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Delving into the Artistry of Voxx: A Journey through Pain, Music and Self-Discovery

Voxx's musical journey is a testament to the transformative power of art.

By mysoundMusicPublished 9 months ago 4 min read

The music industry has seen an influx of artists who use their personal experiences as a rich mine for their artistic expression. Among these artists, Voxx stands out as an exemplary figure whose journey through pain, music, and self-discovery is both intriguing and inspirational.

The artistry of Voxx lies not only in his ability to compose exemplary music but also in the depth of emotional exploration exhibited in his work. His poignant melodies and visceral lyrics rivet listeners’ attention, compelling them to feel and reflect on their experiences. This personalization and his adept synthesis of various genres have helped Voxx to carve a unique niche for himself in the industry.

What 1st drew you to music?

Like most artists I've loved music since I was very young. But the thing that drew me into music was heartbreak. For the first time in my life, I found myself alone and betrayed. The only solace I found was in music that shared my emotion. It's where I learned that dark music can be very comforting.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your (music) background?

As Voxx, I'm an anonymous artist. Vox means Voice in Latin and the point of my music is to feel the emotion that all of us can share even in the dark times, without linking those emotions to one person.

My music gives a voice to the all the dark times in life that we all unfortunately must go through. Even they deserve to be heard right?

Do you have a preferred genre?

My music is a fusion of genres. I've had it called so many things. It's a blend of Hip-Hop, Trap, and Pop-Punk, with some Metal undertones. I've also had it called Heartbreak Trap.

May I ask how you arrived at your artist’s name?

It was a difficult process at first. I was overthinking it. Then a dear friend asked me WHY I was writing the music, and I realized then it's because everyone can relate to the voice of pain. We all go through darkness. That version of you deserves to be heard as well, even if it's not the best version of you. Voxx was born.

Do you write your music, or do you collaborate?

All of my music is written exclusively by me. Most of the lyrics come from pieces of journal entries that were made during a terrible time in my life. I do however collaborate with other artists for songs. I love all voices to be heard.

This is exciting, you recently released a new single … what inspired it?

It's not only a new single... it's my first song ever. I went through betrayal and heartbreak and the hands of someone I truly loved, and for several years I sat alone in a very dark place blaming only myself. Perfect Canvas is about waking up from that Nightmare.

Were there any challenging aspects to writing and/or recording “Perfect Canvas”?

Tons. It was my first time ever stepping into a recording studio, so it was a little terrifying. The tech was nice but super intimidating. Once I got in there however, it felt like I was supposed to be there. Like I had found my home.

Do you have any other plans relating to this release? A video?

A video has already been made and it should be dropping very soon.

Do you, or would you like to, perform live?

I would love to tour and perform my songs all over the world. It would be a dream come true.

What song, any song, do you think would be fun to perform live?

All of my music has an aggressive Hip-Hop vibe, so it's gonna be great to dance to. Perfect Canvas, and my other single Whisper would be super fun to do live.

Do you create music for yourself or your fans?

I'd says it's both. I'm simply embodying the voice of pain that all of us have to experience in life, and helping people going through those things realize that it's not the end and you are not alone.

Has your musical journey had a deliberate direction, or did it simply evolve in whatever direction it found?

I've been riding the wind since this started. I knew I wanted to record, but the fact that it actually happened is still hard to believe.

What music do you listen to for fun?

That answer is vast. I love all music genres so I suppose it just varies by day.

Would you like to travel to other countries to perform your music? If so, what would be your first stop?

It's my dream to tour in Europe. I'd hit the UK first, then so many other places. Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands shortly after.

What would you be doing right now if it wasn’t for your music career?

Hard to say. Music is my life now.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

It's a double-edged sword. It can be the reason your career blossoms and evolves or the reason it disappears forever.

What is your favorite/best outlet to connect with your followers Instagram, Spotify, FB, Twitter, iTunes? How would you want them to follow?

I'm on Spotify and Itunes, and if any fans wanna reach me just hit up my Instagram.

Are you currently working on any projects we should look out for?

My first album, The Artwork of Betrayal, will be releasing October 7 of this year.

Is there something you would like to say that I didn't cover?

My music definitely isn't for just anyone. I mean dont get me wrong I want everyone to enjoy it, but its targeted at the lost and lonely. They need to know that they are not alone and that the pain they are suffering is very real and not just in their minds. They should also take comfort in the fact that someone else feels that pain. I want my music to be the inspiration that ends the dark.


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