beer with friends and could always be seen laughing or joking around with someone. He enjoyed impersonating people and told friends and family he was going to change the world. People around Jasper recognized Byrd since they often saw him walking through town since he didn’t own a car.

James Byrd Jr. Dragged to Death

On June 7, 1998, a hot and humid Saturday, James visited with friends on the other side of town from his apartment. The group drank alcohol and had a good time. James decided to call it a night at about 1 a.m. and began the walk on foot back to his apartment.

As James walked, three white guys in a pickup truck - William King, Lawrence Russell Brewer, and Shawn Allen Berry- offered him a ride. Shawn drove the pickup truck during the night as the men drank beer and hunted for girls they could pick up.

James accepted the ride and hopped into the bed of the gray pickup truck since the cab was full already. Witnesses saw James riding in the back at around 2 a.m.

He soon realized the men were traveling east out of Jasper and asked them what was going on. The men assured James they were looking for a spot to drink beer and pulled over in a clearing in a wooded area. After sharing a couple of beers with James, the three white men attacked him.

After beating, kicking, and busting beer bottles over James’ head, the men chained him by the ankles to the back of the pickup truck. James was alive and conscious as Berry sped off onto the dark road, his body thrusting from left to right as the asphalt wore his buttocks, elbows, and left cheek down to the bone.

Berry drove his truck with James alive, chained to the back to feel the horrific pain of what was happening to him, for nearly two miles when his arm, neck, shoulder, and head were decapitated from his body after hitting a concrete drainage culvert.

The three men drove about a mile down the road to a predominately African-American church, unchained the mutilated remains of James’ body, and dumped it in the parking lot.

Church Members Find James' Body Before Sunday Service

Members of the Huff Creek Memorial Chapel discovered James’ mutilated remains as they arrived for service the next day. Police found a three-mile trial of flesh, blood, skin, and bones leading from the church to James’ missing head.

In the dirt beside James’ head, police found his wallet, which helped identify him. Authorities also found a driver wrench inscribed with the name Berry, a lighter inscribed with the words “Possum” and “KKK”, cigarette butts, broken beer bottles, and other personal items.

The Autopsy of James Byrd Jr.

James suffered extensive injuries across his entire body. Nearly all of his ribs were fractured, he suffered massive brush burn abrasions, both testicles were missing, and gravel was burrowed in his scrotum sac. 

His knees and feet had been ground to the bone, as had his jaw. His buttocks had been ground down to the sacrum and lower spine. Several of his toes were missing, and those remaining were fractured.

His body showed severe lacerations across his legs, exposing the muscle underneath.

His brain and skull were completely intact. Forensic evidence suggested James had been trying to hold his head up while being dragged on the back of the pickup truck.

The autopsy confirmed that his heart was still pumping at the time he hit the culvert.

Three Men Arrested, Charged With Murder & Hate Crime

Police conducted a traffic stop on Berry the next day and soon tied him and the other men to the murder of James Byrd Jr after finding a wrench in the toolbox that matched the one found at the scene. 

When police searched Berry’s apartment, they found blood-stained clothing and shoes. DNA removed from the blood on these items matched James Byrd Jr.

 All three men had ties to the Ku Klux Klan and were well-known white supremacists in Jasper, leading law enforcement officials and the State District Attorney to classify the charges as a hate crime. 

While incarcerated, King, 23 at the time, sent a letter to Russell Brewer saying he was proud of his actions.

“Seriously though bro, reguardless (sic) of the outcome of this, we have made history and shall die proudly remembered if need be… Gotta go. Much Aryan Love. Respect and Honor my brother in arms.”

After separate trials, King, Brewer, and Berry were found guilty of capital murder.  King and Brewer received death sentences, and their executions were carried out in 2019 and 2011, respectively.

Berry was the first to talk to the police after the crime occurred. He testified against King and Brewer, sparing his life. He was sentenced to life in prison w/o the possibility of parole.

Before his execution on September 21, 2011, Brewer said,

“He was a godd*mn n****r and I hope his family never recovers. As far as any regrets, no. I have no regrets. I’d do it all over again, to tell you the truth.”


About the Creator

True Crime Writer

The best of the worst true crime, history, strange and Unusual stories. Graphic material. Intended for a mature audience ONLY.

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