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Life Without a Two-Party System

Can you see it?

By Iria Vasquez-PaezPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Since the invention of the United States, we have had a two party system. This article is practice, or a dry run rough draft for a piece I'm writing for Salon about how to get rid of the two party system altogether. The Republicans are the obvious bad guys, at least the ones who aren't members of Republicans for the Rule of Law. There are bad Democrats out there too, who serve corporate interests, not the people. Vote by mails is something Republicans for the Rule of Law can get behind. I'm not necessarily that conservative though as I believe in a woman's right to choose, and equal work for equal pay, something we have precious little of in the United States at large right now.

Nobody is working together right now; everybody is descending into petty fighting, over partisan politics. Stimulus checks should go out to all Americans if unemployment is at its highest since The Great Depression and common people do not know if they will get their next paycheck. At that point, the rich have to step up. Grown ups are acting like children, who are not coming to agreements about much of anything. What does the two party systems do but make each other crazy? I hate Democrats, Republicans say, and Democrats hate Republicans?

Since when is that helpful? Even W. Bush respected the rule of law. Enough with the crazy? What is your problem? It’s a collective problem. The rest of the world copied our two-party system in case some of us didn't know. What is the point of politics, other than trusting your gut, to make the election process about character, not parties. It should be about someone's vote, what they value, and what they want to achieve for the country, not what party they represent. Political parties have thus become useless. We certainly cannot replace our political parties with a monarchy, but once again we are trendsetters because we do not know what the future brings unless we start new systems in general.

We should be judging people by their actions, and their character, not necessarily their words found in the content of their speeches. Nobody is coming to rescue us, since that is how you learn things, by making sure you do not need someone else interfering with our lessons. The Democrats can't talk to Republicans, and Republicans feel entitled to do very bad things to the country while other people are suffering, even dying. Conservative viewpoints over all have to become more inclusive in the 21st century, and dare I say it, less radical? How many parties are there in this country? Sometimes more than one like the Independents, the Libertarians and the Green Party. Can the human race adapt to having no parties at all? Maybe. Parties help us dull the voice of our conscience. For example, I feel I can't vote for Biden and if Jessie Ventura were running I'd vote for him. Voting with your gut is a new voting system I'm proposing only because your value system need not be compromised, since we should be judging people by their actions, not their party stance. This renders the political party system useless.

The Democrats are not the good guys if they are also bred to look out for corporate interests. We have the worst unemployment since the Great Depression, and even some people who voted for Trump want him out of office because the ones who say he's done a good job, are the ones who are starting to wonder if his marbles are on straight. What new system do I propose? I'm not sure yet. We need to discuss that out in the open, creating a more participatory democracy where everybody engages regardless of political party. What is a party but a way to destroy potential while hemming people into a structure that no longer serves us? This structure means that we are slaves to a system that is out of date, and does not reflect our true belief system that is not divided into Republican or Democrat.


About the Creator

Iria Vasquez-Paez

I have a B.A. in creative writing from San Francisco State. Can people please donate? I'm very low-income. I need to start an escape the Ferengi plan.

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