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First Time

In silence we wait

By JBazPublished about a month ago Updated about a month ago 4 min read
 First Time
Photo by Dyu - Ha on Unsplash

Her screams rip through the chaos and commotion within the room and runs down the hospital corridor. I cannot believe what I just witnessed, how she did this is beyond me. No way could I tolerate that kind of pain.

Glancing at the clock, the second-hand moves announcing the time of 2:09 pm.

I wait with anticipation for a new cry to fill the room, my child's first vocal expression of life.

There is only silence.

Looking into the eyes of my wife, I realize she sees the same confusion in me that I see in her. Our intimate glance quickly turns to panic. Where is the sound we dreamt about, where is the cry that announces we are now parents for the first time. I watched my child enter this world, I felt elation at the thought of holding her for the first time. Why is no one smiling and congratulating us.

How quickly joy turns to fear.

Pulling my eyes away from my wife is hard, but I need to know why there is only an uneasy quietness hovering in the air.

All I see is blood.


Before I can react, before I can ask a question, the calm becomes chaos once more. A storm of voices talk as one continuous murmur of blurred words all spoken in rapid succession. Words like...pressure...pulse...obstruction....

I feel myself being shoved aside, while a nurse leans into my wife telling her she needs to push and begins to vigorously massage her belly.

Holly screams in pain, louder than when she was in labor.

Another nurse assists, holding Holly's hands while helping her into a sitting position. Someone takes my little girl out of the arms of a nurse and proceeds to a table at the far end of the room. I watch as they move, heads down, orders given, shoulders tense.

Where is the cry?


Everything becomes heavy.

Turning my head is like swimming through mud. My senses dull with each tick of the second hand. Until finally time doesn’t just pause it refuses to move. I watch lips in motion but lack the ability to understand the words. Voices are now less then a murmur, and more of an unintelligible hum.

I feel a firm but gentle grip on my arm as I am led towards the door. A voice whispers in my ear. 'We need you to step outside, for now.'

I watch in a dream like state as people move in slow motion. The Doctor slides a tray full of shiny medical instruments on wheels next to my wife and positions herself between Holly's legs. She begins wiping furiously at something then tosses a bloody towel on the floor. Droplets of red slide across tiles of white.

Holly cries out once again, this time the sound is different, weaker.


I try to reach for her, but she is lost amongst a crowd of white linen pantomimes, all moving to a practiced dance of desperation. My vision blurs and narrows as if I am a stranger observing this through a hollow tunnel.

In stunned silence I stare as the door closes in front of me. I hadn't uttered a word, not to my wife, not to a Doctor not even to myself. I am alone in the hallway, the taste of antiseptic dances upon my tongue while the smell of bleach lingers in the back of my throat.

I instinctually move the instant I hear Holly cry out my name. There are two people in that room that need me. No matter what awaits me on the other side, I’m going through, my family is in there. The swinging door feels weighted, as I push on through.


The once frantic filled room is quiet, the motions all but ceased. I force my feet to move forward, Taking in the scene, my shoulders drop, the room tilts and my breathing falters as I stumble forward.

I feel as if these are my first and final steps.

All I see are uniformed bodies huddled around Holly's bed, no more frenzied voices, no more hurried actions. The table at the far end of the room is empty.


A sob escapes my chest as everyone turns in unison to stare at me. Mask covered faces, their eyes lock onto this pathetic form shaking in the doorway.

As one, they part as I approach, my lips quiver uncontrollably and my heart drops. Shaking so badly, I have no control of my body as a cry escapes my lips when I see my wife, my love, laying there.

She is peaceful.

A ray of afternoon light shines through the window and illuminates her golden hair. Tears fall like rain upon my cheeks when I see the tiny, wrapped bundle they placed upon her chest.

Except for the rapid breathing echoing in my head and the incoherent gibberish of me trying to say my wife’s name, the room is deathly quiet.


The second hand slides up, the time on the clock shows when my life changed forever. A mere moment in time is all it was, yet an eternity of fear and doubt so overwhelming I nearly faint.


Suddenly, invisible gossamer threads of emotions brush my face and fill an emptiness I never knew existed until now.

My heart stops then flutters to life when Holly turns to me and smiles. A tiny cry floats upon the stillness and envelopes my soul, as I gaze into the eyes of my baby girl for the first time.


About the Creator


I have enjoyed writing for most of my life, never professionally.

I wish to now share my stories with others, lets see where it goes.

Born and raised on the Canadian Prairies, I currently reside on the West Coast. I call both places home.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (10)

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  • Donna Fox (HKB)29 days ago

    Jason, this was so tense and I was so afraid this would end in tragedy! I'm glad it didn't! I'm awestruck by how wrapped up in the story I was, I literally lost myself in the intensity of this "minute" beautiful work Jason!!

  • D.K. Shepardabout a month ago

    You write suspense so incredibly well! I am emotionally exhausted and short of breath! This is top notch!

  • Kenny Pennabout a month ago

    Christ what a tear jerker. Took me for an emotional ride, JBaz, great story

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    After the way you scammed me with your previous story, I knew I would get cheated again if I hoped for someone to die, especially the baby hahahaha. I was prepared for betrayal this time round 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have one question though. Why did Holly have to keep pushing although the baby was already out? Or did I understand that wrongly? Your story was extremely intense. I loved it!

  • Mark Gagnonabout a month ago

    What an intense story. You held me locked in through the whole journey.

  • Heather Hublerabout a month ago

    Shit this was intense. The drama, the ticking and tocking, the tension, was there a complication???? Geez, this was a fantastic piece of writing!

  • John Coxabout a month ago

    This is a truly heart stopping entry to the minute challenge, JBaz. Really, masterfully done!

  • L.C. Schäferabout a month ago

    Bloody hell I didn't think they were going to make it!!!

  • Hannah Mooreabout a month ago

    Oh my word, I could not stop scrolling, rarely read so fast.

  • Dana Crandellabout a month ago

    Okay, I was all prepared to curse you if this didn't end well. lol Great entry, Jason!

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