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Aleeya's Run

Legend of the Silver Woods

By JBazPublished 2 months ago Updated 2 months ago 10 min read
Painting by Cynthia Rollyn

When we die, will it be as if we never lived? Time flows on and memories fade even of those we miss the most. Are we able to fully understand death, will the living forever be forced to accept an absence in one’s heart? An emptiness that remains. Forever lingering in the hollows of our mind, until the day we too become a faded memory.

These questions caused her soul to ache like no other. For eons she watches as her children suffer the loss of a loved one. The forlorn become covetous towards those who have not felt loss. Not realizing that one day everyone will be consumed by endless pain.

Watching from afar, she feels their suffering as another one is laid within the soil as their final resting place. Forever nestled amongst the fields of wild wheat and flowers. This person who once ran and played upon the tall grass now lies quietly in her earthly womb. So great was her grief the skies opened, and her tears fell upon the fresh grave. Her eyes remained on the little mound, alone among the hundreds of others. She watched all day as the sunlight warmed the dampened soil, until nights’ blanket covered the light and the world slept in dark silence.

In the morning, a miracle appeared. A tiny green tendril was seen growing from the grave. She was pleased. From that day forth she wept upon every new grave that was dug on this sacred site and every morning a new sprout would appear.

From death came life.

In time these tiny plants grew into beautiful trees, the likes in which this world had never seen.

Their silver bark shone in the morning and throughout the day and glowed under the moon’s celestial light at night. Their branches spread wide embracing the day and welcoming the night. Their limbs would sway gently even without the aid of wind, as if they danced to music only, they could sense. Golden leaves grew and fell with the seasons, nurturing the soil, with magical nutrients so the streams were ever fresh and the edible vegetation plentiful.

For thousands of years the trees grew expanding into a mighty forest. Who’s ending was beyond the eyesight of any who looked. None dared harm the forest, many had tried and just as many never returned. But there were also wonderous tales told of miracles performed in the depths of the forest. Then again, they are just tales, that like everything, eventually fade and are no more than children's stories told at night.

By Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

Aleeya’s legs ached from the endless days of walking, her belly hollow from lack of nourishment, yet she forced herself on. Protecting the bundle on her back, she marched on.

The legend of the Silver forest was the only thing keeping the young woman going as she struggled forward. Her strength was in the knowledge that there may be hope within this mystical land of trees. She prayed the lore was true, although the scope of her endeavor was massive and the chances of it being a reality and true was fleeting. Yet it was there, a possibility was all she needed.

Finding strength she continued.

Cresting the hill, her breath left her body for a moment, as she witnessed the forest spread before her. On the edge of the woods, tiny trees spread thinly until finally giving way to larger trees the further you went. The sheer size was daunting and had it not been for the baying of the hounds in the distance she would have stopped to rest. How had they found her so soon?

A blood sun was beginning its descent behind the rolling hills, a reddish hue hung heavy in the distant sky. Yet the forest gave off a welcoming glow that spurred her on.

The howling sounds of dogs closing in gave her the energy she needed. One foot in front of the other, dust from the dry earth choked her already parched throat which spasmed for want of moisture.

There was no light, there was no darkness, she failed to see the beauty of the rising moon. Her only focus was the forest, her safety zone. For in there she hoped to lose them.

A tiny creek ran but a few body lengths from the beginning of the dark woods. Splashing through the chilled slow-moving liquid, cursing her pursuers because she could not pause to quench her thirst. It was a cruel torture, but she would resist the temptation. Risking a glance, she saw them top the hill, at least a dozen men with hunting dogs. A cheer went up as they saw their quarry within reach.

Lifting her skirt bottom to her mouth, Aleeya sucked what little water that had soaked into her clothing as she disappeared inside the safety of the trees. Darkness enveloped her immediately, and a cool breeze refreshed her soul.

The air was sweet and tangy, filling her with a renewed energy. She ran.

Branches slapped her face, reaching up and tearing at her hair, but she ran, wooden fingers tore at her clothing tugging her back. Still, she ran.

Time lost all meaning, turning right then left, sliding down hills of moss. She would not give up. Until finally her body gave out, her vision blurred, and the world spun madly out of control. Somehow, she managed to grab her bundle and swing it in front of her in a protective brace against her chest before she collapsed at the foot of a giant tree, curled in the roots that dug in the ground. Her last thought before darkness overwhelmed her was. ‘Please help me.’

When her eyes opened, a sliver of briliant light pierced through the canopy above, letting her know morning was upon them. Her body ached and her throat was sore, she was lost for a moment and tried to stand. It was then she noticed there was no ground beneath her feet. The realization shocked her awake as she found herself nestled amongst the branches of a tree easily twenty feet above the forest floor. She did not remember climbing. Her senses overloaded when she could not find her bundle, frantically she looked around then dared to glance below fearing the worst.

Suddenly, golden leaves covered her mouth muffling her screams. A melodic voice inside her head whispered. “Shhh, make not a sound. Your child is safe with us.’

Gently the leaves lifted away as the voice returns.

They search for you, fear not you too are safe.

In the distance she could hear a baying call and voices crying out.

Glancing around she saw no one, yet felt a presence as if it were beside her. “Who are you, where are you?” She cried out.

'We are the Guardians, the watchers of the forest. We were once like you. As for the where, we are everywhere within these woods.’ The voice Aleeya heard was in her mind, it felt as though it were a part of her. In a motherly tone the voice continues. ‘Eat of these berries and drink from the limbs, so you may regain your strength.”

It was the first Aleeya took notice of giant leaves filled with blue and purple berries. In moments she devoured the tiny fruit, a vine floated in front of her dripping a clear liquid, which she hastily swallowed, it was sweet and refreshing. In an instant she was rejuvenated.

'You were so weak. We feared you may not wake.' Whispered the voice. ‘Now rest.'

Placing her back against the tree, drawing her knees to her chest a sob escaped her lips, as a bundle was laid ever so gently in her arms by the branches of the great tree she rested in.

We have nourished the little one as best we could with the sweetness of our nectar flowers and water from our roots. However, we sense his illness and can do no more for him.’

Her shoulders slumped in despair as she heard this, all she attempted to do had failed. Gathering her thoughts she talked to no one in particular. “I had hoped he would be cured. I was told that the magic within this forest has the power to heal all. I was wrong.”

No, you are not wrong, there is a chance your son can be healed, however not by us, as you are not of our kin.’

“Of your kin, what does that mean?”

Do you know the origin of this forest?’

Hesitantly she answered. ”Only what we were told as children, that every tree in the Silver forest has sprouted from a grave. But many believe that is just a story told to children. So, it’s true you can communicate with the living?”

The story is true, we were created from the souls of the deceased, through this form we live on.’

"You still have not answered my question."

Each tree is unique; we remain ourselves from life as a human to become guardians. Memories of our past life fade in time, but still we know from whence we come. You are not from my family. You are not an ancestor of mine nor of any within this patch. At least not in this part of the forest.’

“Are you telling me that I need to find where one of my ancestors are buried are they the only ones who can truly help me?”

Yes. We have put feelers out for your kind but have not found your essence.’

Her heart fell as she began to understand this. With shoulders slumped she began to weep what little water she had left in her body. “My family moved from this area generations ago, I have no idea where they could have been laid to rest. I have failed.”

Holding the tiny bundle in her arms she pulled back the blanket and stared into the deep blue eyes of her son, her perfect son. At least to her he was. He had a bad reaction to the ceremonial tattoo applied to every newborn. To test the strength of the child. He became ill and could not fight off the infection. This is considered imperfection and as such he was to be discarded. Her people believed a child who is not strong is an afront to the Gods and a burden on the society, and therefore not allowed to live.

But she could see the intelligence in his eyes, the way he absorbed everything. She could not, would not let them take him away, so she fled to the forest to save her child.

Such was her despair that the surrounding trees whispered amongst themselves until the voice called out to her.

‘Child, fear not for we will do what we can to aid you.”

“I thank you for what you have already done for us, I fear if you had not, my son would already be dead, and I dragged back to face the elders.”

Farewell little one may you find what you are looking for…. Wait, there is news. We have discovered your essence.'

Instantly Aleeya's heart beat faster. "Where?"

'We sense you are of the Southernmost part of our lands. The journey will be long and hard, there are dangers along the way, but we will do what we can to help you.'

With that a great branch reached out and wrapped itself around them and slowly lowered them to the ground. She looked up to the great tree.

With a renewed excitement she quickly replied. “Thank you for all you have done for me, I will never forget this." With her forehead pressed against the silver bark she said. "I am Aleeya and this is Finn.”

Wrapping Finn and placing him upon her back, the voice reached out once more.

Take these items for your trip, you will find nourishment and water along the way. Farewell, Aleeya, farewell Finn.’

At her feet they laid a bundle of wrapped leaves, inside were honey covered seeds and nuts.

“Why did you help me and stop them?”

It is simple, evil has a stench, and they were covered in it.

Aleeya adjusted her pack and was about to begin her trek deep into the woods, suddenly a lone howl could be heard. All at once the leaves rustled in a frenzy, even though no breeze blew through. Her mind was filled with a myriad of voices all panicky.

Quickly, they have found your trail again and are heading this way. We will do what we can, do not stop no matter what you may hear. Head towards the rising sun then right at the river, follow it all the way south.’

Gathering her things Aleeya ran.

In the forest, the only sounds you hear are the humming of insects and your own breathing, sometimes the lone cry of a bird above breaks through. That was until the screams pierced the air and echoed among the trees. Frantic pleas of men and howls of pain made her shiver.

Through it all she heard a voice she recognized and feared above all others. Lorrak, the Shaman of her village called out, shattering the silence with an anger that nearly made her collapse. "ALLEEEEYA, I WILL FIND YOU.”

For a day and a night, she continued, stopping only for nourishment and to regain what little strength she had. The guardians were correct, there was plenty along the way, berries, mushrooms, and tiny creeks with fresh water.

Near the end of her second day, there were sounds of raging water, as she broke through the tree line, below her was a mighty river. White caps rolled along in unison, the sound was almost deafening, Aleeya inhaled the air, damp from the freshwater spray riding upon the wind. Facing right she saw where her destination lay, and a chance for her child’s future.

Before she began her descent, instinct made her look back in the direction she came from. In the distance a thin spiral of smoke could be seen trailing skyward. Her heart sank as she realized those who helped her were paying a price for her safety. Aleeya turned right and picked up the pace because there were those who wished her and Finn harm.

And like her, they will never give up. Frantic voices filled her mind all saying the same.

'Aleeya, run.'


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About the Creator


I have enjoyed writing for most of my life, never professionally.

I wish to now share my stories with others, lets see where it goes.

Born and raised on the Canadian Prairies, I currently reside on the West Coast. I call both places home.

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Comments (7)

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  • L.C. Schäfer2 months ago

    Nooo don't stop there! Does she find the ancestors? Is he cured? !!!

  • James Leek2 months ago

    This was a fantastic read, and superbly crafted. The opening in particular was beautiful. Very well done!

  • Mark Gagnon2 months ago

    What a great story to restart my Vocal journey with. you covered all the possibilities making the tale a believable one. Looking forward to the next episode.

  • Ah, but surely the shaman is ultimately working against himself, since from death new life shall spring forth & from suffering greater strength shall be borne. And when Finn is found to be healthy once more, what then for the shaman's followers? Will they have been filled with such a sense of purpose & convinced of the necessity for the child's death, or will their eyes be opened, their hearts changed, & the shaman lose all power & influence over them? So much more to be told, but this is gripping so far, J.

  • John Cox2 months ago

    Simply incredible, JBaz! Extraordinarily well conceived and executed. I hope there is more coming and soon!

  • D.K. Shepard2 months ago

    This is excellent! Very creative and well written! The early paragraphs of the forest’s history were beautifully crafted with a compelling voice. The transition to Aleeya’s plight was also wonderfully done!

  • What I liked most about your story is that you gave an explanation as to why the trees could talk. "Her people believed a child who is not strong is an afront to the Gods and a burden on the society, and therefore not allowed to live." To be honest, I agree with them. You know I don't like children. But I would never want them to suffer in this world. I would prefer them to not be born at all or be dead rather than suffer. I hope Aleeya finds their ancestor trees. It's the least she could do for bringing Finn into this world. Loved your story so much!

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