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Dungeons Or Dragons?

Descending Into A Fun Fantasy World Where We Can Be Someone Else

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 3 min read
Top Story - May 2023


At my age, you would think I would be an expert, and in many areas I am, but in gaming, I am a novice still and was wondering what it would take to become a gamer and take part in a role-playing, Dungeons and Dragons scenario.

While I like playing games I need to keep them simple while I am on my own. I always had difficulty with multi-player games and got as far as Quake II.

This is a history of my own gaming which will be like dropping into prehistory for any gamers reading this, and I have included Queen's "Play The Game" for you to listen to while you read this.

This is going to be unusual because I am going to be asking questions rather than answering them and I really hope that you will share your opinions on taking part in Dungeons and Dragons in the comments on here.

Dungeons & Dragons ™ is a popular role-playing fantasy adventure game first published in 1974 by TSR, Inc. It was developed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and later acquired by Wizards of The Coast.

It was partially based on a combination of old simulation miniature war games and another Gygax creation called "Chainmail".

There is a current film that uses the concept that a number of friends have seen and enjoyed, although I am not in that number just yet.

Would You Want Me In Your Dungeons And Dragons Team?

I have only taken part in one official Multi-Player Role Playing Game session which had a master controlling the game and there was beer involved but beyond that, I cannot remember anything.

I once played a round of golf at Beamish and was told never to return due to the number of divots I took out of the greens. I think Mark Twain said "Golf is a good walk ruined"

Dungeons and Dragons is played either as a table-top game or online and people can create their own characters while obeying the rules of the game administered by the referee or dungeon master.

This is the Wiki reference to the game.

The question I have to ask is what makes a good Dungeon Master and a worthy Dungeons and Dragons player? How could you tempt me to play the game with you?

Is it best to dress up in suitable costumes while you play the game? I think the only time I ever got dressed up for something was impersonating Elvis at a Spoon gig, though I probably would not need much make-up to play a Jabba The Hutt figure.

Like playing in a band I think that gamers must build a supportive camaraderie with each other to enjoy the game, and I hope that some real gamers can come on here and elucidate to give me an idea about what is required and maybe tempt me into playing.

I am not an expert here but I would love to know more, and the best way to do that is for people to tell me what they like, and what they see as important when they actually play these games.

Another thing is "How long do games last?".

Are they finished in the actual session or do they go on for weeks and months?

I really hope to get some feedback on this, and maybe suggest groups worth joining, either on Facebook or further afield.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and hope this turns into an informative discussion including experienced gamers and others who want to see if Dungeons and Dragons is for the,.


These are some online Dungeons and Dragons sites that you can join wherever you are in the world.

Dungeon and Dragoneers, if you are open to new members, either locally or online, please drop information and links in the comments. Thank you so much.

You can also get the board games sets and physically play with friends.

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About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Comments (49)

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  • Galadriel3 months ago

    Dungeons and Dragons is a game of imagination, creativity and collaboration. You can be anyone you want, and explore a fantasy world with your friends. It doesn't matter how old you are, or how good you are at games. What matters is that you have a good time and share some memorable stories.

  • Alban Kodra4 months ago

    How did I miss this?! This is an awesome read, Mike! It really is a fun game!

  • Gina C.6 months ago

    How did I miss this?! This is an awesome read, Mike! It really is a fun game!

  • Artieinfo7 months ago

    I love games

  • Abdullah7 months ago

    I like it!

  • Matthias Thomas 8 months ago

    Great game

  • Lost in Writing9 months ago

    Always been curious about it but never got around trying or even learning about it. Perhaps because story creation, flight simulation, real-life problems and computer programming absorb my time, regrettable. The only role-playing game I played was Second Life but that was long ago.

  • Robert Terrell11 months ago

    This is the best game for friends, because usually games last for months :) The best advice to get better is to just play, play and play. So grab your friends and play. If you want to play online, I would recommend this site, but it's still better to play offline. To begin with, I would not bother with costumes, but just get into the game, and then you can, or rather you should :)

  • Hope Martin11 months ago

    Also. Games can last hours. A campaign usually takes a few months to play. It took me and my group about a month of playing every couple days for at least 3 or 4 hours to get through our first campaign. That’s why they have recaps. Literally D&D is creating a story from a planned out story / and adding more story and fight scenes! Being able to mind palace be creative and really dive into being someone else and bring it to life is the funnest part.

  • Hope Martin11 months ago

    Oh! OH! ME! MEEEEE! I’ll answer your questions. Well, actually I’ll just go on a rant here and maybe it’ll answer your questions. Why D&D?( Btw it’s and not or. ) BECAUSE ITS AWESOME. So. Me and my group. We don’t dress up. But sometimes I go all out and make medieval and renaissance feasts for our game nights. Homemade peasant bread and stew. What REALLY sets dungeons and dragons apart is the role playing aspect. Really bringing your character to life. Putting your own flair and giving them a personality. And being able to speak it out loud and immerse yourself into the role. Whether you’re a grumpy warrior dwarf whose only pleasure is ale and gold- or like in my case a young elf who was raised by acolyte for a god and has no clue how a real elf acts- she’s smart, kind but terribly naive and while she has no charisma she gets away with seducing enemies of intellectual nature with her intense need to debate and learn from everything and everyone. What makes a worthy dungeon master? They have to be a story teller - not afraid to take what you have given with your character and the storyline and turn it into a captivating scene and story. Whether you’re fighting or interrogating the village for information about your mission, a good Dungeon Master has to be able to take the details, maintain track of everyone’s characters, the story and add their own details and flair, turning it into a story. On YouTube, or even twitch look up Geek and Sundry - critical role. The episodes are long and they have three different campaigns start with the first one of vox Machina. You wanna know about D&D? Let the D&D god Matt Mercer and his critters show you the magic of it! And see how their world progresses!

  • Anne Baker11 months ago

    For me personally, Dragon games are something I can't resist. They have fascinated me since I was a teenager. I also played Dungeons & Dragons. But lately I like something more passive and less time-consuming. Well, of course, so that it doesn't take a lot of my energy. Probably all because I went to work and the only thing I want is to rest and have fun at the same time. That's why I fell in love with Australian online pokies with dragons on the Pokieslab website. This is what I need now. After all, even if I want to play risk-free, I can use free spins. Therefore, even with time, I do not give up my favorite dragons.

  • MARIE ODEMS 12 months ago


  • Christian Smith about a year ago

    Definitely Dungeons

  • Silent Scarlettabout a year ago

    I love this game it's so much fun

  • Samuel Wrightabout a year ago

    I love all kinds of RPGs. Right now I am looking for a local Shadowdark RPG group near me and playing an online 5E D&D game through Facebook Messenger.

  • Darryl Hardinabout a year ago

    My parents wouldn't let me play D&D as a kid which was terrible as it always captivated me. I wanted so bad to play but didn't have the guts to disobey my parents. For some reason though, I was able to play video games and such, thankfully.

  • Played it once with some youth in KCMO. They got tired of having me as dungeon master after just one dungeon. Ever since it's just Big Bang Theory for me.

  • Shane Dobbieabout a year ago

    Started playing a game during lockdown and it went on for the best part of a year. Some games will only last a session or two depending on what you’re looking for. We’ve moved on from D&D to other systems; the idea remains the same but the theme changes. If you have the imagination (which you do) I expect you would enjoy it

  • Tom Bakerabout a year ago

    You shouldn't do this. If so, you'll become possessed, listen to Judas Priest, dress in black, and have The Omen on rotation on your telescreen. You might start wearing Eighties fashions. When I was a kid, I use to DREAM EVIL just by oogling the covers of the DND modules at the local PX on Fort Clayton, Panama, where everyone knows that secret black magic ceremonies were held by the soldiers who were all closet Satanists committed to the principles of death and WAR. Eh, but maybe none of that is true, and it's "just a game...just a game...just a game..." You ever hear of a book by private detective William Dear called "The Dungeonmaster"? Anyway, great article, my man! I'm planning on using AI to write the manual for a tabletop RPG based around gothic horror. Simple game mechanics and only need three six-sided dice. Best to you!

  • Grz Colmabout a year ago

    I’ve recently wanted to play this as I like the show Stranger Things where the characters play D&D. Congrats on your top story! 😀

  • Farhan Mirza about a year ago

    awesome MIKE , you are an amazing writer

  • Dana Crandellabout a year ago

    Congratulations on the Top Story!

  • Dana Crandellabout a year ago

    I knew a lot of younger folks wo became completely obsessed with it. I never felt the urge. In retrospect, maybe i didn't give it a fair shake. Pam and I enjoyed gems like Myst and Riven. Even King's Quest back in the day, and Kingdom Hearts was brilliant.

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