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7 Types of Pain That Can Managed With CBD Oil

CBD can be found in jars of beauty creams and candies, as well as baked into dog treats, and on the shelves of natural food stores. CBD is now legal in all 50 states. But, what exactly is this so-called miracle cure-all? Here's how science works: It's one of the two primary cannabinoids, which are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant.

By Amelia GrantPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
7 Types of Pain That Can Managed With CBD Oil

CBD can be found in jars of beauty creams and candies, as well as baked into dog treats, and on the shelves of natural food stores. CBD is now legal in all 50 states. But, what exactly is this so-called miracle cure-all? Here's how science works: It's one of the two primary cannabinoids, which are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant.

CBD, unlike THC, has no psychotropic effects, and many people find it beneficial for anxiety, insomnia, nausea, and pain. CBD is only FDA-approved for one prescription, Epidiolex, which treats seizures linked with two uncommon and severe kinds of epilepsy. While it is used by everyone from grandmas to dogs, it is only FDA-approved for one medication, Epidiolex. As a result, utilization for anything else is practically unrestricted.

Not only is it uncontrolled, but it's also tough to research for scientists. This is because what you buy at the store is often blended with other plant compounds that you don't know about. As a result, any particular sample specialists investigate can be drastically different from the next. (On the other hand, Epidiolex is made from a chemically pure CBD strain.) According to study, the CBD content in nearly 70% of CBD-labeled items sold online may be mislabeled.

The conclusion of this cautionary tale is that you never know what you're going to get, so consume at your own risk and always seek medical advice before trying anything new.

How can CBD alleviate pain?

Researchers aren't sure how CBD works to relieve pain in the body, but they do have a few possibilities. CBD was found to suppress the release of glutamate and other inflammatory chemicals in pre-clinical experiments using rats, dulling neuropathic pain sensations such as prickling, tingling, and burning (the pain caused by damage to or inflammation of the nerves).

Antioxidants can neutralize tissue-damaging molecules that cause inflammation, and it's regarded to have more antioxidant power than ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or tocopherol (vitamin E). Furthermore, CBD is claimed to promote sounder sleep, which may help to reduce the sleep interruptions that those with chronic pain are prone to.

CBD may also interact with CB2 receptors in the brain, which are largely found in the immune system and are important for the body's reaction to pain and inflammation, according to some studies. THC, on the other hand, primarily binds to CB1 receptors in the brain, which are linked to cognitive functions such as coordination, mood, thinking, memory, and appetite (this is why smoking marijuana, which is high in THC, affects users on a cognitive level). Doctors may prescribe a mixture of CBD and THC for even more pain relief, depending on the ailment. Talk to a pain specialist about whether CBD is your option.

What types are most effective for pain management?

CBD oil applied under the tongue is generally the most effective because it is concentrated and acts quickly, usually in under an hour. CBD ingested through capsules, food, or beverage is absorbed through the digestive tract, and absorption is slower, lasting one to two hours on average, but with a longer duration of impact. Topical treatments, such as lotions, gels, and balms, have been shown to lessen inflammation when applied to the skin over a sore joint.

What kinds of pain can CBD help with?

While any expert will tell you that more study is needed, many patients are confirming that CBD can help with pain from a number of ailments. Here's a rundown of everything we've learned so far.


Arthritis is the biggest cause of disability in the United States, characterized by joint pain, swelling, stiffness, and a reduced range of motion. Arthritis affects more than 50 million people and 300,000 children. According to the Arthritis Foundation's survey of arthritis sufferers, 29% of those polled use CBD to relieve their symptoms.

CBD is supposed to aid by reducing inflammation in joints and protecting nerves. CBD even prevented arthritic pain in rats, according to a study published in Pain. Topical CBD gel dramatically reduced joint edema, discomfort, and inflammation in rats with arthritis, according to another study published in the European Journal of Pain. Yes, these experiments are conducted on little fuzzy rodents rather than humans. However, because animal research is the starting point for many experiments, treat them as such.


Fibromyalgia affects roughly 4 million people in the United States and is characterized by persistent pain throughout the body, as well as accompanying symptoms such as exhaustion and sleeplessness. While the exact origin of fibromyalgia is uncertain, some experts believe it is caused by an endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome.

Endocannabinoids, like the cannabinoids found in cannabis, are found naturally in the body and regulate a wide range of physiological processes, including immune system regulation, gastrointestinal function, and pain perception. When levels are low or the endocannabinoid system is unable to carry out its normal functions, body-wide symptoms such as those associated with fibromyalgia might occur.

So the premise is that consuming plant-based cannabinoids like CBD and THC (essentially supplementing what the body requires, like a multivitamin) can heal the shortage and alleviate symptoms. Other study suggests that CBD oil may alter how patients with fibromyalgia perceive pain by making nerve cells less responsive.


Migraines are a neurological disorder that causes debilitating headaches as well as other symptoms such as visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, extreme sensitivity to sound, light, touch, and smell, and tingling or numbness in the extremities or face, according to the Migraine Research Foundation. The majority of (small-scale) research has looked at the combined benefits of CBD and THC as a therapy, including a study published in Headache that revealed that combining THC and CBD reduced migraine attacks and pain by more than 40%.

Back pain

While CBD in most forms is a top-to-toe treatment, meaning it can't target specific portions of the body, there's solid evidence that CBD creams, gels, and salves for back pain are more effective. They not only alleviate inflammation and neuropathy (nerve dysfunction), but they may also be used as an on-the-spot treatment by placing them directly on the problematic areas. They've also been shown to lower pain-related anxiety and aid relaxation, both of which can be challenging for chronic back pain sufferers.

Muscle ache

Because CBD has been demonstrated to reduce inflammation, which is the source of muscular soreness, putting a CBD salve directly to the affected area focuses the treatment and can help alleviate the pain.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

Sativex, a cannabis-derived oral spray containing equal parts THC and CBD, is licensed in 25 countries, including the United Kingdom and Canada, for treating spasticity, the painful chronic muscle stiffness and involuntary contractions that plague roughly 80% of MS patients. Sativex is hypothesized to suppress nerve impulses in the central nervous system and immune cells by binding to cannabinoid receptors. Patients reported improved symptoms and a higher quality of life after only 12 weeks, according to studies.


CBD is known to contain anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects that can aid with cancer pain management. Apart from relieving the spasticity and pain associated with MS, Sativex has also been proven to significantly alleviate cancer-related pain, particularly in individuals who have failed to respond to opioid therapy. Marinol (dronabinol), a capsule version of THC, and Cesamet (nabilone), an oral synthetic cannabinoid that functions like THC, are two THC-based medications. They both aid in the treatment of nausea and vomiting, which are common adverse effects of chemotherapy, the most common cancer treatment.


About the Creator

Amelia Grant

I am journalist, and blogger.

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