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The mirror room

Inspired by a true story.

By ChrisPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
The mirror room
Photo by Kelly-Ann Tan on Unsplash

There used to be no mirrors in this world. This was how it was meant to be. But one day we were lured into this space full of them with no way out, the mirror room.

The one who led us there promised they would make a difference to the image we already displayed. They would make us see! And without hesitation we fell for it.

Once entered, his promise came true. We were finally able to see! But at the same time the tradegy of judgement, comparison and manipultion began. Death started to invade our hearts. Shame overcame us, making us hide from each other. Seeing actually made us numb because we weren't meant to. In the brokenness of our hearts we had to look away or pretend not to see the things we couldn't handle. We started wishing for blindness as our escsape, but even our hands covering our faces wouldn't save us.

In the first place without the mirrors we were meant to embrace the being we were made with each other in loving community, so open and without hurt you could compare it to nakedness, far away from makeup, masks and beauty surgeries that would never be able to change our insides. There used to be complete safety for us in being naked in the face of Love. Until mirrors came in the way.

Now we were stuck.

Stuck in wanting to change who we are or our mirrors because we believed the ones who told us our mirror wasn't showing the right picture. Stuck in trying to change others and their mirrors, so that we would look and feel better in ours. Stuck in trying to please whoever was the majority, who set the tone of belonging. Stuck in trying to belong. Stuck in trying to be perfect, but never finding satisfaction thereof.

There was no escape out of the prison we freely entered. There was no cover for our eyes and no rest for our souls.

Until one day, there came a man walking into our midst. He was like us, yet so different. Most of us in our numbness couldn't even see His difference. Where we started to shatter each others mirrors to cut each other with the pieces, He protected the ones we tried to destroy. Where He found people in dispair with mirrors so broken beyond repair somehow He made them new. He would give out second chances where we had given up. He would sit with those we rejected until they were ready to rise up again. And most of us who were able to see Him stood in wonder and in awe.

And His mirror you ask? Was it whole?

His mirror was whole until one day on which the ones who in their pride claimed to be better than others started destroying Him. And He let them. They made Him carry the pieces of all broken mirrors they could find. They hated His ways of helping those with broken mirrors. Some cut Him with the shattered pieces, some threw pieces at Him while making fun of Him and He bled. They brought him to the center of the mirror misery, the room we all came from. And there He died.

We who had seen and walked with Him ran away in disbelief. How could He give up now that He had changed so many lives?! He had told us He would have to die this way to take away the mirrors of the world, but in the chaos of His death and people who had seen us with Him claiming this very fact, we feared to die like Him and betrayed Him.

By taking away the mirrors He wanted to stop the judgement, comparison and manipulation. All the evil that mirrors had caused. He wanted to go back to the place without mirrors where we would love each other and He said he would even prepare a new one for the ones willing to let go of their mirrors. But before that He wanted to make time for anyone who should ever hear His story to accept it. He said they would also receive freedom from their mirrors. They would be able to leave them behind.

But it would be a choice every person had to make for themselves. Those who liked their mirrors and their image were free to keep them. He said to us He was the only way to get rid of our mirrors and it was true. We couldn't find anyone who would take away mirrors without wanting a payment for it. Some tried to make a business out of mirror disposal, but in the process people always got hurt by the sharp pieces.

He was the only one who didn't start comparing Himself and He was never found trying to manipulate the mirror of others for His own sake. Instead He knew his image and He walked in Truth, leaving His mirror in one perfect piece that would show Him as He was.

What does your mirror look like? Do you still want to keep it?


About the Creator


Hi. I'm Chris. I'm 24.




- share my personal story



🚩 Dierdorf, RLP, Germany

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