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The Pandemic Playbook

Did President Trump do everything possible to prevent COVID-19 from spreading here is the US.

By Joseph Williams JrPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Pandemic Playbook the Biden Campaign states was in place when they left office.

This pandemic has hurt us as a country like we have never seen in our lifetime. During these times we need to come together as a United people and do what we need to do to get control of this and defeat this. However, in doing this, we needed a unified response on a Federal Level for leadership. That is what we look to Washington for. So what did the Trump Administration do to make our country safe for all of us. With close to 9 million infected and over 200,000 who have died. What could have been done? The Pandemic Playbook touted by Former-Vice- President Biden was designed to provide guidance for times like these.

Us Intelligence Reports - The Washington Post

In late 2019, the US Intelligence Agency seen something on the horizon that could have proven to be a problem for us here in the states. As we know now, the Trump Administration - Stop, let me correct that, President Donald Trump failed to rely on that information to help direct his efforts to prevent the spread of this virus here in the US.

As I walk around in our new normal with masks on in public and keeping 6 feet social distance. I have to believe, we could have been doing this back in February and lowered the rate of infection spread. Now, i am partial to Movie Theatres because i have been waiting to see Marvel's Black Widow and Warner Brother's Wonder Woman 84. I could have been sitting in the movie over the summer watching my movies. But it didn't happen. It didn't happen because of our President's Political Calculation to make sure the Stock Market didn't drop so he could have kept a political narrative he could ride to re-election this November. So how did that work out?

Understand, i am not inferring that he was responsible for it being released. But it is all about the response. How we respond to a emergency tells alot about the kind of person you are. You can still want the Economy to prosper, who wouldn't want that. But, do you value money over the lives of those you were elected to lead.

A economy can not prosper, if there is no one to spend money.

A economy can not function if there are no small business to provide a service to the people who will spend money for their services.

The health of our country is tied to the rise and fall of our economy. This is a connection the administration fails to understand, or refuse to understand or just don't care. That is why the Pandemic Playbook is such a important tool that could been used as a means of guidance to help in our response to this virus or any other outbreak.

In this review of what could have been the response to this pandemic. You have to look at many things and see how they come together. How all the pieces fit to make a complete picture.

When you pull this information together, you can see what happened, when it happen and what could or should have happen. The most important aspect of the playbook, it that if gives you tiers to to use and a measure to response to prioritize the response that need to be taken to guild the Administration. This bring forth a clarity that will let you see what could have happen.

We should never expect that it is okay for over 200,000 Americans to die and say that it is okay.


About the Creator

Joseph Williams Jr

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