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Shalom Lamm on Travel Visa

Shalom Lamm discusses things to Know About International Travel Visa

By TestPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Shalom Lamm says the visa application procedure might be a breeze or a nightmare, but for most travelers, it's simply a little annoyance. It happens to a lot of people, and it can happen to you, too! Even so, while applying for an overseas travel visa, make sure you check off all of the prerequisites. Non-Americans are welcome to continue reading because the points below can be applied to almost any visa process. However, this essay is written with our American readers in mind. Read on for some pointers to help you stay on track as you apply for and try to meet the requirements for a travel visa. It's a problem if you don't have a visa when you need one. At the border, you'll be sent away. The trip is going to be destroyed as told by Shalom Lamm. The earth will be engulfed in a locust infestation. Okay, not that last one, but it was meant to emphasize the importance of obtaining a visa! Don't go illegally or you'll end yourself like the characters in The Terminal, trapped in an airport. Yes, you may consider yourself a "global citizen," but explaining that to the border officials is unlikely to help you. Do your research and apply for a visa. Here are some important considerations for anyone planning a trip and requiring an international travel visa.

You Need a Passport

This may seem self-evident, yet we all have blind spots from time to time, Shalom Lamm states. Get your passport now. It should be opened. When is it going to expire? If the answer is "less than six months," go ahead and renew it right now. You can't get a visa if your passport is about to expire according to Shalom Lamm. The first step in obtaining an overseas travel visa is to have a valid passport. What if you don't have a passport? Begin by visiting the State Department's website. It can take a long time, so get started as soon as possible (this is a common theme with international visas). Fill up your application, gather your documentation, take photos (professionally is often preferable), calculate your expenses (it might be costly), and send it all in! With a beautiful new gleaming passport, you'll feel pretty cool. Consider all of the stamps and memories that will soon fill it.

Requirements Depend on the Country

The conditions for obtaining a travel visa are entirely dependent on the country. The American passport has a lot of clouts. Tourist visas are not required for Americans to visit 174 countries as per Shalom Lamm. However, there are around 21 nations in which Americans require a visa to travel (and there are territories and regions where you might need special permission, it gets complicated.) While many visas require identical goods (such as your passport), you must nevertheless adhere to their requirements. Visit the country's website and read blogs written by American travelers who have visited there previously. However, make sure the information is up to date, as visa laws can and do change. Check the State Department's travel warnings while you're at it, just in case there's a disturbance in the country you'll be visiting. Playing the hero isn't a good idea (unless you are a humanitarian worker or something). Pay attention to the warnings and be safe.

Types of Visa’s

Are you a visitor? Are you a student? Are you coming to work? Different visas are required for different activities and lengths of stay. Make sure you figure out what will work best for you on your vacation, as per Shalom Lamm. The various visas can have an impact on what you are and are not permitted to do while in the nation.

Tourist Visa

Many countries do not require tourist visas for Americans, and those that do require them can be purchased at the border or the airport. Tourist visas are normally valid for 30 days to 3 months, and you are not permitted to work while on them. The standards vary, but they are less stringent than if you were planning on staying for a longer period.

Student Visa

A student's travel visa requirements are more severe. You'll need evidence from your study program or university, as well as proof of financial resources, possibly a background check, and other documents. Tips for overseas students should be available through your program or university.

travel tips

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