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Blocking Celebs

A controversial opinion

By Ada ZubaPublished 21 days ago Updated 19 days ago 6 min read
Blocking Celebs
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Since the Met Gala TikTok and social media platforms have blown up with people blocking the celebrities because they paid $75,000.00 for a ticket to go to an exclusive event. We forgot one important thing Celebrities also inspire us…hear me out. Yes, there are horrible things happening in the world right now, such as war, homelessness, starvation and other catastrophe’s that are occurring on the daily. The weird thing is everyone on TikTok are getting likes for posting videos isn't that what you are standing up against? How about your wedding? Did you spend $10,000 doing that? Couldn't you give that money to help a homeless person or donate that to charity instead?

The world will keep burning. We forgot that celebrities said things such as this speech:

I don’t know about you, but I learned something from that.

Or what about Taylor Swift’s song that got 344 million views because of the catchy song sure, but I found the appeal in her message: we really should not care what others think of us because it’s a waste of time or energy.

Or even what about her speech about constantly trying to fit in just to make everyone happy.

Then, there was the speech that Emma Watson also made on feminism, how we have been defining it wrong, how some people see it as “man hating” which is not what feminism is.

If these celebrities did not do these speeches, we would not feel any inspiration to do anything with our lives. Also, so many people are saying "They don't care about us" of course they don't you are a stranger. Do I care about a celebrity? No. I have Reese Witherspoon on Instagram because she recommends really good books, not because of her fame, but I would not know about these books, if it was not for her. I follow celebrities on TikTok and such because they post interesting content and I like to hear what they have to say about their daily lives because it is so different from my own.

I think most of the anger is that celebrities spend so money on themselves rather than charity. I know that these people need only one car and not seven. But celebrities and the rich who make money are ones who can actually afford to give to charity. Sure, average me has made contributions to charities such as breast cancer research, mustard seed, 4Oceans but if I was famous or rich I would be donating my money left and right. Celebrities make a lot of contributions to charity and start up foundations. Take Keanu Reeves for example: he donated 31.5 million to cancer research, he donates money to children's hospitals. He donates so much of his income for the greater good.

Taylor swift has donated 1 million to Louisiana flood victims in 2016, $100,000 to Cancer Research, $60,000 to the music departments of six U.S. colleges. I would never be a blue to do that but celebrities such as Taylor swift do.

Dolly Parton started The Dolly Parton Scholarship, raising $500,00 from a benefit concert to fund a hospital, donating $1 million for coronavirus research during the pandemic, and covering 100% tuition for any employee under Dollywood that is willing to further their education. She also never attended the Met Gala.

Elton John donated $600 million to help those with AIDS and HIV infections. That kind of money only comes from one of the richest celebrities that ever lived.

Oprah Winfrey donated 40 million to help women and children in education. $400 million to education altogether because that's how we get good jobs and get out of poverty by educating ourselves. Would I love to donate that much and still be okay with money? Of course!

Lady Gaga collaborated with world Health Organization and she donated 127.9 million.

Selena Gomez created the Rare Impact Fund that raises money for mental health, and we need more of that.

We need to direct these people of where to donate, not block them, we need to show them where their money can be used and maybe we can turn down the heat where the world is on fire.

The list goes on and on about how much these people donate and everyone is shouting to cancel these people. Who else is going to start foundations and donate millions to people? And these people need followers and support in order to make these differences because people who are ordinary and donate tons of money are only recognized because they have their name on a building, but we don’t recognize them and realize how much they do for the community because they don’t have bodyguards following them. For example, take a building in Texas like the Trammel Crow building. I have no idea who that is until I Google him, and I find out he was a real estate developer. There are tons of real estate developers out there and he has a name on a building. Again, I don’t know this person until I Google them.

However, once someone like Miley Cyrus, has a name, she can be recognized for the donations and foundations she made in the past. This includes The Happy Hippie Foundation, which helps homeless LGBTQ+ people and that is inspiring, and she uses her talent for creating these movements and foundations. If she was a random person who is like me or average, we wouldn’t feel much inspiration. I do recognize that some people do all of this for the fame and to look good in the public eye. Honestly, is that all so horrible?

I mean one of my articles was chosen for top article in October 2023 on Vocal Media about my period pain and most of the comments were people saying, “Wow you get it” and “nice to know I’m not alone” that’s what a good article did. It gave people hope on managing pain, it provided women some empathy.

I think we can give celebrities a break because some donated thousands to millions for good causes, yes I know the $75,000 could have gone elsewhere. I don’t idolize any celebrities because I don’t know these people on a personal level, and I don’t believe we should be idolizing people we don’t know. However, to go and trash people who can actually make a difference whilst someone like me can’t is hypocritical. We don’t need to block these people. We need to be out there telling them and showing them what’s happening in the world right now, so they can step in and take some action to the right places. Many already have taken action to causes that matter to them. Yes, many of us cannot afford groceries, rent and are barely getting by, but then to be an influencer on TikTok and getting many likes and telling people to stop liking celebrities. Isn't that hypocritical? Also, simply because Hayley Bayley posted that video made you suddenly realize that they were "eating cake" all this time, events such as the Met Gala and Grammy's have always cost ridiculous amounts of money for people to attend and always has, but only now you have a problem with it? The song that is being used for these videos is from the Hunger Games that was created by rich people, that was sung by a celebrity who you are now blocking, that song would not exist if the Hunger Games were never filmed in the first place.

If I was making millions I would be tempted to spend it on a nice house, maybe a Ferrari or two, but I would also donate money to many charities. There are also celebrities and businesspeople who are self-made. You want to bash their business, yet you want people to support your small Etsy business? That is so confusing. Please explain that to me.

However, there are celebrities out there asking to donate money and that is where they get stupid because they have enough money to donate that themselves and that's what does upset me.


About the Creator

Ada Zuba

Hello and welcome to my page. I love reading fantasy, mystery and thrillers. I am an Amazon Affiliate Marketer even if I make no money, but it keeps my spending habits down. I love writing in different genres and challenging myself.

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  • Salako Emmanuel20 days ago

    This is Great.

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