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Discover Emerging Talents: Spotify's Hip-Hop, Afrobeats, and Contemporary R&B Artists

Groovin’ to the Music episode15

By mysoundMusicPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Featured Artist on Groovin’ to the Music episode15

Discover the Unique Vibes of Emerging Artists Today

The international landscape is buzzing with emerging artists like J.Con, ACTHEKIDFROMSPACE, Zardee, gloom bug, and Hitman. How incredible would it be to discover the unique vibes of these artists today? Well, it's easier than you think! Just open your Spotify, find them on our playlists, and you're all set to drown in their music.

Discover the Unique Vibes

So who exactly are J.Con, ACTHEKIDFROMSPACE, Zardee, gloom bug, and Hitman? Each artist offers something unique. From J.Con's lyrical genius to ACTHEKIDFROMSPACE's electronic-infused sounds; Zardee's soulful melodies, gloom bug's experimental tunes, and Hitman's rhythmic beats – there's a flavor for every ear. Drown in their music and you'll find yourself immersed in new dimensions of sound.

Why Engage With the Emerging Artists?

You might ask, why listen to these newbies? Well, one of the most exciting aspects of music is its potential for growth and evolution. And these artists are on the brink of that explosive evolution. When we engage with emerging artists, we're part of their journey, shaping the future of music in our own small way. So, aren’t you ready for your ears to visit new auditory territories and soundscapes?

Where to Find These New Sounds

Now that we've stirred up your curiosity, you're probably wondering, "Where can I find these artists?" Well, that's the easy bit! Simply scroll belwo or fire up your Spotify account, search for our playlists, and voila – let the music surround you.


J.Con: Channeling Emotions Through Music

Known for channelling his deepest emotions into his music, J.Con has grown vastly as an artist, and this is apparent in his creation 'Fkn' with Me'. His music takes you on a journey, reflecting his own personal experiences.

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ACTHEKiDFROMSPACE: Boundary Breaking Artist

Meet ACTHEKIDFROMSPACE, a self-taught artist and sound engineer hailing from Montreal, Canada. With influences from various music genres and artists, he creates smooth midnight songs that evoke vivid memories and intense feelings. Wouldn't you love to experience the stories he tells through his powerful compositions?


Zardee: Afrobeat Sensation

Who could resist the old skool vibe with a modern twist that characterizes Zardee's music?

From East London, Zardee, also known as Bigz the Host, has made considerable waves in the Afrobeat world. He's shared the stage with renowned artists and his latest single ‘Waste No Time’ offers a profound tribute to a woman from East London.

Are you ready for an Afrobeat experience like no other?


gloom bug: Diverse and Eclectic Music

The Alabama-bred artist, gloom bug, grew up among bluegrass festivals and hammocks, a lifestyle that manifests in her melodiously genre-blurring songs.


Hitman and No Tomorrow: A Potent Collaboration

Eager for a track that drips with energy and talent?

Dive into 'No Tomorrow', a collaborative track between renowned producer Hitman and popular Atlanta rapper, MCH CJ. This hip-hop music with soulful guitar riffs and throbbing trap drums is a recipe for a surefire hit. Are you ready to pump up the intensity with their commanding beats?


In an era filled with multiple music genres and styles, these emerging artists - J.Con, ACTHEKIDFROMSPACE, Zardee, gloom bug and Hitman - offer unique experiences that promise to captivate listeners.

Whether you're a hip-hop enthusiast, afrobeat lover, or enjoy a blend of contemporary R&B and UK Rap, there's an artist on this list for you. Why not expand your Spotify playlist today and immerse yourself in their music? After all, isn't life too short to confine oneself to a single genre or artist?


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  • C.S LEWIS9 months ago

    this is so amazing you can read the one I have prepared to you

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