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The secrets of the heart

Emotion, Intimacy, Passion.

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
The secrets of the heart
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Within our hearts, there lies a secret place,

A space where we hold our deepest emotions,

A place where our most intimate thoughts trace,

A hidden chamber, where we find devotion.

In this space, the heart beats with passion,

And we feel the warmth of love's embrace,

A feeling so pure, it needs no ration,

A connection so real, it leaves no space.

For secrets held within the heart's embrace,

Are the ones that truly set us free,

They unlock the gates to a sacred place,

Where we find our soul's true destiny.

The secrets of the heart hold the key,

To understanding the human condition,

Emotions run wild, like a raging sea,

But love remains our truest mission.

So let us cherish the secrets of our heart,

And embrace them with the utmost care,

For it is through them, we find our art,

And a life full of love to share.

inspirationallove poems

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