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The Breaking Point

A Story on Mental Health

By Demie BeachPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
The Breaking Point
Photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash

Lily had a cheerful personality and brilliant smile, which could make even the gloomiest of days brighter. She was adored by her friends and family, and everyone who heard her laughing in the streets felt joy. However, Lily battled a quiet foe—her mental health—beneath her contagious laughter and vibrant spirit. Fear and hopelessness hung over her like an ominous storm cloud, casting a shade over her otherwise lively personality. Lily was good at hiding her inner sorrow because she was concerned that sharing it might burden her loved ones or make her appear weak.

Days progressed into weeks, and then weeks into months, all the while Lily maintained a brave façade and refused to allow her mental health define her. But as time went on, the burden she carried increased, and she began to lose the façade she had been able to maintain. Lily awoke one bright morning with a deep sadness consuming her. She struggled to maintain her typical upbeat demeanor because of the weight of her thoughts. She was crying uncontrollably as she attempted to understand the internal turmoil.

Lily had the strength to open up to Sarah, her best friend, as she yearned for comfort. She described the struggles she had long endured in silence. Sarah assured her that she was not alone as she listened with empathy and gave her a hug of consolation. Lily was urged by Sarah to seek professional assistance, assuring her that she should never feel guilty about doing so. They looked into local therapists together and discovered a sympathetic counselor with a focus on mental health. Lily set up an appointment, the first step in her healing process, with Sarah's unconditional love and support.

Lily acquired coping skills to control her anxiety and depression during her sessions. She learned the value of taking care of oneself by doing things that made her happy and content, including painting, writing, and spending time in nature. The therapist assisted her in identifying her assets and in appreciating all of her accomplishments, no matter how minor they may have looked. Lily also went to support groups where she met people going through the same things. She developed a sense of community and realized that she was not alone. They encouraged one another on the hardest days by sharing tales, giving and receiving counsel.

Lily's healing process wasn't linear as time went on. There were successes and failures, but she learned to be kind to herself and accept the ups and downs of healing. Knowing that her friends and family were there for her even on the worst days gave her comfort.

Along with changing Lily's life, her journey also influenced those around her. Her openness regarding mental health spurred discussions in her neighborhood and dispelled the taboo that frequently surrounded these issues. People started telling stories, asking for help, and encouraging each other, which helped to create a society that was tolerant and kind.

Lily was amazed by the significant effects of her decision to get help when she reflected back on her journey years later. Her self-discovery pursuit not only brought her inner peace, but it also had a profound impact on the lives of many others. She had turned her suffering into something positive, advocating for mental health, fostering optimism, and inspiring others to start their own recovery processes.

Every happy face conceals a struggle. The power and resilience we all possess may be shown in our ability to manage our mental health, which is not a sign of weakness. Even the most terrifying storms can be survived, and the sun can rise again, with compassion, encouragement, and a willingness to ask for help.


About the Creator

Demie Beach

Hi there,

I teach. I am a voracious reader and writer with over 8+ years of experience. I majored in Psychology and Management in college and I love to travel to new exciting places that will inspire me to write even better content.


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