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Life đź’”2

Life's a mess

By Hassan ArewaPublished 14 days ago • 1 min read

In the quiet moments before the dawn,
When the world is still, and the night withdrawn,
Life whispers secrets to those who hear,
In a language ancient, pure, and clear.

Beneath the stars that fade to light,
Dreams dissolve in the morning’s sight.
We are but travelers in this realm,
With hearts that yearn, and minds at helm.

From the cradle’s gentle sway,
We learn to navigate the day.
With every breath, and every tear,
We etch our presence in the sphere.

Children of the cosmos, born anew,
With endless skies and oceans blue,
We dance in fields of endless green,
Where every leaf and flower's seen.

Through seasons turning, ever bright,
We chase the shadows, seek the light.
The golden summers, winters stark,
Each day a canvas, each night a mark.

In youth, we are explorers bold,
With tales of wonder yet untold.
The world a maze of love and pain,
A tapestry of loss and gain.

We seek the heights, we face the falls,
In echoing halls of ancient calls.
The journey winds, it twists and bends,
With laughter's start and sorrow’s ends.

Love, a beacon in the storm,
A fire to keep the spirit warm.
It binds us through the darkest night,
A force of hope, a guiding light.

Yet life is fraught with hidden snags,
In subtle shifts and silent drags.
We confront the shadows of our mind,
In the quiet moments, solace find.

For every dawn that breaks anew,
There’s twilight’s hush, a parting view.
The circle turns, the story flows,
In whispered winds and rivers' prose.

As age bestows its quiet grace,
We find contentment’s gentle face.
In wrinkles etched by time’s caress,
We see a life lived to its best.

The end, a door to realms unknown,
A passage whispered, softly shown.
With peace we tread the final mile,
A journey marked by every trial.

Life, a rare and precious thread,
In the tapestry of existence spread.
A fleeting breath, a transient spark,
That lights the way through the dark.

I hope life treats us better like we all deserve!!!!

nature poetry

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