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Sometimes we don’t even know what we’re feeling, the good stuff is usually messy and it doesn’t make sense to us, there is no logical explanation for it.

By EnspiredbyEdenPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

There are times we don’t even know what we’re feeling. Because the emotions are powerful that we can’t identify them and we are simply drawn to that one person with no logical reasoning or explanation. They make your everything’s small. They occupy your mind and everything around you lights up. And your face lights up when you see them. And you are drawn to them despite anything, they are drawn to you like a magnetic force. You look better and they look better when they are with you. Not only in the physical sense but in everything else. You rise higher and higher. They awaken your senses. The heart warms up like a warm fire glow, the gut and the soul are in sync, and the soul knows somehow. Oh the soul knows. When it’s true, it lingers on. It never dies. It glows and grows..

love poems

About the Creator


Eden is a poet who writes poems about life, loss, heartbreak and healing. Poetry became a huge part of the healing process. She has mastered this art for everyone to read. She brings the pain and struggles of life to light.

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