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Stop Blaming the Working Classes - That's What the Elite Want

Target your anger at the elite

By Hexe News Published 4 years ago 3 min read

With the British election results coming in, the "the working class have done this" rhetoric was always expected. Even from left-wing mutuals.

It's such a widespread mindset, crafted by the right-wing elite. The idea that the working classes are the pillar behind racism, Brexit, and right-wing governments.

It's this discourse that ultimately transfers all attention from the billionaire elites, and onto the ones that will suffer most under right-wing policies, and patriotic mindsets.

Blamed for their own poverty

In Britain, many middle and upper-class people believe that poverty is a result of bad personal decisions.

People of colour are more subject to this blame - a mindset that political scientists have labeled "racial resentment".

There's an unfair "Frank Gallagher" stereotype of the working classes. It falls in line with the idea that alcohol, substance abuse, and dependency on benefits is the sole reason for their poverty. Our very own Prime Minister labeled the working classes as "Criminal and hopeless":

"If he is blue-collar, he is likely to be drunk, criminal, aimless, feckless and hopeless, and perhaps claiming to suffer from low self-esteem brought on by unemployment." - Boris Johnson

According to the elite, if people just worked hard and avoided substances, they too could have all the luxuries and privileges in the world.

This conservative theory of poverty couldn't be further from the truth. The vast majority of working-class people are subject to poverty as a result of the capitalist system. The economy's structure - including the welfare system and job market plays a much higher role than alcohol or violence.

Take Japan as a prime example. Here, people work extremely hard, there's little drug use, crime is low, and single mothers rarely exist. Yet, the country's poverty rate remains well above average.

Blamed for the ills on society

Not only are the lower classes blamed for their own poverty, but they're often blamed for the ills on society.

Despite reports revealing that it's the middle-income earners who are the most prejudiced, it's the working classes who are labeled as bigots.

The conversation around the working classes is divisive. It's portrayed as white and racist - ignoring the blatant facts that it's a multi-ethnic community.

Even with Brexit, the attention was always placed on the white working class, who "disproportionately voted for Brexit", which was factually just plain wrong.

It's a strange combination of the working classes being blamed for everything, while simultaneously being told that they should blame immigrants for everything.

With the recent results of the general election pouring in, the country once again begins to look at working-class towns in the North.

Failing to recognize that the Conservative victory is a result of right-wing elites, is plain ignorance at this point. This has never been a fault of Northern working-class towns, but a product of a capitalist society run by the 1%.

The right-wing media

The conservative media includes the majority of publications in the UK right now. Even the "impartial" BBC showed clear bias, especially in the weeks coming up to the general election.

The media published story after story, and broadcasted report after report which showed blatant support for the Tories.

Not only that, but it showcased a very clear distaste for Jeremy Corbyn - a leader who would finally make the elite pay their fair share of taxes, to help benefit the rest of society.

A recent report revealed that 88% of Tory adverts misleading, compared to 0% for labour.

Remember, the bourgeois own the media. Thus, as a social class, they can select and determine what is projected into the world.

Elaborating from this, the working class doesn't own any mass communications media. They're only ever subject to the elite's version of news. From this, they adopt the imposed worldview that they're told to have.

Easier to control

Ideological control is a deliberate plan, constructed by the bourgeois intellectuals. It's propagated by the mass media, and successfully controls the minds of the masses.

Media promotes ideologies that favour capitalism, imperialism, sexism, racism, authoritarian violence, an anti-working class antagonism. These things benefit the elite and control the masses.

It's this deliberate, targeted spread of misinformation that should be blamed, not the working classes. It's the Etonian elite politicians who have mastered the art of double talk that should be held to account, not the minimum wage worker in the North of Britain.

You're angry. That's understandable. Take this anger and project it to those that have put the country in this place.

This has always and will always be the fault of the Elite tory government and media.


About the Creator

Hexe News

For witchy women by witchy women

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