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Redemption Of Drowning 5

5thCollaboration/Chapter5 with Clyde E Dawkins and Celia Underland(5)

By Mariann CarrollPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 4 min read
Redemption Of Drowning 5
Photo by Hadija on Unsplash

Chapter 5 Redemption Of Drowning

Written By: Mariann Carroll, Clyde E Dawkins, and Celia In Underland

The day before the accident, Danny had planned to take his wife out fishing. Just like their first date. She was the only woman he would go fishing with since Teresa taught him how to fish in the first place.

"Danny? Danny Swift?"

Danny heard a woman's voice calling out to him as he was shopping for plans for his upcoming sea fishing trip. Even though he saw women at the shop on a near-frequent basis, Danny had it in his mind that women had no business in anything involving fishing, or any sports, unless they were cheerleaders. So after hearing the woman's voice, Danny turned around to see who it was.

"Who are you?"

"Judy. Judy Williams."

"Williams?" Danny asked in a disgusted tone. "Oh God, not Paul Williams!"

"Paul is my husband," said Judy. "But you know that. After all, he used to mess around with your wife. I think he still is." Danny walked out of the shop following Judy's statement, but Judy frantically followed Danny.

"You know, don't you?" asked Judy. "That's why you walked off like that because you know--or you at least had to have suspected!"

"I am going to kill that bitch!" snarled Danny. "I knew that baby wasn't mine, I just knew it!"

"Wait, she's pregnant?!" asked Judy.

"Yeah," replied Danny, "Knew I was planning this trip, yet she hits me with this. I'll kill her..."

"Hold it right there!" said Judy. "Don't do her." Danny noticed the way that Judy uttered those two words. His eyebrow raised over Judy's tone and her expression, as it was clear that the wheels were turning in Judy's head. She was planning something, and while Danny wasn't exactly the bulb in the proverbial box, even he knew that what Judy was planning was unlawful, and yes, evil.

"What's on your mind?" asked Danny.

"I was thinking," Judy said in a somewhat seductive manner, "if you really want to punish Teresa, I suggest you take your anger out on my no-good husband."

"Oh, I'll kick that fucker's ass!" said Danny.

"That's not enough," Judy said with a very ominous glare on her face. Danny's fury subsided once he saw Judy's expression.

"You don't mean..."

"Paul needs to eternally pay!" snarled Judy. "He lied to me. He cheated on me. I know he did. Everyone thinks I'm crazy, but I know that he goes to see HER!" With every syllable she uttered, Judy was seething. She ignored all reason when it came to Paul. She had no proof. It was clear to anyone that Paul and Teresa weren't seeing each other. Despite this, Judy had been insanely jealous of Teresa ever since she found out that she and Paul once dated, and that jealousy turned her into a raving madwoman.

"Listen," said Judy. "You're going on your trip, right? I will get Paul to go out too. He loves that outdoors-type shit; I'll bet that little whore of his got him into it. I will tell him I lost something important on the Island when he and I were last there can handle the rest."

They had no idea there was going to be a bad storm that afternoon.


As days gave way to weeks, Danny, trapped in Paul Williams' body, began to experience life through a new lens. Despite his initial resistance, Danny found himself relinquishing to Paul’s subconscious. His words became less inflammatory, his temper became less volatile and he began to realize what he had lost in Teresa. Paul who he had been so infuriated by. Paul was a kind-hearted good-looking one. When he had found out about him, it had cemented his decision to marry Teresa. He had turned on the charm. Determined that he would be the victor. And now, in one of life’s bizarre ironies, he was succumbing to him.

Meanwhile, Paul, in Danny's body, was trapped on the island. The paddles he had found turned out to be inadequate, their flimsy shape barely able to catch a wave, let alone propel him forward. Paul felt a self-righteous fury crash over him. Why him? This was all Danny’s fault. He stalked around the island, his anger tempering any hope of success. He was too overwhelmed with emotion to think clearly. If he had been able to tame his resentment, he would have found the answer staring him in the face.

Back in the city, Teresa grappled with the mysterious disappearance of her abusive husband and the unexpected re-emergence of her ex-boyfriend. She held a deep-seated duty to her vows. Her family took matrimony seriously, and so did she. But she thought in coveted moments of introspection, she didn’t leave him. He had left her. Paul’s reappearance had overwhelmed her. She found herself wondering what life might have been like had she chosen differently. She thought of Danny too but love loss evaded her. She could not reconcile the bruise on her inner thigh with any yearning she should have felt. It had been too many years and he had worn her down too much.

As the three protagonists wrestled with their new lives, Detective Jon and Seth were sifting behind the scenes.“There is always a reasonable explanation” Seth told his friend Jon.

If anyone could solve this mystery, he was confident that his friend, Seth could.

Stay tuned for the next Chapter!!!!!!

Thank you, Clyde E Dawkins, and CeliaIn Underland. I am so grateful you both have collaborated with me on this Chapter.

Here is the link to the previous Chapters, if you missed it:


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (10)

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  • The Invisible Writer3 months ago

    This has been my favorite chapter yet

  • Tiffany Gordon 5 months ago

    Nice job!

  • Excellent chapter!

  • Thavien Yliaster5 months ago

    "The day before the accident, Danny had planned to take his wife out fishing. Just like their first date. She was the only woman he would go fishing with since Teresa taught him how to fish in the first place." ^ This line right here contradicts the memory that Teresa gave us, the audience, back in chapter 3. Teresa met Danny on a fishing charter. They were talking about their favorite fishing bait techniques. Sure, they might of not had the best time catching fish that day. Some days You reel 'em in, some days You don't even get so much as a nibble. That's fishin' for ya'. Unless Danny was faking about knowing how to fish and he learned by watching Teresa, this paragraph makes no sense and undoes a bunch of work that the previous chapters have established. Based on the backstory that we're provided we understand that Teresa taught Paul a lot of outdoor survival skills. Did she teach him how to fish from the beginning? As a member of the audience, I don't know. I'm going to assume not. However, Paul did learn a lot of things. Now, I understand that Danny doesn't like Paul, but have the two ever met? That's the other thing that's suspicious about this. Was Paul dating Teresa when she moved out west when they went on that fishing charter? Cause if so, would that mean that Teresa cut things off with Paul to be with Danny and/or did Teresa possibly cheat on Paul while she falling smitten for the (not-so) diamond-in-the-rough Danny? Cause how Danny knows about Paul is weird. Cause it never states if they ever had any interactions. Also, how does Paul know that he's in Danny's body and not just somebody else's? I can understand that this is a mystery story. Yet, how is it possible that Paul knows that Danny's at fault for this. Plus, when Danny went fishing in Chapter 1, I can understand having information omitted to keep the audience in a state of guessing, but why didn't Danny try to use anything Paul had? Did Paul have a cellphone, walkie talkie, gps, flare gun, etc. Also, if Danny knows about Paul, then how come Danny doesn't act like he knows who Paul already is in the first 2 chapters? In this chapter, when Judy tracks down Danny, Danny obviously has a seething resentment towards Paul. Yet, in the 1st two chapters, Danny's confused about who the heck Paul Williams even is. It's actually like Danny Swift has amnesia, and not just that he swapped bodies with Paul Williams. Now, here's another weird part of the mystery, Paul's body was assumed to have been found by the coast guard and then rushed to the hospital. This assumption can be made from Chapter 3 while Jonathan is researching. So, did Danny's and Paul's respective bodies wash away in different directions? Paul's body was found by the coast guard, but why didn't the coast guard find Danny's body? You figured that by now the coast guard would've searched any and all nearby islands. Given the image in Chapter 4, the island looks small enough to host a few small trees. Unless they're olive trees is the body of water that they're residing in fresh water? Cause if not, how could trees reside on that island besides occasional rainfall or a potential well of freshwater? The main question, is the island in salt water or is the island in freshwater? You can boil freshwater out of saltwater. Is that how Paul's surviving in Danny's body? With all that vegetation around him, why doesn't Paul use a makeshift raft? He can row himself with his own arms. Wakeboarders do stuff like that all the time. Being that the island looks like he's surrounded by trees, why not just rip off a piece of wood and use it as a makeshift paddle? Alright, onto Judy. Why did Paul marry Judy if he's still infatuated with Teresa? Did Paul only marry Judy just so he can get his rocks off, or at least not feel alone after Teresa left him? I can understand Judy not telling us about how she suspects that Paul is cheating on her, but if she suspects that Paul is cheating is Paul even a good man, is Judey paranoid, or is Judey cheating as well leaving her to think that Paul is also cheating? I get that Teresa's a main character here, but how does Judey know about Teresa? Will that be revealed in the next chapter? There's a lot of mystery going on here, but so many breadcrumbs are missing it's going to be more than difficult to make a good stuffing with. Whether the information is omitted on purpose for the sake of the story and audience is one thing, but the story is changing constantly as its progressing. It's almost as if each chapter is trying to establish itself as its own chapter without paying respect to the chapters that come before it.

  • Thavien Yliaster5 months ago

    Mariann, You got two chapter 5's!

  • Oh so Judy has been suspecting Paul and Teresa have been having an affair and she went to Danny about it. So it was because of her that Paul was there fishing when Danny was too. So now weeks have gone by and Teresa hasn't realised something amiss? Like she didn't realise that the guy looks like Paul but behaves like Danny? Also, I wonder how the investigation has been going since it has been weeks. Can't wait for the next chapter!

  • Babs Iverson5 months ago

    Loving it!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Mother Combs5 months ago

    This is going really good can't wait for the next chapter!!

  • L.C. Schäfer5 months ago

    Just finished watching Face/Off and am mildly disappointed there was no shooting or explosions, or wild boat chases... ah well, maybe next time! (Don't let me loose on a chapter until i've got Nic Cage out of my system!)

  • Clyde E. Dawkins5 months ago

    Beautiful! What a chapter!!!

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