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How To Write Your Book Faster In 4 Simple Steps

Get ready to write

By Elise L. BlakePublished 19 days ago 3 min read
How To Write Your Book Faster In 4 Simple Steps
Photo by Rowan Freeman on Unsplash

Writing a book can seem like it takes forever. 

Day after day of typing away at your keys only to get through a few hundred words at a time. 

All progress is progress but when you step back and notice you're writing on average 100 words a day - and a book is 80,000 it feels like you're going to be there for a very, very long time. 

So how can you write faster? How can you start flying through the words and towards the first finish line in the writing race? 

Follow these four steps and get to writing. 

Set One: Set Clear Goals and Deadlines

There is nothing more motivating than a ticking clock. 

Deadlines are a writer's best friend and worst enemy.

Deadlines give you a reason to write other than just having the goal of writing. 

Having the goal of writing a novel is one thing, but when looking at it as a whole can be overwhelming and cause hesitation to take on such a monumental task. 

Instead of setting out with the goal of writing 80,000 words or more, break this goal down into smaller more manageable chunks.

You can set these goals per week or writing session, such as reaching a certain number of words, completing a chapter, or reaching whatever milestone works for you. 

Set your goals and then set your deadlines for when you are going to achieve these goals. 

Bonus points if you tell this deadline to someone else so that they can hold you accountable for it. 

 Step Two: Establish a Writing Routine 

Now that you know how much you're going to write and when you have to have it written - it's time to make a plan for when you are going to write. 

When it comes to writing consistency is going to get you to the end of your book faster than anything else. 

This doesn't mean you have to write every day, it means you have to be consistent when you do write. 

If you only have a few hours every Saturday to write then until your book is finished you shouldn't miss a single Saturday writing session. 

Step Three: Get Rid Of Distractions 

Nothing will limit your writing progress more than a distraction. 

For most writers, it's their phones, their families, wanting to watch that new show on that streaming service, needing to vacuum the ceiling, wash the fish, take out the dishes, or any other number of excuses as to why they aren't writing. 

When it's time to sit down to write - it's time to sit down to write. 

Close the door, silence your phone, close the window blinds, anything you need to do to create a distraction-free writing environment. 

Step Four: Use Productivity Aids 

If there was one tip that you take from this article it's that productivity aids can be a game changer in your writing sessions. 

If you're easily distracted or you have trouble focusing for periods of time using aids such as a POMODORO timer can make a world of difference and you'll wonder how you ever wrote without one. 

These are available for free all over the internet and can even be customized for any theme that you need. 

As I am currently working on a dark/moody novel so I use a POMODORO clock that has a dark theme and haunting piano music. 


Writing a book faster than your current speed is possible with the right approach and the right mindset. 

Set a clear goal and a deadline to achieve those goals, keep the distractions far away from the writing session, and use whatever aids you need to keep you focused on your writing. 

Best of luck! 

Now go write! 

With love, 

B. xo xo


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This story was originally posted on Medium.

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About the Creator

Elise L. Blake

Elise is a full-time writing coach and novelist. She is a recent college graduate from Southern New Hampshire University where she earned her BA in Creative Writing.

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  • Mark Graham19 days ago

    You got that right setting a goal to reach is one of the most important things a writer can do. Even if I am not writing a novel setting a goal for me is how many critiques/reviews I am going to write.

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