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The Progression of a Breakthrough

"We begin..."

By Rico VersePublished 4 years ago 1 min read

We begin at a starting point… where we start on our journey.

We then start going towards an idea… but we are met by a comfort zone barrier that makes us hesitate.

We bounce back and forth from within this confined zone until we have had enough and we explode out of our own comfort zone…. although most never will.

Breakthroughs are nothing more than us letting go of our caring of what the fuck the world says.

Do it…

... Go for it.

Take the fucking chance...

- Rico

Personal Breakdown

Sometimes it feels like we hit nothing but walls. It seems like we bounce back and forth between these walls. I know it feels like we are going nowhere, but KEEP BOUNCING. Keep hitting those walls. You will notice that you start picking up speed and momentum. This can be scary, tiring and even demoralizing. BUT KEEP GOING.....

It is only a matter of time before you break through your walls. KEEP GOING... One day you will definitely make it through.

Thank you for reading.

May your journey be more amazing than you could ever have imagined.


About the Creator

Rico Verse

Being in human form.

Creative thinker, poem scribbler, dreamer of infinite possiblities.

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