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Take control of your finance

Financial difficulties happen when you are not in charge of your points of view

By Chutisa BowmanPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Take control of your finance
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Are you aware that your point of view determines whether you will struggle in frustration or live an extraordinary life of abundance and wealth?

Your financial situation is greatly affected by your points of view and your beliefs, since your points of view determine the choices you will make. Your points of view are the most powerful influence in your life. They have the capacity to propel you toward financial freedom or financial disaster.

If you are experiencing a limitation in your life around money and finance, could it be that you are thinking more about lack of money and financial struggle than being prosperous and wealthy?

What’s keeping you from having financial freedom?

In most cases it is simply your point of view and your lack of belief that it is truly possible for you to have financial freedom. Your points of view determine how you create your life and your financial reality.

If your point of view is based on scarcity and lack, you will see life from a scarcity viewpoint. You probably believe that money is hard to get, and money only comes from working hard. If you believe that there is not enough money to go around, then that is what your reality will be.

Your points of view are the things that ground you in your reality and are the basis upon which your life is created.

The choice you make, the things you do, the things you say express your viewpoints about life, and about the world. You cannot change your financial circumstance until you first change your point of view and your belief about money and finance.

Your present financial reality is a by-product of choices you have made and your limiting points of view about money.

You are probably unaware of the point of view that you carry around concerning money and finance. Whether you are aware of your point of view or not, it is impacting your behaviour and many of the choices you are making.

The good news is that you can change your points of view and thus change what you experience. Look at a current situation in your life and your financial situation and ask: “What points of view do I have that create my life and my financial reality the way they are?”

Do you have a point of view that keeps you from experiencing abundance?

If you desire to have financial freedom you must first become aware of the points of view that keep you from experiencing abundance.

It is absolutely essential to be aware of your points of view that have prevented you from being abundantly prosperous and be willing to change those points of view that are limiting you. Without such awareness, you’ll only be applying short-term solutions. There will be no real change.

Being aware enough to recognize any sabotaging thoughts can be challenging, but without doing this you won’t be able to improve your financial situation. Recognizing the choices and the actions you have taken to create your current financial situation is critical to moving forward toward a life of wealth and financial freedom.

What you have been choosing and doing have created your current financial position. If you cannot fathom having large amounts of money, you cannot see it as a possibility.

Take a conscious look at the life and the reality you have created.

Be aware of the points of view, assumptions and limiting beliefs you function from in life. How do you see the world you live in? Recognize the points of view you have about money and finance as well as the points of view you have about you in regard to money and finance?

  • Do you have points of view that stop you from creating wealth and financial freedom?
  • Do you live in fear of scarcity and lack?
  • Do you believe that life is difficult and you will never get ahead?
  • Do you believe that what you wanted, you couldn’t get, or if you got it, you could lose it?
  • Do you have judgment of money?
  • Have you bought into the lie of scarcity, and then tried to create your life based on this lie?

Be willing to see what you have been choosing and be willing to choose something different.

If you would like something to change in your reality, then you must first look at what you need to change about yourself!

It must start with you, not anything external, not others to change, just you! When you choose to start with yourself, you can choose to be, do, have, create and generate anything. You can change what you believe and thus change what you create as your reality.

You can change anything to get it to become what you would like it to be if you are willing to be the creative source of your own reality.

Look at what you can change, not what you can control. You’ve got to look at what needs to be changed every day, and then ask “What can I be that would alter this, change this and create a different reality? What can I be and do different today to create a different possibility right away?”

personal finance

About the Creator

Chutisa Bowman

Chutisa Bowman is a Pragmatic Futurist, author, creative director, producer and poet. She is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, benevolent capitalism, prosperity consciousness, and conscious leadership.

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