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'I am what I am'

'And what I am, needs no excuses'

By ThatWriterWomanPublished 9 months ago β€’ 6 min read
Top Story - September 2023
'I am what I am'
Photo by Divya Agrawal on Unsplash
  • I Am What I Am lyrics Β© Universal Music Publishing Group

The undoubtedly brilliant Kayleigh Fraser set a challenge to us writers a week ago. The Get to Know Me #Challenge asks for 10 random quirks and facts about oneself for others to get to know you.

At first, I dismissed any thought of participating as I, an anonymous writer, have kept a fairly private online presence so far - though I have shared some details in the past.

However, after some reflection, I decided that being anonymous actually grants me some freedom to share things online. More than I would perhaps share in real life!

Without further ado, here are 10 things about me...

1. I like needlecraft, especially embroidery.

Embroidery is the art of decorating material with thread. The thread is stitched in patterns across the material to make shapes and patterns of any choice.

I really enjoy embroidery. My mother taught me how to do the cross-stitching, as her mother taught her, and I have continued the tradition quite happily!

I am slow with the craft, but I enjoy that about it. It is like mindfulness. I sit down in an armchair with a bundle of fabric and stitch brightly colored thread into it. A slow and lovely creation.

This is my most recent one:

It's a sleepy fox!

2. I have a Master of Science in Conservation Ecology.

This one is fairly self-explanatory. I went to university last year and achieved a Master's in Conservation Ecology. I am proud of it as a qualification and, more importantly, as a way to prove to myself what I am capable 0f.

In my teenage years, I missed a lot of school because of poor mental health. There were huge gaps in my knowledge. Gaps that also burned holes into my self-esteem. I feel over the course of my university experience, I have patched those holes and made whatever material they were in, much much stronger.

I am a Master of Science and I am so proud of it!

By Aldo Hernandez on Unsplash

3. I have a new hobby growing houseplants.

This, I think, is a common one. Over lockdown, I have collected a bunch, no, a battalion, no, an ARMY of houseplants! They are mostly succulents and mostly purchased from the internet as cuttings. With a little TLC, they have grown into lovely companions - with the exception of two fallen soldiers. A moment of silence for Newton the Fig Tree and the Palm Cane Brothers, if you please.

The species that I own are as follows:

  • Prickly Pear Cactus
  • Golden Barrel Cactus
  • House Leek
  • Lacy Aloe
  • Aloe Vera
  • Spider Plant
  • Mother-in-Law's Tongue
  • Micro-succulent collection
  • Jade Plant
  • Century Plant

I recommend image-searching some of these stunning plants and purchasing some of your own. It is such a boost to my health to have them around!

I hope one day they will look like the picture below!

By vadim kaipov on Unsplash

4. I am a lesbian.

This is one you all probably knew, or at least guessed from the profile picture!

I am a proud lesbian. I love women and my only romantic interest lies with the 'fairer' sex. I adore being part of the LGBT+ community. The love, the acceptance, the celebration - all of it!

Besides, have you ever seen women? WOMEN!

I came out at about 16 to my mother, and 19 to everyone else, not that they hadn't guessed already! Nobody found an issue with it and, while I have been treated differently and strangely on account of my sexuality by some, I have mostly been met with acceptance. I am very grateful.

By Jason Leung on Unsplash

5. My dog is called Cosmo

This one isn't so much about me, but more about my dog. He is a bronze-colored labrador called Cosmo.

He lights up my life in so many ways; my best friend, my writing companion, and my snuggle buddy. I am undoubtedly a dog person!

Recently, he turned nine years old. He is facing his old age with such grace and love that I find inspiring. He got some test results back recently (all clear!) and the process has made me so much more grateful to have him around.

Here he is, my gorgeous boy!

Cosmo, AKA Stinky, AKA Fluff Butt, AKA Apple Strudel, AKA Sweet Angel

6. My favourite film is the stop motion Fantastic Mr Fox directed by Wes Anderson.

The artistry in this film is phenomenal. I could go on for hours talking about the lighting, color usage, model quality, diorama accuracy - everything! I HIGHLY recommend watching it when you get a moment, it's a short one.

I watch it, at least, once a month and have done since my childhood. It is a balm to my soul and a welcome break from reality!

7. I bake a lot!

I bake a lot, and I think I may be quite good at it. Cakes, biscuits, tray bakes, tarts, the whole lot. I find that baking is an excellent mix of scientific methodology and gentle mindfulness. Plus, I get to eat the end product!

Christmas baking is my favorite type. My ambition is to make a gingerbread house that can actually stand up one day! When I do, it shall be a big achievement! You WILL see an article on Vocal about it!

8. I have a new gym habit

I would not describe myself as a 'gym rat', I'm much more of a....leisurely writing mouse.

Nevertheless, thanks to some considerable encouragement from a friend, I have started going to the gym once a week.

The habit started at the end of July and so far, it is going very well!! I can lift 230kg with my legs, if anyone knows what that means because I don't!

By Scott Webb on Unsplash

9. I have a video game obsession, and I play them LIVE.

For over a year, I have been streaming myself on Twitch and playing video games. It is a hobby I enjoy immensely and I have created a little corner of the internet that is entirely my own!

I have always enjoyed a good video game, from Tetris to God of War! I used to play them with my brother on our Xbox 360 while growing up. Now we have become adults, we have continued our gaming in our own ways, playing together when we can!

Most of the time, I play with a little team of friends I met online over Discord!

10. I want to write a book - I have no idea how.

I feel like it is a common ambition for writers to want to write a book at some point. I have a concept, a storyline that spans 3 arcs, and all worldbuilding complete and ready to go. However, as a writer, I feel completely unprepared to start writing the book itself!

I started writing on Vocal in 2017 with the intention of preparing myself to write this book(s?). While I have improved massively through practice - I have honed my skills as a writer.

I still feel like I am not quite ready to begin. However, I am wondering if it is one of those things where you never feel ready. Are there any authors here that can tell me if that's the case?

I have always dreamed of having my name printed on the front of a book. My real name - proudly stamped there on the pages of my story. How amazing that must feel!!

At some point in my life, I will write this book in full! So keep your eyes peeled!

By Henry Be on Unsplash

A/N: I am so sorry for being away for so long. I have been one busy bee! I will be catching up on my reads momentarily so don't panic, I haven't forgotten you all!

Thank you for reading all about me. I find it hard to open up on this app so this was definitely a challenge! Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone Kayleigh!

I am adding a new segment to the end here, simply listing 3 of my favorite pieces that I have seen on Vocal recently! Enjoy! I think I shall call it 'See these three:'

Really clever wordplay here in this sweet, funny, poem!

A sweet little nature poem about the world!

This is my favorite chapter of Donna Fox's 'Jogger's Trail' series!


About the Creator



Writer from the UK (she/her, 25) specializing in fictional tales of the most fantastical kind! Often seen posting fables, myths, and poetry!

See my pinned for the works I am most proud of!

Proud member of the LGBT+ community!

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  5. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

Add your insights

Comments (36)

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  • Rebecca Stephens`8 months ago

    Really loved being able to get to know you better - your personality is written all over this! And Cosmo is gorgeous, the best pupper!

  • Tiffany Gordon 8 months ago

    Loved this!

  • It was great learning more about you! I hope you do write that book. Cosmo looks like a very happy dog. Bravo on the new gym habit. Love your writing and look forward to reading more.

  • LJ Pollard 9 months ago

    Congrats on being selected for Top Story! I enjoyed meeting Cosmo and seeing your needlework. I hope you will write a novel one day...perhaps try to think of it as writing several Vocal pieces and compiling them into one cohesive story? Might make it seem less daunting. Anyway, I believe in you and think you can accomplish it!

  • Hope Martin9 months ago

    It was awesome getting to know you. We have a lot in common. I too love to garden. But mine is outside - and mostly vegetables. And Cosmo is the most handsomest goodboy ever - we have a lot of pets. I also bake. Last year I got heavily into the baking thing, and now I'm the one everyone asks for cakes for events. As for writing a a published author, I say don't over think it. If you have a story that goes on paper easily and you can make a whole thing out of it, go for it. If not, wait for the inspiration to come. I don't feel like its ever the ready part - even 'bad' writers can have a great story and just need some input from others to polish it to a diamond! And you're certainly not a bad writer.

  • Lamar Wiggins9 months ago

    It was nice getting to know you. Best of luck with the book. And I envy you about the plants. I think I’ll go buy a new one today, lol. Happy to subscribe.

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!!! Brilliantly & beautifully written!!! β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ’•

  • timileyin 9 months ago

    I really love this 😘

  • Judey Kalchik 9 months ago

    This piece is thoughtful, interesting, entertaining, and informative…. And that is such a Good Boy puppers!

  • Lena Folkert9 months ago

    Aw. So much I love here, but I gotta say... "aka fluff butt" was my favorite part of the entire piece! lol. I love a good fluffy butt. (I have so many nicknames for mine as well, including fluffY butt, wiggle butt, munchkin butt, cute little butt face and so many more butts!

  • Melissa Ingoldsby9 months ago

    You are a very well rounded person with much to offer the world!! Keep up your amazing work!

  • Kendall Defoe 9 months ago

    Nice to know more about you... TS? Yes! πŸ…

  • Blaque Ace9 months ago

    I love this 😍

  • Heather Hubler9 months ago

    Congrats on the Top Story! I'm so glad you ended up doing one as this was a wonderful read :) I love your sweet pup and that you are comfortable and thriving in your own skin. And #10, I think I could've written myself. I feel EXACTLY the same way and am at the same point pretty much. I hope to see your book some day and share mine with you ;)

  • Real Poetic9 months ago


  • Donna Fox (HKB)9 months ago

    TWW, I love the picture you created in your most recent embroidery!! I’m such a sucker for foxes! I can totally relate with a love for women, although I don’t feel that sexual attraction more just adoration and affection! Your dog is far too cute for his own good! I adore Cosmo! Your want to write a book but unsure how is so relatable!!! But if I may be a bit bold, you’ve already written one on Vocal or maybe even several! You just have to decide to compose/ publish it! I appreciate all these little facts about you, I feel like I knew some of these things but I love the explanations and details you shared! Congratulations on Top Story, this is such a great piece for them to give you the recognition you deserve! Also, I really appreciate the shout out from you!! You are far too kind!! πŸ’–

  • Congratulations on your Top StoryπŸŽŠπŸŽŠβ€ΌοΈ

  • Carol Townend9 months ago

    This is a very informative piece. I feel I know more about you now, congratulations on your story and be proud of who you are.

  • Cathy holmes9 months ago

    That was great. Nice to learn about you. Congrats on the TS.

  • It was a pleasure to read this and get to know you. I love the many facets of your life and personality presented here. Fun! (230kg is a bit more than 500 pounds, I believe. Very impressive!)

  • JBaz9 months ago

    Congratulations. Cosmo is adorable and I liked to find out those ten interesting parts of your life

  • Test9 months ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!!!β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ’•

  • Paul Stewart9 months ago

    Oh yay! Congrats, you! Well done on an excellent Top Story!

  • Test9 months ago

    Oh I am so, so happy to see this wonderfulness pop up! Congratulations! 🀍🀍🀍

  • Whoaaa, your embroidery skills are out of this world! That fox is so beautiful! Awww, Cosmo is so adorable! And wow you have so many plants! Also, I never guessed that from your profile picture. I mean, it doesn't matter to me. I just treat everyone the same. We're all humans πŸ₯° I'm so glad you stepped out of your comfort zone and did this challenge!

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