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3 Distinct Traits Of Best-Selling Authors (Copy These If You Want To Sell More Books)

The best things you can do for your writing career

By Elise L. BlakePublished 17 days ago 3 min read
3 Distinct Traits Of Best-Selling Authors (Copy These If You Want To Sell More Books)
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what sets one author apart from another?

Why do only a select few seem to move through the publishing process and climb to the top while the rest seem to stay lost in the trees at the bottom of the mountain?

What traits do they all share?

Can you attain them too?

Of course you can! 

Getting what they have is easier than you might think, and just as hard as you imagine it to be - in a good way. 

Consistent Branding and Marketing 

Consistency is just as important in how you portray yourself to your readership as much as it is in building your writing habits. 

If you write horror books you aren't going to be branding and marketing your books in fields of bright flowers and chittering forest animals.

Building your author platform is the same as building a brand as a business. Consistency, across all platform is the easiest way to develop an audience that could recognize your post in the sea of thousands they come across in the span of an hour. 

High-Quality Writing 

This one may seem obvious - better writing means better sales. 

However, the difference between the regular author and the best-selling author isn't the quality in which they write - at first. It's in the quality in which they edit. 

It doesn't matter what the skill level of an author is, the magic of writing comes in the editing and in the attention to detail given to a story to fix errors, plot holes, descriptions, and dialogue. 


The one thing that is going to set one author apart from another is the effort they put into their success. 

All authors face rejection, but the best-selling authors don't let it stop them from submitting. 

All authors receive bad reviews, but the best-selling authors know to continue to write even if their book flops, even if a handful of people have nasty things to say about their work. 

Bestselling authors may seem like they come out of the blue, but if you look behind them you will see years of hard work, dedication to their craft, rejection, and heartbreak, but you will see that despite all of this they never gave up in their dreams, in their ability to write and sell stories. 

If you want to become a bestselling author the number one thing you can take from any of them is not to give up despite the effort, despite the reviews, despite the bad days when you would rather throw your book out of the third story window in a hundred scattered pages then ever look at it again. 


You're on your way to becoming the author you dream of being. 

Don't give up. 

Best of luck. 

With love, 

B. xo xo


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This story was originally posted on Medium.

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About the Creator

Elise L. Blake

Elise is a full-time writing coach and novelist. She is a recent college graduate from Southern New Hampshire University where she earned her BA in Creative Writing.

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  • Mark Graham17 days ago

    I keep learning a lot from your work.

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