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Man Learns Sexual Assault Victim Was HIV Positive

Richard Thomas passed out when he heard

By True Crime WriterPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 2 min read

Rapist Richard Thomas did not move, bat an eye, or react whatsoever a judge sentenced him to five years behind bars for the July 2013 rape of a female acquaintance. He was completely emotionless until detectives revealed that his victim was HIV positive.

Suddenly Rapey-Richard has emotions and a heart?

Thomas did a bit of ugly crying before he passed out and required medical attention after learning that he would need HIV tests to learn if he contracted the virus when he attacked the woman in her Manchester home. Thomas did not use a condom during the attack.

(‘Cues tiny violin.)

That’s right: Thomas raped an HIV-positive woman!

Thomas’s Crime

On July 20, 2013, Richard Thomas broke into the Manchester, England, home of a female acquaintance. They were acquainted with one another, but not close.

He knew the victim well enough to know that she took medications, including sleeping pills. He thought this was the perfect opportunity to force himself on the woman. She slept soundly as Thomas broke into her home.

She woke up as Thomas was raping her, but did not say anything to him. Thomas did not speak, either. Once he finished raping the woman, he pulled up his shorts and walked out of the home. The victim called police.

Thomas Claims He Doesn’t Remember Incident

Thomas claims that he was drunk and high on cocaine and ecstasy when the attack happened and does not remember a thing. He did say that he knew the victim well enough to know that she does not lie and if she said that he did it, then he was guilty.

He went on to state that he knew the woman had medical problems and visited a doctor fairly often, but had no idea that she was HIV-positive.

Well, Dick, her medical history is none of your business firstly, and secondly, maybe that is reason number 190,217,788,990,565,735 why we do not rape people.

Thomas pleaded guilty to rape in court.

Thomas’ HIV Test Results

Thomas was very nervous as he awaited test results, although those results have not been made public. Thomas’s lawyer said: “It is his own fault, if he had not committed this offense he would not have placed himself in this position.”

Fortunately for him, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) say the likelihood of contracting HIV in this incident is highly unlikely. The risk that Thomas is now HIV positive is very slim.

The CDC says that a person will contract HIV from penile/vaginal intercourse with an infected person around 6.5 times out of 10,000 incidents. Repetitive partners increase the risk to about 10 out of 10,000 incidents. That small risk goes down significantly if the HIV-positive person currently takes antiretroviral drugs.

Considering the woman took medication each day and knew that she was HIV positive, it is highly likely that she also used antiretroviral drugs for the virus.

Unless Thomas comes forward all these years later to reveal his status, this may very well be as much information as the public gets about the case or Thomas's HIV status.

Where is Thomas Today?

Good question.

If Thomas served his entire five years in prison, he was released in 2018. Additional information regarding Richard “Dick” Thomas is unavailable. Hopefully, he learned his lesson and no longer forces himself upon sleeping women, or anyone else for that matter.


About the Creator

True Crime Writer

The best of the worst true crime, history, strange and Unusual stories. Graphic material. Intended for a mature audience ONLY.

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