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Wind on My Skin, Sun Caresses Supreme

Celebrated 1st of May with a yoga session in nature

By Gabriela Trofin-TatárPublished 28 days ago 1 min read
Diósjenő Tanösvény, Hungary. Photo taken by the author, Gabriela Trofin-Tatár

Howling wind,

dancing, whispering,

humming fancy,

Green, earthy scents

hot on my skin,

Sun caresses supreme.

It feels like melted

vanilla dreams,

Ice cream would be divine,

Chilled soda would be fine

But I am in the forest.

A picnic blanket spread,

Lying down on my back

Senses awakened,

Pidgeon pose flat,

Downward dog breathing,

Deep inner feeling,

Grounding myself,

Nurturing senses,


Intense coexistence,

In nature, immersing myself,

Through natural lenses:







To the forest,

To the wind,

To the sky,

To the air,

To myself,

Finally being me.


Author’s note:

1st of May is celebrated in Hungary and in many other countries around the world as Labor Day, or International Workers Day. Usually, people gather around in parks for concerts and food festivals, in Hungarian under one umbrella name majális, basically a large celebration sponsored by local governments. The crowds and noise can be overwhelming.

This year we chose to be away from the crowds and went on a trip to the forest, in a natural reservation close to the town Diósjenő. It was an amazing experience, because it really felt grounding and relaxing. We did a 5 kilometer hike and had a picnic. After a short yoga session (Asana Rebel) with my friend, on the picnic blanket, I was inspired to write the above poem.

Thank you for reading!


***I originally published this poem on Medium.***

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inspirationalnature poetryGratitude

About the Creator

Gabriela Trofin-Tatár

Full Stack Developer in the making and mother of 3 littles. Curious, bookaholic and travel addict. I also write on Medium and Substack: https://medium.com/@chicachiflada & https://chicachiflada.substack.com/

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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Comments (3)

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  • Manisha Dhalani27 days ago

    Sounds like such a nice day - lovely poem!

  • So happy to be able to experience this with you. It felt so blissful!

  • Anna 28 days ago

    Loved your poem! I'm also writing from Hungary! Haven't met anyone Hungarian here yet.😊

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