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The Art of Love


By J. Delaney-HowePublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Painted By Author's Youngest Child, Elliott

“The world is but a canvas to our imagination.”

Henry David Thoreau

I love art. In all forms. It has been a constant through painting, music, writing, and woodworking. Art, in all its forms, is how I express myself and process my own emotions. My house is full of paintings, wooden art, furniture, and tapestries. Some I have painted. I even have one my husband painted, probably the only painting he has ever done. In his words, he is not artistic.

I have mountain scenes, the shore of a pond with lily pads on a calm day, an ocean shoreline, all on canvas, and two beautiful paintings on velvet. One is an owl, and one is a deer by a stream. I got the owl painting and the deer painting from my mother. (They have an even deeper meaning now that she has passed.) I even have driftwood art- a glorious picture of seaside cliffs- painted on a large piece of driftwood.

I have a fireplace I built out of reclaimed pine. I have rustic wooden signs, and my favorite reads, “Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers and lifelong friends”. I have a handmade tie-dye tapestry in my writing area. I have a small figurine of a father and a son on my desk. I am looking at it right now as I write this.

I have had the pleasure of meeting the family of a woman who was a prolific painter in her life. They were selling several of her pieces at her estate sale, and I bought them. I couldn’t believe anyone would part with these paintings, but I was told that the whole family had taken all the pictures they wanted, and their mother used to sell them anyway. I got to hear about how she started painting and some of the work she had done. They took me into her studio, a room over the garage. They hadn’t been able to empty it yet. The artist’s daughter told me stories about her mother, and I was captivated. After a few hours, I felt connected to the artist even though I had never met her. Her paintings are proudly hung on my walls.

Of every piece of art I have, and I love them all, I have one favorite. It was a Father’s Day gift three years ago. It is painted on a five-by-seven canvas board with bright white edges. The medium is acrylic. The background is a bright and colorful rainbow. In the center of the picture, there are two men. Underneath the two men is a banner titled “Dads”. (Below is a picture of the painting and a photograph that inspired it.)

Painting by Elliott

Author's Photo by Debbie Stein

“Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”

Pablo Picasso

While all of my children are artists in some way, my youngest, Elliott (they/them), got the painting bug. For them, their paintings are their diary. A snapshot into their mind. A visual record of the situations going on in their life. It is how they express their emotions.

Elliott is the painter of my favorite painting, and they painted it when they were eleven. They were six when I came out and seven when they met my future husband. For a couple of years, I wondered if they understood what was happening around them. I didn’t know their feelings about their dad being gay. They were young, and I wondered if they understood the idea of two men or two women in love. That love in all forms is good a right. It was contrary to how they were raised until that point.

My questions about what they thought and what they understood were answered in this painting. They explained to me that the pride flag was because it was pride month, and we should be proud of who we are, and that the picture they used as inspiration was because it was my favorite picture. They added the “Dads” banner because she views my husband as one of her dads. There were tears of joy shed when they presented the painting to us and began explaining it.

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”

Edgar Degas

Their painting may not hang in an exhibit at a museum, and it will probably never leave my desk. It may not be a masterpiece to others, but to me, it is. Elliott continues to impress me with their growing ability and natural talent, allowing me to see into their world. Isn’t that what art is supposed to do?

Thank you for reading my work! I appreciate all reads and interactions. If you would like to read more of my work, you can click my profile below.


About the Creator

J. Delaney-Howe

Bipolar poet. Father. Grandfather. Husband. Gay man. I write poetry, prose, some fiction and a good bit about family. Thank you for stopping by.

Queer Vocal Voices on Facebook.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (28)

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  • Andrea Dell Caudle10 months ago

    Wow! bI was looking around to see how the platform works, and as a painter myself, I, of course, found my way to the "art" community. This story was my first and I am in love with the platform, your family, and most of all Elliot's amazing painting! Lovely all around, the story and your compelling writing!

  • Naveed Ahmed Syed10 months ago


  • H. M. Raven11 months ago

    I love this! I'm an artist, and I've been encouraging my kids to make art for themselves, rather than what they think others believe is good. My oldest just came out and now looking back on her art over the last year or two, I see the cues. Ironically, I just wrote a poem titled the same and talks about the same thing 🖤

  • Vanilla Loville 11 months ago

    I absolutely love this story. Shout out to the LGBTQ community. I'm a lesbian in love with my female fiance'.

  • Raymond G. Taylor11 months ago

    Hi again Delaney, I have just posted a review of stories in the Vocal Art community . Your story made such an impression on my I started out by mentioning it. Please take a look if you get a minute. Also, would you mind if I used Elliot's painting as an illustration for the article (suitably credited). It is such a wonderful image. No problem if the answer is no and no need to explain. Please let me know. Thanks.

  • Leslie Writes11 months ago

    Elliot is a talented artist and this is a beautiful piece. 💖

  • Gerald Holmes11 months ago

    I loved this! I believe this painting is a masterpiece as it shows the heart of child. But even more than that it shows what a great example you and your husband are. Bravo and congrats on the Top Story.

  • Marie Wilson11 months ago

    Wonderful - both the painting & the painter; also the story itself & you & your husband! Congrats on well deserved top story! <3

  • Caroline Jane11 months ago

    Yes. Yes it is. This is lovely. Congratulations and well deserved. ❤

  • Dana Crandell11 months ago

    A touching gift! Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Naveedkk 11 months ago

    Well written! Congratulation on your Top Story,

  • Alex H Mittelman 11 months ago

    Well written! Thank you!

  • Test11 months ago

    Oh my heart! I am so touched by this - the art and the story. Just beautiful. Elliot is a wonderful artist, and I love that you've honoured their gift of art like this. Congrats on a well-deserved Top Story. ♥️

  • Yetunde Kannike 11 months ago

    Thank you for writing this poet so sweet and I also love it.

  • Raymond G. Taylor11 months ago

    Great story and wonderful painting. You must be so proud. Congrats on the top spot. Much deserved.

  • Melissa Ingoldsby11 months ago

    So sweet and I love the art! Very touching piece 🥰

  • Congratulations on your Top Story🎉✨💯😉🏳️‍🌈🎉

  • Judey Kalchik 11 months ago

    Yay on the Top Story, and Yay to Elliott's first art exhibit- they just went international!

  • I just wanted to let you know that I adored reading this Terrific Article 🏳️‍🌈That was my favorite picture when I saw it on the Cover and the insight made it so much more special✨💖😉📝💯Thanx for sharing‼️

  • Thank you for writing this & sharing this heartwarming story with us. I loved every bit of it.

  • What a wonderful story behind this painting. Great painting and photograph! Really enjoyed reading about all the types of art you have. On a side note I also have a painting by one of my kids also my fav too because she did it, she’s a musician not a painter though the painting was just a result of an art class. Thanks for sharing this!

  • Dana Stewart11 months ago

    Such a touching story and Elliott is a great artist.

  • Oneg In The Arctic11 months ago

    Tell Elliott that they are an amazing person

  • Cathy holmes11 months ago

    Wonderful piece, beautiful painting. Well done.

  • Gina C.11 months ago

    What a beautiful and heartfelt piece! Your words are loving and passionate, and I adore the picture and painting by Elliott. The quotes were a beautiful, binding touch!

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