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Splashes of red

A unexpected night

By JBazPublished 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 6 min read

I remember the drink slipping through my fingers and falling. A resounding crash blends with the chaos around me as crystal meets marble. Burgundy merlot blends with crimson blood that laces the floor. Reaching for her hand I turn while looking for an exit but find only air. My mind snaps in that moment, reality comes bursting forth. Before I have a chance to look for her the crowd pushes me back, I fight like a fish against the current. Sounds of continuous gunfire mixed with frantic screams resonate throughout the large hall.

Where only a few moments ago a symphony of friendly conversation and background music lingered delicately in the air. Now cries of frightened and injured people shatter any pretense of a delightful evening. My mind reels with possibilities of what is happening, nothing makes sense. With desperate eyes I search through the maddening forms of fleeing friends and strangers alike. My ears ring from the continuous rapid fire of the guns while bullets whiz by like frantic swarming bees. I need to find Kara. Strangely I hear my heartbeat over the noise, my breathing echoes within my head, then stops. I see her lying on the floor, her beautiful hazel eyes open, one arm impossibly twisted beneath her while the other stretches out like she was searching for me. Her face frozen in horror. I feel the wind get knocked out of my lungs, my chest cramps with a muscle spasm as I fall to my knees beside her..

Grabbing her arm, I drag her with me until we huddle behind one of the makeshift bars that are tucked into a back corner of the room, framed by two large potted plants on both sides. We are not alone, another couple shivers in each others grip. I recognize them, he is the bartender and she served us refreshments. They look up as I fold my wife into my arms, a rivulet of red trickles from her head and flows across her pale face. The man hands me a napkin, I press it against her scalp.

I feel his hand upon my shoulder his eyes wide as he shakes his head. His look says it all, ‘It's too late for her.’

I am confused, why would he give me this if not for her. Before I can say anything, he nods to me and puts his hand on his chest. When I look down, my white shirt is leaking red, and the spot is growing.


We never do anything fancy like this; Truth is we hardly go out at all. Our focus has always been family, our two children and each other. In truth that is enough for us. Tonight is our tenth wedding anniversary. Our families surprised us with tickets to this prestigious event. Free champagne, delectable hors d'oeuvres. A chance to dance in each others arms, a night out for just the two of us.

How am I going to tell our kids…. how am I going to tell her parents, how am I to live without her. My breathing becomes rattled, I feel my lungs drowning in my own life essence. The screams quiet down, most have fled or lie as crumpled forms upon the floor among the shattered antiquities that survived a millennium and two world wars. Lives and history wiped out in minutes.

Removing my suit jacket, I cover Kara. No tears fill my eyes, only hate, anger and confusion. Glancing around for any type of weapon, I see a paring knife that moments ago sliced limes. I’m hoping it can cut more than fruit. Crawling over, I reach up as silently as possible to retrieve it. I also grab a corkscrew and hand it to the gentlemen beside me.

From within the room a deep voice filled with inflated confidence and false bravado bellows out orders. We can hear the survivors being rounded up. Forced into a corner of the room, they stumble blindly in fear. Like sheep they follow directions as if it will save them. I chance a peek, the artwork on the walls and marble floor are covered in splashes of red. Already, a metallic scent mixed with sweat and fear linger in the air. I will not cower, nor be held hostage by some suicidal maniac.

It appears my companions feels the same, their looks say it all, for that I am grateful. I watch as the bartender peers through the bullet riddled wood of the bar. Holding up three fingers, shaking his head he pauses then shows four. A paring knife, corkscrew, and a broken wine bottle wielded by the young women are all we have as weapons. My new acquaintances start making signals to each other in silence. From their demeanor and posture I can clearly tell they are military or law enforcement. The blank look on my face says, that unlike them, I am not trained for this, but it won’t stop me.

The young man looks at me and sees the blood stain growing, he signals that I am to stay here. Shaking my head, I know my time is finite, but anger is fueling me, and I refuse to go down cowering on the floor. Sliding over to me the girl bandages me up while whispering the plan in my ear, I nod.

Patting me gently on the shoulder, she softly tells me I’m going to be fine. We both know it’s a lie

Before we can act, there is yelling and a gun shot rings out, followed by screaming. We hunker in our shelter, trying to figure out what just happened. I risk a peek, and see a terrorist standing over a prone figure, smoke rising from the barrel of a gun. There are over twenty people crowded together, I’m guessing he used that poor soul as an example for the others to shut up and cooperate.

I am so intent on the action taking place in the far corner of the room, that it takes me a moment before I notice that my two companions, are quietly removing bottles from the lower shelf of the bar. I see them gently lift a hidden panel, reaching in, he withdraws a couple of revolvers, and a stubby automatic rifle of sorts, plus a walkie talkie. I cannot hear, but see him talking into the device, after setting it down he does a slow shake of his head. I watch as her shoulders slump in defeat.

If I was confused earlier, I now feel like I just slipped into a black mirror’s- twilight zone episode. Why were there guns there and how did they know about them?

It dawns on me; they are under cover. Trying to contain the volume of my voice I mouth ‘What the fuck?

Staring at me they pull out Id badges hooked onto lanyards from around their necks. Looking at the prostrate form of my wife under my coat I crawl over to them, I am furious and growl. “You knew this was going to happen?”

Shaking his head, he whispers. “We had suspicions, but nothing concrete. There are agents at two different events tonight, we didn’t know which one was targeted, or if the information was true.”

I am at a total loss for words, people are dead, my wife being one of them, because they refused to shut the events down. I fear unless I receive medical attention soon, I’ll be joining her, leaving our children orphaned. My body begins to shake, whether from shock of the wound or the situation, I don’t know. Leaning against the wall I place my hand upon my wife while my mind goes blank. I do nothing but stare at the shape under my coat, reality has finally hit me as the adrenalin is no longer enough to keep me going.

Suddenly there is movement under my hand, a slight stir. Gently pulling back my coat, Kara’s eyes flutter. A dazed look dominates her features as she faintly says my name. “Jake?”

I immediately lay one hand softly across her mouth while signing silence with my other. I see her try to speak, then she falls silent as her body goes limp once more. I feel her pulse, weak but steady. My heart soars, a new rush fills my soul, I bundle my coat as a pillow and rest her head upon it.

Without warning we hear more yelling and crying, a woman screams as shots ring out, another hostage dealt with. I watch the steady breathing of my wife as her chest gently rises and falls. In slow motion a drop of my blood splatters against the white tile. I know what needs to be done.

Glaring at the other two I hold out my hand. They know I am asking for a gun. Reluctantly they pass one over and nod, I give a tight smile and nod back.

I watch them crouch into a running stance, guns up. We look at each other one last time, my heart flutters as I hear her say, “On three….one, two…


Thank you,


I hope you enjoyed my story, below are two more I think you may enjoy.

Short Storythriller

About the Creator


I have enjoyed writing for most of my life, never professionally.

I wish to now share my stories with others, lets see where it goes.

Born and raised on the Canadian Prairies, I currently reside on the West Coast. I call both places home.

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Comments (11)

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  • L.C. Schäfer2 months ago

    So glad she made it! I think!

  • C. Rommial Butler3 months ago

    Well-wrought! I tend to have to pick short reads because of time constraints, but this is one of those stories that makes me glad I get an occasional extra moment. You have everything here, my friend, that marks the best of humanity in contrast to the worst. May we always keep hope alive!

  • Babs Iverson3 months ago

    Brilliantly written!!! Terrific thriller°° Loved it!!!❤️❤️💕

  • Cathy holmes3 months ago

    Holey moley, that was intense. Excellent writing. That ending though... ahhhhh.

  • Shirley Belk3 months ago

    I was rivetted and felt so much tension in the air. Well done!!!

  • Mariann Carroll3 months ago

    Only you can write the best image of Chaos in a story. Another excellent story telling of yours, Jason

  • Hannah Moore3 months ago

    Very well written. I'm hopeful!

  • Was hoping Kara would stay dead, lol. Anyway, they suspected that this would happen but didn't shut down any of those events. So irresponsible! Loved your story!

  • Mark Gagnon3 months ago

    Jason, you did it again! suspense from beginning to end with just enough detail to let the reader know what was happening. Dare I make another prediction? Ts for this one!

  • John Cox3 months ago

    Really, really intense and realistic story, JBaz! Great work!

  • Intense. Makes me think of "Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid". May the outcome of this be a little different for our intrepid heroes.

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