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Oh Yes... it's Max Fischer

the musically gifted Max Fischer.

By mysoundMusicPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
2019 Ep release

The pop music world is always evolving, and it explores some unique, interesting ideas. Max Fischer is an emerging songwriter and singer that thrives in the world of pop music because it gives in something unique, rewarding but also dense and a whole lot of fun. Being able to express yourself through music is something that should never be taken for granted, and Max Fischer shows that right off the bat through some really fantastic lyrics and interesting ideas.

At the core of it all, the main focus for Max Fischer is to express her feelings and ideas. She is a very hard worker, and she showcases her feelings and ideas related to life in a very clever and creative manner.

”Self-hating narcissist with a cheap piano. Composed of 80 percent emotional instability and 20 percent vocabulary.” colorful self description by Max Fischer

Max Fischer knows that the pop music world continues to expand and evolve, and she really tries something different here.

Aside from that, she is also a writer, and she creates some really good songs. Imbuing your life and your passion in writing is what really makes a great piece of work stand out, and Max Fischer manages to bring in a lot of her unique ideas in life simply by offering an insight into what she knows, the things that she experienced, and how everything comes together.

"For as long as I've been writing music, I've tried to write from the heart, and about what means the most to me. I hope it resonates with every listen."—Max Fischer

A lot of people know the movie character Max Fischer, but this Max Fischer, the extremely talented musician, is pretty much equal to that character in a very clever and powerful perspective. She is always looking to push the boundaries and actively explore unique and clever ideas all the time. That really shows the determination that she has in order to rise as a star and move on to some amazing results in the long haul. That means challenges will be there, but as we can see from her music, we are bound to see her rise quite fast.

That’s because her music is different; it clearly comes from the heart, and it’s cleverly created to bring in some nice and unique notions, while also retaining that positive, unique vibe all the time. Writing from the heart and just putting your soul out there is very challenging, but that’s what encourages artists like Max Fischer to come forward and even help others.

We know that music is a great way to heal your soul, and it really brings in some clever perspectives in life. That doesn’t mean it will be a simple ride, but something as simple as listening to music can make all the difference in the world.

You can find Max Fischer’s "Oh No" and "Get it Out," just two of the songs from her recent EP, on most streaming services right now, and you will see for yourself how creative and unique the work really is.

This EP is something special and powerful, and simply listening to it gives a great understanding of how much creativity went into the entire process.

It’s never going to be easy to showcase great ideas, especially when it comes to the creative world—which is why all the little things matter: because they offer a lot of control and also showcase what a person truly feels. That’s exactly what Max Fischer does here, and if her current work is something to go by, it’s clear we have an up and coming pop star on our hands!

Be sure to check out her earlier work, too, like one of my favorites, "Play Ball."


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