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The Strength of a Mother

Love Mother

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Strength of a Mother
Photo by Alex Pasarelu on Unsplash

The strength of a mother is a wonder to behold,

A force that can conquer the world, so bold.

From the moment of birth, she gives all of herself,

Pouring out love and care, like a precious wealth.

With every tear she wipes, and every kiss she gives,

She builds up her children, so they too can live

With the same strength and courage that she displays,

Guiding them through life's twists and turns, come what may.

Her love is like a shield, protecting and defending,

Always there to lift us up, and keep us from descending

Into despair or darkness, for she shines a light so bright,

That all who come near her, are filled with her love's might.

So here's to the mothers, who give their all each day,

May your strength and love be honored, in every single way.

For without you, we would be lost, adrift and all alone,

Thank you, dear mothers, for the love that you have shown.

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