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The Lost Mug's Odyssey


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

A lonely office worker was quite bereft,

For a cherished mug had gone missing, left,

It held his tea, his life, his very soul,

Its absence left a large, empty hole.

He searched the shelves, he looked both high and low,

But the mug was gone, no longer to be seen, oh!

He asked his friends, with fear in every eye,

"Have you seen my mug? Do tell me, oh do try!"

And thus began a quest, absurd and mad,

A search throughout the office, oh so bad,

He peered behind each file, each box, each shelf,

His colleagues started to think of him as quite the elf.

His eyes grew wide, his hands did shake and sweat,

As he roamed the office, looking for the missing set,

He muttered to himself, his voice so low,

"I must find my mug, its absence I must know!"

And then, one day, as fate would have it be,

The mug was found, right there, beneath a teapot's knee,

He hugged it tight, his eyes alight with joy,

And vowed to keep it close, like a baby and its toy.

The worker learned, through his ridiculous quest,

That material things are but a fleeting nest,

For memories, and love, and friendship, too,

Are what remain, when all else passes through.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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