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Retirement Planning

Start retirement planning in your 40s

By KamsPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Retirement may feel like a long way off when you're young. Financial planning, on the other hand, is required if you wish to retire in luxury and dignity. Whatever your dream retirement looks like, whether it's a relaxing time at home with family and friends or an adventure-filled trip around the world, you'll need money.

Financial planning should include retirement planning. The necessity for retirement planning grows as average life expectancy rises. Retirement planning not only provides an additional source of income, but it also aids in coping with medical emergencies, achieving life goals, and becoming financially independent.

What is retirement planning?

Retirement planning is the process of determining your retirement income objectives and executing all of the necessary actions and decisions to accomplish those goals. Retirement planning is assessing sources of income, predicting expenses, and devising an investment or savings strategy to meet retirement objectives while balancing risks and assets. When you first start working, retirement planning isn't something you think about right away. It may be quite simple to put it off till later in life. Nonetheless, you must keep in mind that being prepared is always in your best interest. Many life situations are beyond your control, but the very least you can do is prepare financially for them.

Each of us has a vision of how we want our lives to be after we retire. Whatever it is, adequate financial support is required to maintain your way of living. Setting income objectives for post-retirement life and establishing the procedures necessary to accomplish them is all that retirement planning entails? Identifying income sources, monitoring expenses, investing in savings programs, and controlling risks are all important aspects of retirement planning. To put it another way, retirement planning entails developing financial plans that will enable you to save, spend, and invest in accordance with your long-term objectives as you get older. Depending on the individual's characteristics, there are a variety of financial instruments that can help with retirement planning.

Retirement preparation does not imply that you should solely focus on your finances. Retirement planning entails both financial and personal considerations. One's retirement satisfaction is determined by personal planning.

Financial planning, on the other hand, aids in the budgeting of income and expenses based on a personal strategy.

Personal planning is primarily concerned with the subject of "how does one wish to spend their retirement?" It will be easier to determine financial demands if you have a vision of how you want to spend your retirement. Some people may desire to explore the world during their retirement, while others may wish to take a few courses or volunteer at a non-profit organisation. There are a plethora of retirement options available.

The first step toward retirement planning, though, is to have a notion of how one would like to spend their retirement.

Reasons to plan for your retirement


Most people are concerned about being a financial burden to their families as they get older. It can also be emotionally draining to be financially reliant on someone else. Retirement planning enables you to live comfortably without relying on family members.

Some people view retirement as a time to accomplish aspirations that were put on hold owing to more important life obligations. Such fantasies can easily come true if you invest time and effort into retirement planning.

Life Expectancy

You might not know it right now, but life after retirement is a lengthy one. For example, if someone retires at the age of 60, they will have many years to manage their post-retirement investment due to the typical life expectancy of 70-75 years. This is why planning for retirement at the appropriate age is so important.

Medical Costs

The cost of medical treatment is rising at an ever-increasing rate. A medical emergency can quickly deplete a person's savings. Furthermore, as people get older, they become more prone to ailments. To meet such costs and receive high-quality medical care when needed, retirement planning is critical.

Tax Relief

Every person who earns money aspires to minimise their tax liability and maximise their savings. The Indian government offers tax incentives on a variety of financial products, which you might factor into your retirement planning. It's a smart method to plan for the future while also saving money in the now. Tax benefits are subject to vary based on current tax regulations.

Peace of Mind

Your peace of mind is priceless. The burden of managing money to meet long- and short-term obligations can be excruciating. It could also lead to health problems like hypertension and other unpleasant ailments. It is more necessary to protect yourself from such issues as you get older. Retirement planning is an excellent way to ensure a long, happy, and healthy life.

How to plan your retirement?

One must begin planning for retirement as soon as they begin working. Starting a retirement fund early in life will aid in the accumulation of a substantial corpus. Furthermore, it eases the strain on persons who are approaching retirement age. People sometimes put off retirement planning because they believe it will be 30 years away. However, planning for retirement early in life, when financial responsibilities are limited, helps to alleviate the strain of doing so later.

Planning for retirement isn’t rocket science. All one has to do is follow the steps below:

Determine the investment horizon

One must first identify when they wish to retire in order to calculate their investing horizon. Then figure out how many years you have till you retire. This is the investor's investable age or investment horizon. Investors must also decide how long they want to save for their expenses. For example, a 25-year-old investor intends to retire at 60 and budget for costs until he or she is 80 years old. This investor is 35 years old and has a 35-year investing horizon. And he or she must be certain that their current investments will allow them to cover their costs till they reach the age of 80.

Estimate the expenses

The next stage is to calculate current costs. They must determine what the investor's usual daily expenses are. This does not need to include kid education costs or EMIs because the investor may not have to pay them after retirement.

Have a contingency fund for retirement

Having a medical expense contingency fund is essential throughout retirement. Medical costs can add up quickly once you reach retirement age. However, estimating these can be challenging. As a result, having an emergency fund is recommended.

Decide on the asset mix

Investors might hire a financial advisor to help them choose which asset classes to invest in. Investors are advised to put their money into assets that outperform inflation. Inflation is a major risk for every investment. The real return on an investment after inflation is lower than the predicted return. As a result, investors must invest in assets that provide better returns than inflation.

Start investing early

Investing early in life not only aids in the accumulation of a large sum of money. However, it also lessens the financial strain of setting up a retirement fund with a lump sum payment. Investing at a young age allows you to buy more time for your money, boosting the benefit of compounding on your investments. They might also invest small amounts on a regular basis to attain their goal.

Avoid using the funds kept aside for retirement

One common blunder is to spend the money set aside for retirement. Investors should not use their retirement funds for their children's schooling, marriage, or any other reason. Instead, investors can make a list of their life goals and set aside money each month to work toward them. Each financial goal will have its own corpus this way.

Benefits of retirement planning

Stress-free life

The most important result of retirement planning is this. Retirement planning allows you to live a stress-free and serene existence. Having investments that generate consistent income during retirement allows you to live a worry-free life. Retirement is the time in one's life when they may relax and enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Money works for you

Everyone used to rush to their 9-5 jobs when they were younger. Everyone works hard in order to make a life. Retirement days, on the other hand, are days when you are no longer able to work. As a result, it is the time to let the money one has acquired do all the work. To achieve this, one must begin putting money aside for retirement at a young age. Starting small can also help you earn a lot of money in the long run. As a result, a retirement fund should consist of a well-diversified portfolio that can provide returns after retirement.

Tax benefits

Tax savings are also aided by retirement planning. PPF and NSC investments, for example, are tax-free under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. These are long-term investments that might be appropriate for retirement. There are a number of investment options available for retirement planning that are also tax deductible.


Getting a head start on retirement planning when you're young will help you save money. In an insurance policy, for example, the premium amount to be paid is lower when the insured is younger. Getting insurance during retirement is expensive.

Inflation beating returns

Investing in retirement can help you earn profits that outperform inflation. Holding money in a savings account at a bank will not yield big returns. To put it another way, the interest earned will not be sufficient to ensure a secure retirement. As a result, smart investment planning will aid in generating considerable long-term returns. It is also critical to begin investing as soon as possible. This aids in balancing the effects of market volatility.

personal finance

About the Creator


SEO Executive and a Passionate Learner.

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