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Are You a Slave of Your Political Party?

“I don’t care that the court convicted our minister. He has done a lot for our city and gave us jobs.” a political slave said once

By Wide WriterPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

Not so long ago, a person in a real country dedicated to a particular politician said,

“I don’t care that our minister has murder charges and was convicted by the court. He has done a lot for our city and gave us jobs.”

What a great dedication to a convicted murder of not just one but three people, though the number is irrelevant for a crime like murder. If you think maybe the people who got killed are evil sums of the society, they were not.

This minister’s lackeys made him win the election with an overwhelming majority while he was rotting in jail sentenced to death by the court. The court gave the sentence after the eyewitness statement of over 10+ people. If you are wondering how come 10+, it’s because he murdered those three people in public.

So what was the outcome? The murder got hanged, and his lackeys are sad? I mean, that’s what should happen in this “civilized world.” Unfortunately, no, the murderer became a minister elected by people.

Rich and powerful are ruining the world?

Throughout the social media pages of the minister above, people are praising him for all the favors he has done for them, standing with him against the court’s decision. The supporters didn’t care about the death of three people because those people didn’t give them any favors like the minister.

The funny thing about these followers is that they have very high morals and standards, but only when the opposition party commits crimes. They always stand against the opposition, but not against their benefactor. The issue is that their selective morals won’t fire up when their political party commits crimes. And they like the benefits given to them by the politicians.

If you are wondering, what did this minister do for them to make them unconditional slaves like this?. For most of them, he gave a half bottle of alcohol, a packet of food, and money worth 25$. The educated followers got jobs in government organizations without going through the proper interview procedures. They could’ve easily found jobs on their own by facing the competition. Instead, they went to the minister for favors because it’s easier than going through the proper procedures. That’s how he collected people to support them.

These supporters are neither rich nor powerful, but their vote gave the power to a convicted felon to become a minister. Just like the rich and powerful, the needy and helpless also make certain decisions that ruin the society and the world. Basically, almost all humans make decisions that ruin the world.

Well, the country’s court system should’ve prevented all that in the 1st place by not letting him compete for the election. Unfortunately, you can’t expect much from the court of a country where people elect murders as ministers.

Are you a slave like the people above?

The way people behave in the above story sounds uncivilized. Yet, it’s a true story from a developing country. You might wonder how people could act like that, paying no attention to a sinister crime like murder just because they get some favors.

It’s mainly because of two reasons. One reason is they are not willing to stand against their benefactor because that’s the selfish nature of most people. There is nothing to gain from doing the right thing and everything to lose by making their benefactor angry.

The second one is the addiction to their political party and its idles. Because the political system they follow makes them “feel right,” they won’t accept anything negative about it. It’s easier for them to believe that their saint of political leaders would never commit crimes, and it’s always the opposition slinging mud at these saints.

Even though fewer people tolerate heinous crimes like murder in well-developed countries, the second types of political slaves are plenty. They will accept all the positive comments about their political party and any negative feedback about the opposition. Any news medium, social media platform will get their unconditional support, as long as good things are published about their party. And they only listen to the news and information polarized to show the good side of their political party and the negativity of the opposition. They are drowning in selective ignorance by getting continuous validation about something they support and believe, which boosts their fragile, righteous egos.

It’s okay to have a political opinion; just make sure to do your own research and don’t depend on one or two information sources to make your conclusions. Most platforms these days have their own agendas and political parties to promote.

Before forming an opinion, think about whether it is your own or you were made to believe that. Do not believe anything positive or negative about anyone just because someone else told you that.

— [Wide Writer] —

Originally Published Here by Author


About the Creator

Wide Writer

The Reality Fell in Love With Fantasy

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