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Dear Hearts


By John CoxPublished 18 days ago Updated 18 days ago 3 min read

Ask me in December when the frost sparkles in the branches and the sidewalks are treacherous with blackened ice. Ask me at the end and not in the beginning or the middle this tale. Have patience, dear hearts, give young Janie and Rich a fair chance together before asking will they, or won't they?

Do you remember how it felt when you trembled with pleasure in one another's arms? We know how their story might end because we have all experienced love's highs and the lows, the angry silences and the tearful make ups. We faked it when we had to as well. We negotiated its arduous pathways knowing that all cannot follow it to its end.

Ask me in December when their hair is white, and their children and grandchildren gather to hear both the funny and the sad stories of their long life together.

Ask me when their wrinkles are deep folds in their faces or when tears glisten in their eyes as they recall their wedding day or the births of each of their precious children.

Then I might weave a tale about how their lives began to fall apart when the last of their children left home and decades of suppressed hurt and ill will floated like poisonous mists in the stillness of their home.

Ask me in December about that defining moment when Janie screwed up her courage to tell Rich she was leaving him and might have if he had not returned from work as she packed her suitcase, his face grey and careworn. What's wrong, she asked stiffly, her jaw dropping as he told her in a whispered voice he had stage three pancreatic cancer.

Silent at first, she knew what a terrible sacrifice that caregiving entailed. But they had started a successful law practice and raised three children together. Even once the chemistry that had originally attracted them at Shakespeare in the park thirty-five years before had ended, they still managed to build a life together, however flawed, rocky and faked.

Is love untested truly love? Facing death tore down emotional walls in each of them. Their long-fought victory over cancer accomplished what chemistry never could.

Ask me in December, dear hearts, after Janie and Rich stopped faking it forever more.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This story was written for Shirley Belk's unofficial challenge Endings as a follow up to her Fake it till you Make it story. When I started this, I intended something quite different. But this is what came out. Go figure. At this point of the blurb I believe the usual practice is a little shameless promoting of other stories. But if you want to read more you just have to jolly well look for them yourselves. Its late, I'm tired and I still haven't written 600 words because this is a micro-fiction after all. Have you all stopped reading yet? Well, why the hell not? I haven't got anything else to say in case you haven't noticed. I'm just yammering on and on while I watch the word count tick up. Damn, this is taking forever. Insert warning here. The thoughts expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Vocal. Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla this story's never going to end. Not if that ground hog keeps seeing his shadow. He has to be stopped. 600!


About the Creator

John Cox

Family man, grandfather, retired soldier and story teller with an edge.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  1. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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  • Angie the Archivist 📚🪶8 days ago

    What a touching tale… & beautiful ending. ‘Ask me in December, dear hearts, after Janie and Rich stopped faking it forever more.‘ Amazing how the spectre of death can focus life more clearly. I also read every little word… to the end.😁

  • L.C. Schäfer11 days ago

    I do love when stories take on a life of their own and go in a different direction than expected 😁

  • Cathy holmes14 days ago

    This is a great story that likely hold a lot of truth for many long-term relationships. Well done. Also, I had a good laugh at your babble at the end. 😁

  • Rachel Deeming14 days ago

    A sad tale with the incongruity of your making it to 600 words at the end. I went from sad contemplation of what love is to absurdity and it was all great!

  • D.K. Shepard18 days ago

    The final paragraph was so impactful! You did an incredible job weaving the dynamic of Janie and Rich at each stage!

  • John, you are not only a great writer, but a great philosopher! Is love untested really love? What a deep, deep question! After looking back at my four marriages, I have to say, the fourth is working because we know, no matter, what, we are there for each other, just as Janie and Rich decided to be. Well done, my friend!

  • Mark Gagnon18 days ago

    Your description of how many relationships unravel is spot on, as well as how a catastrophe can weave it back together. I find the 600-word baseline frustrating as well. I understand the need for a minimum, but maybe 400 would be more reasonable.

  • Oh wow, that pancreatic cancer was so unexpected. So sad. Loved your take on the challenge John! Also, I read till the very end. I always do hehehehe

  • Hannah Moore18 days ago

    Beautifully wrought es ever John. And I feel the blurb!

  • Anna 18 days ago

    Beautiful story, great job!🫶

  • Andrea Corwin 18 days ago

    Holy crapola you nailed this story!! Is love untested truly love? Facing death tore down emotional walls in each of them. Their long-fought victory over cancer accomplished what chemistry never could.What an ending And your rambling at the end got me chuckling- it is not as late here but late enough and I am tired too!! I read and wrote and wrote today and have not seen this one by Shirley.🫶🏻❤️😍

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