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Donald Who?

The Man The World Forgot

By Reija SillanpaaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
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Dear Donald,

First, I would like to explain why a picture of Donal Duck and not you. It's because, just like I did when I was a child, I would rather be writing a letter to him than you.

And yes, I am aware that he is a cartoon character.

Speaking of cartoon characters, you make a good impression of a cartoon character yourself with your orange face, a sad comb-over and your catch-phrases.

I bet you would love to be as popular as Donald Duck and have his longevity. Instead, you have worn out your welcome in just four years. Mr Duck, however, has been a household name since 1934.

Like Mr Duck, you are an American creation, but unlike him, who has brought smiles on people’s faces around the world, you have sown discord among your own people.

I bet you thought, when you walked into the White House four years ago, that you were there to stay.

You deluded yourself into believing that the world loved and admired you, like they did your namesake Mr Duck, when in fact most of the world despised you.

When the world woke up to the news that you had won the election, we all pinched ourselves, hoping we were having a collective nightmare.

It seemed impossible that a pouting TV personality with the penchant of telling people ‘You’re Fired,’ could have garnered enough votes to make it to the White House.

Yet, somehow you had pouted your way into power as you promised those who listened things you could never deliver. And some of your supporters lapped it all up.

You told them you would make America great again. This became your new catchphrase. Make America again.

But those of us with enough years behind us and long enough memories, realised we’d heard it all before. We’d heard it before, all the way back in 1980 when Ronald Reagan ran for president. He also vowed to make America great again. And just like him, you failed.

Instead of making America great again, you have made the country more divided than ever. You have turned America into a nation where country men will pick up their weapons against their own countrymen.

Donald Duck would have done a better job running the country than you have.

The one place you beat Donald Duck is on Twitter. There is no denying that you mastered the use of the social media platform. From the start, you knew how to use tweets to a great effect.

But after four years in power, even your tweets could not save you from crashing down. No, after four years America had had enough, and it was ready to stop back from the brink.

When things went sour, you raged and blamed everyone except yourself. This was when you first reminded me of Mr Duck. He would fly into rages in the cartoons, but even in his rages, he was still lovable and amusing.

You, on the other come across like a spoiled brat in your rages. Instead of accepting defeat, you claimed you and the American people had been cheated. You pointed fingers and incited violence.

But this time you could not win however much you kicked and screamed and raged on Twitter. You kept going on even when your own people turned their back to you.

But then something momentous happened. Twitter had had enough of you. They suspended your account. Without Twitter, you were reduced to even less of a man than you were before.

The time has come for you to disappear off the world’s stage. And once you have left the stage and the spotlights are dimmed, your legacy will fade, too.

Unlike Donald Duck, who will continue to delight us, you will disappear into the annals of history.

The memory of you will fade. Your legacy will disappear like a mirage. It will disappear faster than your Twitter account. Soon you and your legacy will be nothing more than a moment of insanity in America’s history.

Soon you, Mr Donald Trump, the former president of The United States , will be nothing but a man that the world forgot.


About the Creator

Reija Sillanpaa

A wise person said, "Be your own audience". Therefore, I write fiction, poetry and about matters important and interesting to me. That said, I warmly welcome you into my audience.

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