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It’s Easy To find CBD near me, but is it safe?

Studies discover little to no CBD in products, and higher THC on the label.

By Daily Stoner Published 3 years ago 2 min read
A study concludes that not All CBD labels are accurate or THC free.

I have been searching for CBD near me only to be met with an unexpected problem. More often than not, these "CBD-only" products contain varying amounts of both CBD and THC. Thus, making it difficult to decipher exactly what is and how much is being consumed. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital recently found that people may be consuming THC when they intend to use CBD exclusively. Medicinal and recreational users should question these “CBD-only” products. Inconsistent labeling is a contributing factor to inadvertently ingesting THC whilst seeking CBD near me.

Not all CBD near me products have legitimate information on their labels

CBD and THC are two ingredients found in marijuana. THC, aka, delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the most active ingredient in marijuana, giving you that “rose-colored glasses” high. Cannabidiol, or CBD, plays second fiddle to THC. CBD works behind the scenes without intoxicating or impairing you. It decreases pain and anxiety, improves sleep, and even helps to reduce the effects of acne, cancer, and diabetes.

Although more states have legalized CBD, it is still not monitored by the US Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, the federal government allows for the sale of cannabis, but it still holds a nationwide ban on THC. This perplexity leads to misleading and incorrect labeling of many cannabis products.

Recent Study Finds Surprising Amounts of THC in “CBD-only” Medical Marijuana

The Center for Addiction Medicine in Boston conducted a study on 100 participants to examine the effects of medical marijuana. Researchers wanted to evaluate the effects of the drug on depression, anxiety, pain, and insomnia. These participants provided urine samples after ingesting medical marijuana. Interestingly, no CBD was even traced in one-third of the participants’ systems. However, THC was present in nearly 80% of the test subjects. Another surprising result depicted how “method of ingestion” may affect the level of consumption. In 20% of the study participants who vaped the marijuana, no detectable levels of THC or CBD were present. This result proposes that not all vaping devices are heating marijuana efficiently to yield adequate consumption levels for consumers.

Next time I am seeking CBD near me, I will not only further research labels but also research a reputable vaping device.

How do I Purchase Legitimate CBD near me?

The only way to grab high-quality marijuana products is to seek out reputable companies with credible lab results from legitimate labs.

It is very easy to find CBD in dispensaries in states that have legalized marijuana. However, if someone lives in a state where marijuana is not legal, they can still purchase it online.

Lunchbox Offers the Best organic CBD Gummies in 2021.

According to SF Weekly, Lunchbox CBD sells the #1 CBD gummies for sleep. Lunchbox CBD full-spectrum gummies are the best choice for improving sleep because they are enhanced with chamomile, another natural sleep aid.

These yummy gummies are fruit-flavored and originate from Oregon-grown hemp. Lunchbox CBD offers vegan options and gummies that come in either 25 mg or 50 mg doses.

There are countless CBD companies on the internet that provide these lab results, but the best is Lunchbox CBD. They offer CBD gummies with less than .3% THC present, and you can find their extensive lab results under each product description. Additionally, their studies were performed in a tenable laboratory.

Cannabis legislature, you can find more information at the link below:





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About the Creator

Daily Stoner

Live in California, work online, and puff the best THC oil and weed in existence

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