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An Honest Review of Gabby Bernstein's 21-Day Manifesting Challenge

Is it worth $37? Then again, Oprah has crowned her as the new thought leader around.

By Justine CrowleyPublished 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 9 min read
An Honest Review of Gabby Bernstein's 21-Day Manifesting Challenge
Photo by Pablo de la Fuente on Unsplash

Gabrielle (Gabby) Bernstein is a New York Times bestseller, and ironically is a New York based motivational speaker and life coach. After the crazy and fatiguing moments that last year (2023, as at the time of writing) manifested in the end, combined with an unexpected health scare before Santa could make his way down the chimney; I seriously needed some more motivation to kick start a brand new year on the right note. The choose-again method in the program was also quite helpful.

Although some challenges did happen; the floodgates to more joy, better health, and happiness did manifest for me.

By Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

NB: Before delving into this motivational piece further; I am not paid, nor do I receive any commission payments (affiliate or otherwise) for talking about this program. As the title of this article implies, this is simply my honest and frank review. Unbiased as they come. Furthermore, this article is part wisdom, part memoir. Either way, the aim is to walk away inspired and energised from someone else's journey. Naturally, and in the spirit of writing and publishing this program review; a few spoilers will surface.

My aim is to keep this challenge as a surprise, if you choose to participate in it next year, as this challenge only comes around once a year, beginning on New Years Day.

By Amy Reed on Unsplash

Finding out about Gabby's 21-Day Manifesting Challenge happened by chance. Simply pay (as I like to think, invest) $37 USD, and you have access to each daily lesson, some of which include some helpful meditations. If you miss a day (although not ideal), you are given a bit of extra time to catch up. On that, I missed a couple of days at the beginning, as I needed access to a printer, and hence printing places are not open on New Years Day. The customer support team at Gabby Bernstein's offices refused to give me access to the workbook prior, so that I can be all systems go on the 1st of January. Never mind. It is what it is.

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No matter how long you have been exploring your own motivational journey for, and/or if you are a seminar junkie who wears that badge of pride; know that New Years Day is a natural (albeit optimum) time to work on your desire statement. From there, it really feels like Gabby has your back, even though she is like a silent partner of sorts. It only makes sense that this review was written on Valentines Day; the day of self love, no matter your relationship status. This program is motivating in the sense that each lesson is easy to understand, and on average, you only need about 5-10 minutes a day to work this.

By Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

All it takes is just one idea, and a few reminders of what you already know, in order to keep the positive momentum going in order to manifest whatever it is you are wanting. Whether it is a higher income, a new love-based relationship, or weight loss to name; Gabby inspires each and every participant to brainstorm key action steps that one can take to get them closer to manifesting what it is that the relevant participant wants.

By Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash

Fear is a normal emotional reaction when heading into new and unknown territory, and in manifesting anything new, from the bold to the significant. Therefore fear blocks motivation and hence manifestation, because it causes resistance to change, and in moving forward as a whole.

By Fabian Møller on Unsplash

All it takes is to breathe in for five seconds; hold that same breath for five seconds, and then breathe out for five seconds. Just do that for a minute a day. That was a key breakthrough take away on only Day 7 of the challenge.

Repetition is known to be the mother of skill, and therefore reminders to surrender, and let the higher order deliver your manifestations to you if you relax, and hence detach from the final outcome. Same with writing down all of the good things that you are grateful in your life right now. From there, Gabby wants you to write down your non-negotiables. If that does not motivate you to improve the quality of your life, then what will?

By Neil Thomas on Unsplash

Guidance and support can come through a myriad of forms. Gabby brings you into a deep and relaxing meditation (albeit what seemed to be a quickie) for you to identify your guidance source/s. If angels comes up (for example), then the type of angel would be identified. By surrendering, in tandem with letting your sources of guidance support you; the little things manifest quickly, as well as the more significant aspects of life once again. For me, my angels came up, as well as the divine, and my intuition. Your support systems want to motivate you, and hence support you; yet they cannot interfere with your life through the power of this thing called one's free will. This is why you have to ask, and to call them in for guidance and support on your journey.

By Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed any synchronicities in your life? For example, you are currently single, and now you have strong and pure intentions to get into a romantic relationship. From that decision alone, while out and about, you suddenly begin to notice many couples around you holding hands. They were always around you, yet your support system/s seem to amplify those images as a timely reminder that what you are wanting is about to manifest. That is, a loving relationship. This is also confirmation that you have done the inner work on yourself. The sooner we let go of fear, and the resistance that fear causes; in other words, the sooner we get out of our own way; what you want will manifest. The more specific your desires are, the clarity and outcome of what you want to manifest, will manifest. Gabby calls this "your driftwood." That struck a few chords in me, and hence that "driftwood" is fun in watching it transpire. Therefore, do not scoff at those happy couples holding hands, in seeing it as a reminder of what you do not currently have. You do not have that affection as yet. Such "driftwood" is no longer negative.

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These signs are simply a preview of what is coming your way, when you lift up your vibe, of which being in the manifesting zone enables.

Gabby also reiterated the importance of feeling good in order to be in the manifesting zone. That makes complete sense, because you cannot get into the manifesting zone when you are not feeling so good.

By Robert Wiedemann on Unsplash


From this, Gabby encourages you to come up with some ways in which you can lift up your vibe, from getting massages, to retail therapy, to going to the beach. You do you, and only spend money on those self care activities that you can actually afford in that moment.

By Braňo on Unsplash

Therefore Justine, please tell us what you actually manifested in the last six weeks, from when you first began the challenge?

As you already know, I was a couple of days late in starting the challenge, yet it is easy to catch up, although skipping days is not ideal. I was dog sitting, living in an area that is regarded as a piece of expensive paradise in Sydney, and hence I had a bit of a cool lifestyle to cheer me on. Although some days needed more motivation and chutzpah from me than others; the challenge was a joy to work around my existing work and life commitments, with a high energy dog in my midst. When it is easy to say yes to life, it becomes easier and easier (and hence more motivating) to say yes to this challenge, and to positive manifestations, of which should only surprise you in a pleasant way.

By Ben White on Unsplash

Day 16 gives you the chance to reflect on the challenge thus far, and to focus on what you have manifested in the challenge from inception until now. On the same day that I left that particular dog sit to head back home for a little bit; I manifested a day trip to the Hunter Valley (a foodie haven a few hours north of Sydney, Australia). A few days later on my combined business and leisure trip to the Blue Mountains; my room got upgraded for no reason in a five-star hotel, as well as being given a complimentary high tea experience, combined with free breakfast and sparkling water while working.

By Jon Ly on Unsplash

A few kilos of belly weight dropped off, and my energy levels returned to normal. The already nice people in my life became nicer. My bank did not charge me a replacement fee for losing my credit card before Christmas, while my new card arrived swiftly. I felt more joy and comfort in buying things, without worrying about their cost, from groceries to just living life.

By micheile henderson on Unsplash

After the challenge, I manifested an extra eight hours work a week with one of my freelance clients over a two-week period, as well as manifesting a temporary freelance data analytics job that will pay me twice as much as my current freelance work. That client found me on LinkedIn, and said they were impressed with my portfolio and Google Data Analytics certification. With my pet sitting work, one booking converted to three bookings, with another repeat booking forthcoming.

By Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Needless to say, there were times where I manifested new opportunities, like another enquiry, only for it to convert successfully, and for the client to then get cold feet. From there, better opportunities manifested, where it seemed like I was better off from the initial rejection.

By Artturi Jalli on Unsplash

I am almost a week into my new life, after travelling for the last six weeks prior. It was a thrill to have had two empty seats next to me on the plane from Sydney to Melbourne, and the seat in front of me was empty. Same with the coach from Melbourne to Deniliquin. There were times where I paid for meals out, and other times family chose to pay, of which caught me by surprise. There was some leftover food on the flight back home, of which was an unexpected bonus.

By Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

While travelling, I was also contacted about a new investment opportunity in private credit that pays dividends on a monthly basis, and so far so good. Attending the webinar on such an opportunity was a joyful experience, in and of itself.

By 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Just because my health has improved as a by-product of this challenge, does not mean to imply that one can get tired and run down every now and then. That is part of being human. Same with having money. Financial challenges can still surface, yet more motivation is gained in dealing with such challenges quickly, and head on.

Clearly, this program is worth the $37 USD investment, with having a silent partner and cheerleader in Gabby Bernstein on your side. What gave me the ick about this challenge was the timeliness of being able to download, and to print out the workbook in advance, so that it is all systems go on New Years Day. It is only trivial, as 2024 has been a whirlwind of positivity in my life, and hence is way better than 2022 and 2023 combined; even though economic times are not as auspicious for the time being.

By Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

The meditations were relaxing on the days they were offered, and the whole experience was joyous. It is a bit annoying to constantly be offered her coaching program, even though I understand that Gabby is an entrepreneur, and is running her own business; yet the constant bombardment of marketing material for a little while, from Day 21 onwards was quite annoying, as I needed more time to process, and hence to enjoy the fruits of my manifestations before even thinking about another course or program. I love to buy on my own terms, but not to be sold to.

In conclusion, it is wise to keep the completed workbook to come back and re-visit the content, even though access to the teachings online have expired in this program. This is helpful for that extra boost when things may plateau, so to sharpen the saw some more. Despite the challenges, I highly recommend Gabby Bernstein's 21-Day Manifesting Challenge to anyone who would like to get a little more motivation and joy out of life.

By Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

This change means resilience and growth, and hence needing to walk away from certain environments. Walk Away by Xavier Rudd is a classic tune that encompasses my new life after engaging in this challenge. Enjoy:

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About the Creator

Justine Crowley

Freelance Internet Moderator/UX Writer/UX Consulting Designer/Graphic Designer

Lives in Sydney, Australia. Loves life.

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  • Thomas Jefferson2 months ago

    Cherish the people around you because they make life worth living. Make the most of every day and live it to the fullest because we never know how much time we have left. I wish you good health, a bright future and a happy life. May you always be surrounded by love and support. 🙏🙏🙏

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