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The Letter

Letters for a Short List of Names

By Jahnari RoséPublished about a year ago 2 min read
The Letters Began Long Ago

I wrote her a letter for a moment I thought that I caved truthfully I was ready to risk it all thinking I was brave.

I wrote that letter thinking I was caught in a moment of my weakness because of the many letters I’ve written before.

No Idea of the amount of letters my life still has in store,

When I finished that letter I realized I took back the strength I had from all the unappreciated letters written in the past.

I wrote a new letter trying to escape from my potential to collapse,

I get lost holding pens while diving into my mind.

I wrote that letter inspired by a voice that reminded me of mine,

I wrote that letter persuaded by a situation that reminded me of mine,

I wrote her a letter because today I decided to dedicate that time,

I wrote many letters in caution watching my words like tiptoeing through a field of mines,

I wrote a letter this time dancing with death no worries about which step could be my last,

I wrote a new letter once I was free from shackles that left scars from the traumas of the past,

I wrote multiple letters deleting a rewriting in the difficult search for words waiting for the perfect fit to cross my mind,

I wrote a letter that would speak directly to her mind,

I wrote a letter to her heart but I kept it to protect mine,

This is another letter a better kind of gesture that would age better over time,

This is the perfect letter to remind me that I can’t write perfectly all the time,

I will write better letters but this is a favorite of mine,

I’ll let go of a lot of letters because they only remind me of wasted time,

I love a lot of letters and It looks like lots of others like mine,

I live to lead hearts with letters it’s a little gift that could never lie,

I wrote so many letters with no consideration of looking for a letter that someone calls mine,

My favorite letters leave little room for the thought of who would like them while I write them those love letters are strong like sour in lemons or limes.

The best letter you will ever read will leave you living your best life but not alone,

The letter I wrote before was the result of a fire lighting up my soul,

I wrote her a letter,

Now I will write mine,

I wrote her a letter,

I guess I’ll post it next time,

I will write one more letter,

In hopes that to all letters that time will be kind.

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About the Creator

Jahnari Rosé

“Do not explain your philosophy, Live it..”

I write about love, healing, and self-development.

I take most of my own photos.

I post work on Instagram @roze.writes25.

All written and approved for submission under © 2023 Rozeville, Inc

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