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The Music Never Heard

Poem for the Dreamer by Marissa Cooley

By Emma CPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 1 min read
The Music Never Heard
Photo by Davide Zacchello on Unsplash

If every soul was but a bird

And every gift a wing,

Courage would be the windy surge

That wills it wandering.


Were all success a lantern’s light

And talent were its fuel

Without a spark of bravery

All lanterns would burn cool.


If all our wills were harps of gold

Our aspirations, strings,

Valor would be the fingers bold,

The hand that dares to sing.


There’s music in the least of harps

And wings for every bird,

But if our hands refuse to play

The music won’t be heard.


The gifts of life abide in us

They’re waiting in our hearts,

But if our courage fails the soul

Our dreams will never start.


About this poem:

Inspiration for this poem came after thinking about a moment of success in my own personal aspirations. I've been a violinist since a very young age (hence the musical overtones in this piece) and when I was in highschool it was my deepest wish to be part of this fantastic youth symphony orchestra in my city. I had been playing the violin since a young age and was reasonably skilled by that point. The only problem was that it was audition-based admission and I had terrible performance anxiety. Eventually, I decided to try anyways, knowing full well the toll it would take on myself to do it. The day of the audition all the nerves were there. The shaky hands, the pounding heart, the dry mouth. But I played to the best of my ability and got a place in the orchestra!

I played for all four years of highschool in that orchestra and learned so much as a result. But every now and then I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't made that choice to face my fears and follow my dreams. What would have happened if I remained in my familiar comforts and never explored what I was really capable of? This poem was born out of those musings and wonderings. Every one of us has talent to use and dreams to strive for but do we have the courage to make those dreams come true?


About the Creator

Emma C

Emma is an aspiring creative who deeply loves art of all kinds. She is a hopeless movie geek and book nerd who spends her free time buried in novels and practicing her violin. She hopes to use her writing to inspire her fellow humans.

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