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The Infinite Adventure

part 1

By Nadia HydingerPublished 3 years ago 10 min read

It was a peaceful night for the times they lived in. James and Lynn have been traveling for quite some time. All forms of transportation have been reduced to walking. The city, Beachville, used to be a beautiful city until the collapse of society. Everyone was taught about the dangers of nuclear bombs and the mutually assured destruction that they bring. But not everyone was taught how to survive after society falls. James and Lynn had been through a lot. Before society collapsed they dated and they were happy. They liked to surf and have fun. Lynn is an adventurous free spirited woman, who’s also a badass. She knows MMA and she could probably even beat James’ ass, and that’s impressive because he’s 6’6. Before the fall of Society James was an entrepreneur who ran a couple of different businesses which were all successful. He made good money but all of his businesses had no value to him after the fall of society. All the money he spent his life making was now worthless. Sometimes things and circumstances change and you just have to adapt. That’s the kind of person James is, an adapter. James and Lynn are on a journey, a dangerous one at that. It has been five years since the fall of society. A lot of fortunate people were able to find shelter in the hidden bunkers. Fortunately James was able to reserve a spot in one of these bunkers for himself and Lynn before the fall of society. In time they were able to come back above ground and they established their territory. They didn’t know that there were survivors above ground who adapted to the situation of a nuclear fall out. Life was interesting before the collapse of society, but now it’s just bizarre. You could throw a rock in any direction and the rock has the potential to die, it could get slain by either faction the bunks or the grounders. Both sides hated each other and were constantly at war and competing for food and resources and overall survival. Another danger was the radiation. There are some spots that no one can go to, except for the grounders because they have adapted to the radiation. Some animals have also adapted and grown to be extremely dangerous. But luckily James and Lynn learned to survive. There were many times on their journey where they had to kill animals or other humans to survive. It was dark times, it was eat or be eaten. They are on a journey to talk to a tribesmen of the grounders. He is said to be a mystic of sorts that has magical healing capabilities. Lynn had seizures since before the fall of society, there wasn’t much of a solution before the fall of society, but the only option now is a magic healer. James would do anything for Lynn because he loved her. And she loved him just as much. They’ve been through so much together, they survived so much. James just wanted Lynn to be well and that’s why they were going to the healer. Not all grounders and bunkers hated each other. A lot of grounders would trade and help some of the bunkers. In fact they wouldn’t be on this journey if it weren’t for a helpful grounder. They didn’t know his name. He didn't give it to them but he did give them directions on where to go to receive healing. So that’s what brought them to the cave.

“Do you think this is it?” Asked Lynn.

“Looks like it. We passed the burnt forest and we made it through the acid lake and he walked up this long steep hill. He said that the cave was at the top of the hill,” replied James. “That can only mean this is it.” James and Lynn walked into the cave with caution. You never know what you’re getting into nowadays. That’s when they found something odd. It was two bowls with a liquid in each that didn’t smell appealing, along with a message Written on the cave wall. “Drink up,” it said. I’ve been expecting you two”

“How presumptuous of him.” Said Lynn. “ Does he really expect us to drink this without an explanation“

“I mean we have a choice whether we drink this or not. We’ve come all this way. I say we just go ahead and try it.” Said James.

“Yeah but It could also kill us,” replied Lynn.

“This is true but anything can kill us, from the grounders, to the bunks or any of these mutated animals. I love you Lynn. We've been through so much together. We’ve had to fight tooth and nail to survive and get here. The grounder who we talked to told us that the magical healing was an ancient healing learned long ago. He said it was an ancient healing that was taught by the gods. It reminded me of what is known as ayahuasca. I’m assuming that’s what this is but then again we could drink this and drop dead but you never know.”

“Well I just love your positivity there.” Replied Lynn.

Then James pulled out his heart locket from underneath his shirt. Back before society collapsed James and Lynn have gotten matching heart shaped lockets so that way they could feel close to each other even when they’re far. There was so many times when James got split up from Lynn. He thought the worst every-time but the locket was what gave him strength. The lockets were all they had left to remind them of the times before the darkness. James stepped closer to Lynn and pulled her necklace out from under her shirt so that both necklaces were in sight. “Look Lynn I love you I think this is what we should do, are we together on this?”

“Of course, you know I'm here for you James,” said Lynn. The energy of love between them was a strong energy that could be felt on both sides. Both James and Lynn would do anything for each other. So they picked up the bowls of mysterious liquid and drank it. Both finished their bowl and put it on the ground next to them. The world started shaking hard and then harder. A high pitched ringing noise was piercing their ears, and it was all they could hear anymore. It felt like they were strapped to a rocket ship that was hurling violently upwards, trying to break through the atmosphere. James laid back next to Lynn. As he shut his eyes he could feel Lynn's hand in his hand. Once James closed his eyes it was like a portal opened. It felt like he was flying through a portal of light. It was the most majestic thing James had ever experienced. “This feels realer than life, '' James thought to himself. As he broke through what can only be described as a tunnel of light it felt like everything stopped moving. The high pitched sound was now silent. James was now in what can only be described as a different dimension. At first it was darkness, then he saw what looked like a grid. He was on the grid and then it was like an entire reality was being generated onto the grid. James was in awe of what he saw. He could tell it was a living being. But it has no body. It was formless like water. It was made up of different colors, shapes and energies. It was constantly moving in a way that was so majestic

“Wowww, oh my god!” Lynn exclaimed in shock and disbelief. Next thing you know James saw Lynn, she was in the same place as him. “What is this place?” asked Lynn.

“I have no idea,” said James.

They were both in a place beyond imagination. It started as a grid but then morphed into colors and shapes that were constantly moving together. The shapes and colors combined together in ways beyond words.

“Welcome” said a voice. But it wasn’t said in English and the words came out as a sound that could visibly be seen.

“woah ! we can understand him, ``Lynn said. That's when James realized that Lynn was talking the same way as this being. Her sounds could be seen as she spoke. In their minds they understood what was being communicated but they were not talking. They opened their mouths and the sound that they could see would come out.

“What are you?” asked James.

“I am who I am” replied the being.

James remembered hearing this in the bible one time and asked “does that mean you are god?”

“In your language terms, yes. But both of you are also God. We all are God.” The being announced.

James laughed some which sounded even funnier in this place where words can be seen as sound but yet understood. James then said “ I think I would’ve known if I was god.”

“Oh but would you?” inquired the being. “Do you not wake up everyday and create your own reality? Don’t you realize the power of infinity within you. You don’t know it but you are god. Everyday you wake up and create a reality. Sometimes it's positive, sometimes it's negative, but yet it is a reality nonetheless. You choose through free will what you want to believe in and think. With your free will and choices you get to choose the reality you experience. Don’t you realize how what you focus on comes into your life whether it be good or bad? All thoughts manifest if you focus on them enough. you James want to live in a different reality, you want to live in a reality where Lynn doesn’t have seizures but a reality that isn’t plagued by a nuclear war. Let me show you something. Then instead of seeing the majestic being they started to see what can be described as an infinite amount of windows that viewed an infinite amount of realities.

“There are an infinite amount of realities. Some happen on different timelines but some happen on very similar timelines with minor differences. Everyone has free will to make choices and decisions. And those choices determine your reality.” explained the being. “You must experience for yourself” proclaimed the being. All of a sudden one of the windows started to zoom in until James and Lynn were in that reality. It was like seeing a tv playing and slowly zooming into the tv until you are in the tv.

“”Where are we?`` asked Lynn.

James looked around and realized he was back in what he used to call reality. They were in the living room of a comfy house. There was a comforting fireplace. There was some soft jazz playing in the background. And they were sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace. The floor was a nice wood floor, and the house had tall ceilings. James gets up and looks outside. He saw rows and rows of houses, he saw what looked like suburbs.

“What is going on here?” He said. “This is unreal, are we dreaming?”

Then he turned around and Lynn was still sitting on the couch with a book in her hand.

“oh my God '' said Lynn in an excited voice. “ I think I know what happened. This book it’s called the infinite adventure. It's literally a book about a character named James in Lynn and their adventures through an apocalyptic reality. That’s us!” Lynn exclaimed “ If I’m sitting here on this couch in the suburbs in this house with a warm fire and this book is about our adventures in a wasteland then that can only mean that this is the reality where our entire adventure In that wasteland is just a story in a book. We now exist in a new reality. One where anything is possible, one where we are God, one where I don’t know seizures.


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