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The Most Wonderful Date

I was a fool to believe so

By Jasmine AguilarPublished 2 months ago 4 min read
The Most Wonderful Date
Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

It was ten minutes after six and she wasn't here yet. I checked my phone and tried not to overthink. Maybe she changed her mind about me and nerves got the better of her as they were starting to get to me. 

I composed myself as I sat at the table inside the restaurant. She probably just had a late start leaving the house or got stuck in traffic. I swirled the ice in my drink mindlessly. That must be it. 

But why hadn't she texted me? I looked towards the restaurant entrance. Maybe I was being set up - 

"I am so sorry!" she exclaimed as she rushed up to me and sat her bag down under the table and sat down. Her hair was secured in a half messy manner as wisps of hair fell against her cheeks. I found such disarray to be attractive and I caught myself smiling. "I meant to text you but I misplaced my phone. That's why I was so late. I know it's at home somewhere." 

She smiled as she glanced at the menu. "It's finally nice to meet you. You know, you really don't look like your profile picture." She gave a subtle wink and returned her gaze to the menu.

I was caught off guard by her unexpected sense of humor and was at a loss of words for a clever comeback. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Her pleasant easygoing demeanor and soft voice allowed me to relax. Her smile was a reassuring proof that she was enjoying the date so far. However, I had the urge to impress her. For her to like me. To make sure she had a reason to smile. 

I found myself caught up in our conversation as we waited for our food. She revealed she enjoyed watching a good thriller, one of my go to movie genres. I didn't realize how close my elbow was to my drink until I heard the glass hit the table and soda spill out in all directions. 

I cursed as I rushed to grab the napkins as she jumped up, some of the soda landing on her side and some even landing on her pants. She grabbed a few napkins to soak up her pants and what had spilled out on her side. 

"I swear I never really spill drinks." 

"Hey, I'm surprised I wasn't the one that spilled something!" she laughed. "I am good with things like that."

Well if a little spill was the only inconvenience to happen this evening, I'd count that as a plus. 

After dinner, we decided to check out the nearby stores that were just within walking distance. 

I noticed a small ice cream shop inside a store and decided to surprise her.

She raised an eyebrow and gave an awkward smile refusing to accept the ice cream. "Thank you! But I'm allergic to dairy!" 

So she was allergic to dairy. Well this was awkward. It was a genuine well meaning gesture but I should have asked her first. 

"It's okay, I've been here many times," she chimed walking over to the ice cream shop. "They have a non dairy menu. I actually could eat some ice cream. You can have that one."

By Heather Barnes on Unsplash

We sat on a bench outside of a store enjoying our ice cream before heading back to our cars. I felt the need to fill the silence with words as she smiled politely chiming in here and there. She seemed to find comfort in the silence, to just watch life go by. 

Was I talking too much? Was she being annoyed? 

I walked her to her car. It was the very least I could do after that eventful evening. For just that fleeting moment in time as she stood in the moonlight, she looked absolutely beautiful! 

For what felt like an eternity, not one of us said anything. Her wavy hair, half up and in disarray like a chaotic yet beautiful mess and her smile was just as lovely as the first time I noticed. Maybe even more. 

In my mind's eye, I saw a brief glimpse of us kissing. The desire felt as real as anything I've felt. I wanted to make it a reality but hesitated. This was only the first date after all. I made a split second decision and slowly leaned towards her. 

She threw her arms around me for a quick hug, dodging my intended kiss. Whether the dodge was intentional or not, I couldn't be sure either way.

"It was great getting to know you," she said. "I know I had a lot of fun! Goodnight!" 

I sat for the longest time in my car even after she had long left. I thought about the trivial spill, the ice cream incident, how much I seemed to be talking that night just to fill in the awkward silence. The missed opportunity … 

Maybe it wasn't meant to be. Maybe I was foolish to even believe this could be the date of her dreams. Even more foolish to believe I stood another chance of a date with her. After that date, she'll probably never go out on another date with me.

By Michael Fenton on Unsplash

"How was your date?"

A small but prominent smile formed over the young woman's face and a glint shone in her eyes as she spoke to her mom on the phone. "Oh, I had the most wonderful time!"

Short StoryLove

About the Creator

Jasmine Aguilar

Fascinated by pop culture and its effect on society... movies, music, books.. and pretty much anything.

I love writing and write a little bit of everything including a science fiction WIP!

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  • Babs Iverson2 months ago

    Lovely story!!! Loved it!!!💕❤️❤️

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