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Why do people after age 40 need sport more than ever?

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By Enas El Nemr Published about a year ago 3 min read

It has been drilled in our mind since our childhood that sport is important to our health. Most parents encourage their children to play sports at schools, clubs or even in the streets. Sports help kids feel valued by achieving success at one sport or more, have new friends, have fun, develop physical skills, learn positive life lessons through sports which make them honest, reliable, fair and kind when they grow up.

Many people begin sport at youngest age but when they reach middle age, especially women, their passion to do sports decreases gradually. What happens?

Their life changes when they become older, they should execute their daily routines forgetting totally themselves because they hardly balance the demands of their daily work and family life. This places a great deal of pressure particularly on women as they are the main caregivers of the family, they live in constant panic. They fail to allocate time for exercises. They don’t take into consideration that middle age is rarely kind where metabolic rate (how fast we burn calories) starts to slow down by 2 to 3 percent each decade, beginning in our 20s and it becomes more noticeable between ages 40 and 60 as well as the bodily changes that come with ageing may cause osteoarthritis for some people. Despite anyone can get osteoarthritis but it is more common as people age so the main treatment for the symptoms of osteoarthritis is exercising regularly.

Here is why people, in particular, after age 40, they should keep doing sports. Regular exercises help them to get stronger, faster, and healthier.

Sports, in general, help you to regain some of your agility as you age.

Exercises regularly can reverse your biological age; you could be 55 while you still have the body of 40 years old. It is enjoyable that people after age 40 perform their exercises in groups with their peers or with whom younger than them. For example they go cycling in groups or joining a gym while doing aerobics, zumba, yoga in groups or running with active runners of different ages.

Why is sport important for the happiness of people after age 40 especially women?

A study from the centers for disease control and prevention, which is the national public health agency of the United States, found women ages 40 to 59 have the highest rate of depression comparing to any group based on age and gender in the U.S so sports help in lowering depression and improving mood.

Even if you, have moments you feel less enthusiastic, no matter how slow you perform your exercises, the most important that you keep being active. The only one who can convince you when you are over 40 that you can do exercises regularly as you did in your 20’s is you so you have to listen to yourself carefully.

Finally, to sum up, my advice to all my readers of all ages, run if you can, walk if you can’t run, crawl if you can’t walk but never leave sport. Age is no barrier to do your regular exercises, sports life is not short, and you can play sport during your whole life. If something stands between you and your sport, move it, schedule your day to give your sport a time and try to set various sports activities as priority.

You must leave that soul that destroys your enthusiasm to do sports and your limiting beliefs that stand between you and your exercises.

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Enas El Nemr

I'm Egyptian writer. I have many inspiring ideas and interesting stories to share with you here on this great platform.

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