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Easy Lifestyle Hacks to Minimize Waste, Save Anguish, and Simplify Life — Hacks # 5-7

For kitchen, household, and personal

By Victoria Kjos Published 14 days ago Updated 6 days ago 3 min read
Easy Lifestyle Hacks to Minimize Waste, Save Anguish, and Simplify Life  — Hacks # 5-7
Photo by tanvi sharma on Unsplash

Creative Tips for Recycling Water Bottles When Traveling or in College— Hacks #5

Spare environmental litter and a few bucks

I have spent nearly fifteen years traveling and living abroad. I typically stayed in places for several months or longer. Despite longer-term residences, I tried to only purchase necessary items. Organizers and containers were some items I tried to find creative solutions for the use of existing items and repurposing others.

I developed these creative ways to repurpose numerous items and avoid unnecessary purchases of things I would leave behind when moving to the next locale. These tips are handy for college kids, anyone on a budget, or households who are conscientious about recycling and repurposing.

Plastic water bottle uses?

Myriad uses exist by cutting off bottle tops to fashion a cup for:

    • Pens and desk items
    • Toothbrush and toothpaste
    • Kitchen cutlery, small knives, and cooking implements
    • Bedside items
    • Medicines

I concluded that one design closely resembled Baccarat and others, such as Orrefors or Waterford crystal patterns. (Okay…perhaps that was a bit of an imaginary stretch!)

Iced or sun tea abroad?

As a lifelong iced and sun tea aficionado, I found it challenging to prepare it when frequently on the move and often with smaller refrigerators than in the West.

A 1.5 or 2-liter water bottle worked great. I added the preferred number of tea bags, and voila, tea! After several uses, when the bottle became too grungy, I would cut off the top and use the lower cup for storage purposes, as mentioned above.

How About These Simple Tips For Popcorn and Canned Foods? Hacks # 6

Solutions and savings

By Georgia Vagim on Unsplash

Growing up, my Mother read a newspaper column, “Heloise’s Household Hints.” Today, we have Google, YouTube, and Life Hacks TV programs.

Make your own microwave popcorn

Where I live, finding a plain version without butter, oil, or cheese (eek!) is challenging.

Save dinero by not buying the pre-packaged, microwaveable popcorn. In a brown paper lunch bag, add kernels.

Roll down the bag top three times. Microwave for two to three minutes, depending on your unit’s output.

By Girl with red hat on Unsplash

Open a can of tuna or soup without a can opener

This may be an infrequent problem, but I’ve been abroad where I couldn’t find a can opener. Unfortunately, I wasn’t aware of this hack then.

Scrape vigorously the bottom of the can on a cinder block or concrete sidewalk. Keep working it until the lid loosens. Voila… dinner!

How to Prevent Losing Glasses and Clothes From Sliding Off Hangers — Hack #7

Using simple in-home items

Bent tie from bread bag over the bow of glasses. Author's Photo

Glasses slip off when bending forward, in water activities, or playing sports?

Admittedly, this hack is nerdy and not fashionably cool.

But if you’ve had a motorcycle crush a $500 pair of shades, who cares? I’ve experienced 100s of concerns about trashing mine.

To prevent slipping off when bending or moving, attach a garbage or bread bag tie (the kind with metal in it) around the bow of your glasses and over your ear.

It’s not glamorous…best hidden by long hair. But if using with spec-wearing kiddies, they’ll care not.

I’d rather be dorky than lose expensive prescription glasses. I’ll use it next on a water park slide, parasailing, or zooming across the ocean on a jet ski.

Rubber band attached to end of clothes hanger. Author's Photo

Clothes sliding off hangers?

There's nothing more frustrating than continually finding clothing on the bottom of the closet floor. Despite buying various kinds of hangers, invariably, certain fabrics tend to slip off all of them.

This hack is a godsend to prevent slippage. And, it's easy-peasy.

Wrap a standard office rubber band around each end of the hanger to prevent clothing from slipping. This easy solution works for plastic, wooden, or wire clothes hangers.

Thanks for reading. Your time is valuable; I'm honored you chose to spend some of it here🙏😎

© Victoria Kjos. All Rights Reserved. 2024

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About the Creator

Victoria Kjos

I love thinking. I respect thinking. I respect thinkers. Writing, for me, is thinking on paper. I shall think here. My meanderings as a vagabond, seeker, and lifelong student. I'm deeply honored if you choose to read any of those thoughts.

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