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The Last Queen of Egypt

Modern Satire

By Matthew PrimousPublished 15 days ago 4 min read

It all started when I was young and immature. I thought being queen would make me a goddess. I would be worshipped and celebrated. I would be loved by my people. And the prince was a handsome man and a man of accolades a man of war a man of love. And I was fallen for him. He took this naive woman and made her into something. Yes it is true that I could of married anyone but my parents told me to marry the best suitor. There were other interests and other loves but the prince won me over. He was charming and funny and lovable. He was gentle to animals and creatures. I saw his field of animals that he knew by name. And he was kind and gentle with me. He called me lovable names and he made me feel loved and embraced. It was hard not thinking about him. It was hard not being near to him. He was everything I wanted and more. And I could not keep to myself around him. I was in love with the prince. I was madly in love and I dreamed about him. I saw him in visions. I could imagine us getting married and having a beautiful and wonderful family. All the best notions crossed my mind about him. And when we finally got married before the passing of his father. He promised me his heart and his love forever and that the gods would be witnesses to his passion for me. And we have rememberable moments, the prince was so romantic that I never thought anyone else could have crossed his mind. And he would always asked me my opinion. He was a respectful and descent man. And never let anyone called me anything else but Queen of Egypt. We were in love and madly in love. We had tried to start a family but I couldn't. I mean I wanted to but my body would not let me. And so I let my prince impregnant other women to keep him and to maintain my place on the throne. We were in this together. We were in this forever. But there was one time that I really really wanted him and he was not there. And I barge in his bedroom and he was not there. I secretly dressed like a servant and entered Pharoah's pool and my prince my king was sleeping with a whole field of women. And he was promising them the throne and he would promised them everything including my place. I ran out in rage and back to my bedroom and I refused to see the King of Egypt for days. And I was plotting how to get revenge and win back the throne. I befriended the Captain of the Guard. We never went passed friends but I asked him who are the enemies of Egypt and he mention Cush and Ethopia. And we ate over dinner with his wife who was my handmaid, he went on and on about stories about the wars and battles between our nations. And he eventually had to attend to the King's wants and he left good word for me. My handmaid tell me Seros do you plan on leaving the king? And I said How can I when he is King of Egypt? But I do plan on going on a trip out of the country. My handmaid said I will go with you. My handmaid's husband came back hours later and said the King would like to see you. And I said very well. So I dressed in all apparel and pleased the Court, bowed before the King and we talk. And I said I must go away and be on a trip to refresh and rejuvate myself as I am stressed about us O King. And the King being humilated and scared of his adultery allowed me to leave. As I left that night with soldiers, it happened I led them to an enemy of Egypt and I was captured within days. The Cushites were friendly towards me, they gave me sweet wine and delicate cakes. I was not their prisoner. And their prince was infatureated with me, he would talk gently to me and gave me sweet kisses. And I laid with me many times and became pregnant. The King of Egypt forced by the Court to bring me back for the reputation of Egypt. I was happy with child and so to save my new family. I willingly plotted where to meet the Egyptian soldiers. And I pleaded to get home fast after years in trap as a prisoner in Cush. And when my husband came into me, he said that I appear different and he was angry that another man he felt been with me. I said that I had no other choice and why didn't he come for me. The King of Egypt walked right out the door and left thinking about what to do with me. The handmaid came to me saying that some of the women that he has been with plotted to take your place. And that's when I plotted with the Captain of the Guard if you rid the King then you can have the throne if you let me escape. The Captain of the Guard said but how? I said Say that it was a conspiracy from one Egypt's enemies. And so the plot was carried out within days and the nation was in an uproar. I spoke about the troubles in the marriage and how he betrayed me and disgrace me. I spoke ill of the King and had the Court to pitied me. And I supported that the Captain of the Guard be Pharoah especially since he was my half-brother. And the Court voted then I resigned from the throne in disgrace and cast out of Egypt. And my prince of Cush came for me after several months and I changed my name and became his princess. And I never walked into Egypt again.


About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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